What to do to move from Teachable to 2023 (and where to go) |

Apr 4, 2023

Teachable is a reliable course platform when it comes to creating asynchronous courses-pre-recorded and constructing an online landing page that sells it.

However, when you think about modern platform for courses, Teachable is still missing many options. With limited options for live streaming as well as cohort courses and no community-based options, and limited apps (iOS only) many Teachable users want an alternative that is more powerful.

If you're in that situation, this guide will help. In this guide we'll show you the steps to move to Teachable... in addition, we'll provide some suggestions for the best way to proceed.

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        In this post...    

    Motives for migrating from Teachable

    How do I migrate from Teachable

      1. Figure out your needs

      2. Pick your favorite platform

      3. Transfer Content

      4. Invite your friends to join you.

      5. Create a launch party

      6. Stop using Teachable.

      7. Keep in touch with lost members.

      8. Begin to grow!

    Are you ready to begin?

The reasons to move away from Teachable

We discussed this in the introduction, but here are some of the limitations Teachable users face:


  • Limited options for live classes        
  • Limited community options        
  • App access is restricted to a limited number of users.        
  • An extremely clunky and unwieldy LMS        
  • Limited live events        

In the end, many of those who sign up with Teachable outgrow it. They are running their course through Teachable and running a group on Facebook and running their events using Zoom as well as trying to hold it all together by using email.

Modern course platforms offer everything you need at a single location.

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How to migrate from Teachable

1. Figure out your needs

The limitations were discussed previously. If you're planning to migrate from Teachable create an outline of what you're not willing to compromise on.


  • What limitations you're experiencing?        
  • What are you looking to do but cannot?        

Begin to create a wishlist for your next platform. Make sure you engage your students in the process too. Possibilities of a survey or poll particularly that it's accompanied by a gift card will give you important feedback on how things are going and which ones aren't.

If you'd like ask a question about how many people are likely to follow the path you take if you move to a new platform. However, if you're experiencing the shortcomings of Teachable be sure to trust your intuition. The new platform gives you opportunities to grow through new avenues.

2. Pick your favorite platform

The next step is deciding which direction to take. That means you need to find an online course platform that allows you to complete everything you've always wanted to be able to.

 - Graphics - Courses and live streaming - Galaxy DAO

Here are a few of the features you can search for:


  • The option to teach live courses and/or live stream        
  • A solid LMS that is ideal for Asynchronous courses      
  • A community platform that includes discussions, chat, messaging as well as member profiles.      
  • Virtual event capability to include items like office hours, group coaching    
  • Flexibility to customize it to reflect your branding        

Amazing apps that work on every device

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Here are some alternatives to choose instead of Teachable


  • Mighty - We've got solid course platform that works well for recorded or group courses. Also, a world-class community platform with live streaming, live events and member profiles and discussions forums, chat and messaging, and a fantastic app for EVERY device. Start Your Free Trial    
  • Thinkific The Thinkific platform is for those who like the static nature of Teachable to record a course, Thinkific offers a good replacement. It's a superb LMS with some good advertising features for courses, however it's limited for live courses or events, as well as communities.    
  • Kajabi - Kajabi is another option for a totally asynchronous course. It's a reliable LMS that comes with an excellent marketing platform attached to it to create landing pages, incorporate email, and up and down-sell. Similar to Thinkific, Kajabi is limited with regards to live events and cohort courses. Kajabi is also the most costly choice on the list.    

3. Transfer content

After you've created your account on the new platform, you can figure out what you want to transfer into the new platform as well as what's left behind.

Many users who transfer their online courses or communities decide to share an old already recorded course or digital downloads. If you simply bring in the content from your existing Teachable account, it's a quick and straightforward way of integrating your new platform.

 - Graphics - MC Courses Paired Dark

It is also possible to add additional goodies which might coincide with what we'll cover below- getting your existing members excited about moving.

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4. Invite your family members to join.

Invite your current members!

If people have bought a Teachable course before, sending them the link to join a new platform should be easy. Make sure they know that they'll get easier access and additional benefits from switching.

 - Graphics - Members Paired Dark

5. Host a launch event

In the case of migrating from Teachable all the nuts and bolts involved in the new platform are easy. You don't need to sweat over it too much.

The most important thing is to get people excited and build momentum for your brand new space. What better method than to host a launch event?

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Organising a celebration in the brand new space brings people together, and gives them a reason to register and login. This helps to make a more natural transition than if you simply emailed with the message "the course is live with a brand new platform. "

The new platform was created to surpass the limitations of Teachable. Therefore, be creative with how you use the new platform!

These are ideas for the launch of an event :


  • A specific speaker series        
  • Teaching some or all of the course live        
  • Discussions or lessons        
  • Events that are informal, such as gaming nights, networking or even game sessions        
  • A masterminding session      

It is important to let your staff know about any additional goodies that your members will get from the new facility. Here are some ideas:


  • Hours of operation        
  • Weekly Q&A's        
  • Feedback on projects is possible (from you and other members)        
  • A chance to meet like-minded people        
  • Built-in accountability        

6. Stop using Teachable.

It's a significant step, so we need to say it. If you want to encourage users to switch to your platform, then you must shut down your Teachable account.

If you're up for a long time, the users won't feel compelled to leave. Also, DEFINITELY don't keep cross-posting between Teachable as well as your new platform. If you wish your transition to be a success, you need to stop the migration at the end of time.

Allow your students to have a grace period. Let them have time to make the transition. However, set a time limit and adhere to the deadline.

7. Stay in contact with missing members

If you find that you lose members in transfer, and this could happen, don't worry over it. It's typical. You may have gotten the results they expected from the course you taught through Teachable and want to disconnect right now.

But do keep in touch with your contacts. Let them know what's going at your new place through email. Keep offering them the chance to get connected.

8. Begin to grow!

Chances are, one of the main reasons behind departing from Teachable was access to greater growth. So get ready to grow the number of students you have!

You are able to develop promotional material to promote your move, offer admission tickets or memberships for launch events, or offer the opportunity to sell tickets to help get members in the door.

Be sure to use the old content for your benefit, particularly to make it a point of sale. You could, for instance, opt to present a brand new course live. However, you could offer your older course for an "bonus." Absolutely awesome.

Learn ways to expand your community of students and tap into it!

Ready to start?

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