We've got your back covered with our Virtual instructor-led instruction (VILT) (2024) --

Feb 4, 2024

Instructional training conducted by an instructor is conducted on the internet and provides learning across the world. It's used in a variety of educational spaces, however it's mostly used in the business world to provide customer as well as employee education.

In this article, we'll introduce you to the basics of instructor-led instruction. This includes:

  • What is virtual instructor-led training (VILT)?
  • Examples and benefits from VILT.
  • Best ways to utilize VILT.

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What exactly is virtual instructor-led training (VILT)?

VILT is a virtual instructor-led learning (VILT) is type of synchronous education in which the instructor teaches students through the Internet. This is an example of online learning that replicates the traditional classroom environment. The classroom is a learning environment, conducted live having instructors leading the class, and students engaging on the platform often through the use of a screen or through chat.

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While virtual instructor-led learning has several of the advantages over traditional classrooms, it's also more scalable. It can provide training to thousands of students in different locations, when it's designed well. Utilizing VILT is increasingly commonplace within the higher education sector. Virtual instructor-led education allows institutions to cut down on the cost of building facilities needed to maintain classrooms. Additionally, they offer higher quality online courses, and by making use of blended learning.

VILT is also gaining popularity within the business sector, with a large majority of Fortune 500 companies using it for customers with both the external and internal training. It is possible to readily engage a tutor to teach employees and further upskill the tutor to manage instruction across the organization on a virtual platform. Cost-effective since no instructor nor students have to go away to learn and are able to recruit experts from all over the globe to instruct.

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The option of learning with an instructor is a great option for the person who's creative! Although it's a small amount, VILT allows creators to engage directly with their audience and pass on their knowledge through all the advantages as well as interaction that live-learning can bring.

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Benefits of instructor-led virtual training (VILT)


  • Flexibility: Similar to different kinds of synchronous and also Asynchronous online learning, instructor-led instruction offers the benefit of being adaptable to learners. If instruction is conducted in real time (a co-curricular course) can be more flexible for students than live instruction.
  • Cost effectiveness and efficiency ViLT is scalable and can be implemented at no expense of individual training in order to prepare to train for venue, travel or travel.
  • Skills training The typical business loses between $660,000-$2.6 million each year in turnover. Utilizing VILT to improve the skills of employees will improve satisfaction and also increase their levels of skill, ultimately decreasing the number of employees that leave.
  • Digital skills are perfect for training Digital competencies via VILT could provide immense benefits. For instance, a study revealed that the retraining of employees who have digital capabilities across Asia Pacific generated an additional $4.7 trillion annually in GDP.
  • Access and expertise: VILT can provide access to information that may not be available personally. A regional employee at a branch could be able to go to a VILT event on the spot together with top leaders of your business or an industry. Experts in the field may be able to help you develop corporate training programs you wish to provide based on the VILT basis.
  • Scalability: There's no limitation in VILT participation. This is especially beneficial when it comes to routine training for large companies as it's able to be delivered to hundreds of employees in one go.
  • Consistency giving training using the VILT model is also widespread, because an instructor can train hundreds of employees around the globe on the same idea.
  • Interactive: Contrary to the method of learning that is synchronous which can lead to difficulties with participation, accountability and accountability, VILT is able to fully interoperable when used properly. appropriately. The system can also include interactive software that will increase the interactions of smaller groups. This includes polls, inquiries and further.
  • recorded Despite the primary principal focus of VILT is live instruction, it's easy to create a video that viewers can watch whenever they'd would.
  • Data-driven insights: The usage of a virtual platform in order to assist in teaching is a way to additionally actively collect data as well as collect useful data specific to the platform on user behaviors.
  • Customized learning pathways At the end of the day, VILT allows you to create extremely personalized training paths, especially for large companies. The system provides employees with the information they require to know.

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Businesses who employ VILT


  • IBM VILT: IBM's strategy for retraining employees offers an easy way to acquire an industry-respected credential and a sense of community to the experience of learning. IBM's study of the learning process for skills revealed that it contributed to a saving of $70,000 as well as improved efficiency by 10 percent.
  • Microsoft: Microsoft runs its own platform for employee education, Viva Learning, and is primarily focused on education for employees. It has even developed their own T.V. show that teaches ethical behavior like the Trust Code. Employees love it. Microsoft runs VILT for vendors and partners via the platform.
  • Cisco WebEx: Cisco's WebEx hardware and software has changed employee education both inside the company and outside. With smart rooms that quickly locate and stream speakers Cisco is at the cutting edge technology. VILT technology. It's a synchronously learning technology making use of Cisco U.
  • Oracle: Oracle uses VILT in its training of employees as well as for training customers. There is a continuous schedule