What is an Digital Nomad? An entire guide to digital nomads as well as career Options (2023) |

Oct 27, 2023

If you're considering making the transition to a digital nomad, you're in the right place. A report from MBO Partners found that 17 million Americans were digital nomads by 2023. It also showed that 88% of digital nomads were very satisfied with their work While 24% of digital nomads report that they are traveling with their kids! The report also revealed the 70 million Americans are looking to become digital nomads - and they're also seeing a similar level of interest across the globe.

In this article, we'll give you an overview of what it means to be a digital nomad. We'll also go over some aspects of the advantages and disadvantages of the nomadic life, and look into the various careers available to digital nomads. Then we'll give you an outline of the best strategies to make your dreams of a nomadic life become a reality.

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What is an electronic nomad?

Digital nomads are those who lives all over the world and works from home. Digital nomads take advantage of the possibilities offered by digital work, and often just require a laptop computer to make a decent living. It allows them to travel and use technologies to run a business or work in a business that follows the policy of remote working.

It's unclear who invented the term digital nomad, however, it became popularized in a 1997 book by Tsugio Makimoto as well as David Manners, who argued that the advancement of technology could allow people to return to a non-stop lifestyle, working from any location. In 2023, there were 17 million Americans who were digital nomads.

Numerous popular destinations have a love-hate relationship to digital travelers. Digital nomads have earned an image of ruining the landscape and displacing locals. But many countries also see nomads as a chance to bring tourist dollars into the country, and help with labor shortages. It became more appealing since the decline of short-term tourism due to the outbreak. Many nations have begun to offer "digital Nomad Visas", encouraging nomads to visit and stay.

digital nomad

What is the reason to do you want to be an online nomad?

There are several good reasons to think about the idea of becoming an online nomad. Of course, the first is traveling! If you've always wanted to see the world and experience new cultures, being digital nomads allows you to travel the world.

Many digital nomads also benefit from the price of living disparities between nations. Earning a high salary from their home country, and having a low cost of living in their home country is that they are able to enjoy more free cash.

There are some challenges for those who travel digitally. A lot of people underestimate the toll that is required to stay in a foreign country for extended periods of time, cut out of your support network, and in an unfamiliar cultural environment. They may estimate costs also. While the cost for living could be cheaper in a host country, they've got to factor in travel, health insurance, and travel.

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The pros and cons of being an online nomad



  • Get to work from stunning, inspirational locations that you love.        
  • Spend less money in areas that have a cheaper cost of living than your home country (your money goes further).        
  • Meet new friends from across the globe.        
  • Design the life you desire and live the life you'd like to live.        
  • It's possible to experience personal growth and inspiration that you would never experience in your own home.        
  • It is a great learning opportunities by being exposed to various languages, cultures, etc.        
  • Benefit from time differences (e.g. working later in the morning and keeping mornings free ).    
  • Earn income by renting your house or apartment (if appropriate).        




  • The loneliness and the isolation of it's difficult to make friends in new places.        
  • If you have to lose an income source it may be difficult to get another. You may not be eligible to work in a home country.      
  • The process of moving can be challenging to maintain relationships. Many nomads have trouble to find love and dating.        
  • Unexpected expenses can eat off the savings that you can earn from living in a cheaper place.        
  • Time zone differences are also a challenge, especially when you're working during your team's sleep and the reverse is true.        
  • Legal and Visa issues can cause a lot of anxiety and additional expenses.        
  • It is important to ensure you are compliant with tax laws in both your home and your host country (some countries expect nomads to be tax payers! ).    
  • Your job prospects are restricted from afar.        
  • If you aren't able to access the internet at a high speed, it may hinder the ability of your work.        
  • There's an environmental impact to traveling, and in certain instances the impact of nomads on local populations (e.g. the housing market). ).    

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Careers for digital nomads

There are honestly so many jobs for digital nomads. In 2025, 32.6 million Americans will work remotely, with 16% of companies already being totally remote. This means the possibilities for digital nomad careers are going to get better and greater. If you go into an office and use computers or phones to perform your job, there's a great chance your job is done remotely.

Below are some ideas:


  • Community Manager: A community manager is person who is responsible for the management of the online community and this is a great job that allows remote work. Online community platforms that are top of the line make it easy to run an effective community. No matter if you're part of a brand or business, or you manage your own private community, it's an awesome profession for those who are wanderers!    

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  • Freelance Writing: Freelance writers write for newspapers and magazines. However, they can also ghostwrite books for CEOs or write blogs for brands. Since writing is usually accomplished on their own and on their own, it's an ideal job for digital nomads.    
  • Graphic Design: Graphic artists can design the world's most famous brands using an laptop. It's a great digital nomad career.      
  • Online Teaching and Tutoring the rise of online learning makes online teaching or tutoring an option for digital nomads, whether you're teaching at a virtual college or launching an online course of your own.    

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  • Digital Marketing: Whether you're building Facebook ads or doing SEO, marketing in the digital age will be... digital. It's a fantastic job choice to digital-nomads.    
  • Software Development: Software engineers design software and tools either as an organization. Work is conducted online, so it's a great option for remote working.    
  • Web Design: Creating websites is an excellent profession to digital nomadic.      
  • Virtual Assistants: Usually help the leaders in administrative tasks such as answering emails, posting on social, managing appointments, etc. This is a great job for those who work from home.    
  • Remote Customer Support: When firms provide customer service via the internet or via telephone, it does not usually matter where the customer service representative is located. It can be a great job for someone who is an online nomadic.    

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  • Telemedicine: Not all medical care can be done remotely, but a surprising quantity can. From psychiatry and counseling to expert consultations and nursing assessments Remote healthcare jobs are growing.    
  • Market Researcher: When you're working doing market research for a company such as surveys might be remotely.      
  • Content Creators Content Creators are in, and people are producing podcasts, Facebook posts, YouTube videos, and more. If you make your living through content-whether for a company or for you, it's possible to work at home.    
  • Consultant: Consulting can be an enormous field, however it's basically about establishing your own business of service as well as advising companies on a piecemeal basis. It's a great career for remote work.    
  • Professional Services: Bookkeepers, lawyers, accountants, HR. There are numerous professional services that lend themselves well to digital nomadic life.      
  • Service Businesses: Finally, services businesses are great for digital nomadic travelers. Architects, Conservation scientists, engineers as well. could be great for remote jobs based upon the tasks you perform.    

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What is the best way to be a digital nomad


  1. Find employment or income that lets you travel: The movement to become a digital nomad was mostly concentrated on entrepreneurs who were digital. Tim Ferriss' famous book-The 4-Hour Workweek-stressed using technologies to grow flexible businesses as well as the ability to travel (if you wish). But, the growth of remote working means that becoming a digital nomad can be possible with a 9-to-5 job.    
  2. Make the necessary preparations: it's improving every day however, being digital nomads is difficult. It's important to consider getting accommodation in another nation as well as managing visas, filing taxes, accessing your bank from abroad, as well as a myriad of other issues (we've included a list below). Be prepared-people make this mistake all the time. Do get started with your plan.    
  3. Take a trial drive Before you decide to become a full-time nomad, try a test drive. Spend a few weeks somewhere during a vacation to test whether it's likely to be something that you enjoy. While launching into life as a digital nomad sounds romantic, many people find it difficult to accept that this isn't for them.    
  4. Choose your travel style: Do you wish to have the rest of your year scheduled out? Or do you want to go month-to-month where the wind will take you? It's not a bad choice. Planning far in advance gives you the advantage of having more accommodations to choose from and cheaper flights, but it limits the possibility of being spontaneous. Planning without a schedule means having the freedom to be spontaneous, however some of your options will be restricted by the flight options and accommodations that are available. The majority of nomads are better off by keeping a basic plan, and planning is part of the enjoyable!    
  5. Pack and go! While the idea of becoming a digital nomad may seem daunting, at the end of the day you're just making a decision and going to do life somewhere else. Beware of the temptation to pack too much (you'll appreciate the fact that you don't take on too much). Begin your journey!    

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Digital nomad checklist

There are a lot of things to contemplate when considering becoming a digital nomad. Below are a few advice we've received from others who've done it:


  • Check your tech and software Make sure you have your laptop with relevant tech you need for your work Also, don't forget your the appropriate electrical adapters for any country you go to. Remember that you can buy or lease technical equipment in many countries, too. In case, for example, you prefer working using a different monitor, it might be something you can easily find on arrival.    
  • Backups of 2-factor identifications Over the last 5 years, 2-factor authentication has come to be required for logging into every system. In the event that you receive a text on your phone-and you don't have it-life gets more complicated. Set up backups for all of your important logons. When it comes to anything Google-related it is possible to use the Google authenticator software. If not, consider how you'll; log into your bank accounts, tax software, etc.    
  • Figure out tax liabilities: Plan for how to pay and pay taxes from overseas (if relevant).      
  • Have a passport that is current: Make sure you have your passport as well as all other necessary documents. Keep in mind that some countries will not grant visas if your passport expires within six months. So make sure you have lots of room for your calendar.    
  • Take out medical insurance. Things occur. You should be covered. The insurance you already have might provide some coverage However, the majority of digital travelers need an additional medical travel insurance.    
  • Check your visa requirements If you're from the US and you are a resident of the US, you're able to travel to most countries without applying for a visa, unless you're planning to stay for an extended time. If you're planning a long-stay it is possible that you require an appropriate visa through an embassy or consulate before you travel. If this happens begin early and allow your self plenty of time.    
  • Verify the requirements for work: Are you permitted to work in your nomad country? Do they want to tax your earnings? Each country is governed by its own regulations that isn't easy to follow. Be sure to check out digital nomad blog and forums, aswell in official government sites. There are some who will allow you earning income provided it's inside the boundaries of the country. If you're employed by an organization that has office locations in different countries, you might be able to arrange a working experience together with them.    
  • Find train or plane tickets and an accommodation option Sites such as Airbnb can be good for this, but they are constantly updated with new options the time. As an example, Berlin startup Habyt promises rents for a month. Apps such as Hopper allow you to track flights and provide advice on when to make reservations to get the best price.    


Strategies for becoming a digital nomad


  • Be patient: Having to jump from place to place daily makes it hard to remain productive-not to mention is a strain on your finances. Nomads who have experience know it's worthwhile to stay in one area for several weeks, or even for months in order to create a schedule and also save cash. As an example, Airbnb has discounts for monthly bookings that can put the cost of nomad living in line with or cheaper than renting in any other city in the U.S.    
  • Choose a timetable that is effective: It may be challenging to work while traveling. Be sure to create a work schedule that works with your needs.    
  • Stay aware of cultural differences: Nomads get a lot of unexpected surprises when trying to carry out the way they do in their native countries. In particular, many countries don't just let you use your laptop at the cafe where you can work (or in the event that they do, there's no WiFi). Then you'll have to alter your life in some ways depending on the society you're living located in.    



  • Find community Find community: Ask the digital nomads about their experiences and they'll share with you the loneliness. Find ways to plug into communities no matter where you're located, whether it's a local nomad gathering or an online community. (Staying within a single location longer will help to make more meaningful connections ).    
  • Be cautious: Prior to agreeing to a three-year journey around the globe, start with a small amount. Start with a couple of weeks, or even a whole month of work in another place. There is a chance that it isn't something you enjoy perhaps, or it could be harder to work remotely than you thought. Make it easier for yourself to get used to.    

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Get going!

This article has hopefully encouraged you to begin your own journey as a digital nomad! Though it's not without risk however, the rising popularity of becoming a digital nomad, and the experiences from numerous nomads who love the experience is a good indication that it's definitely worthwhile to try it!

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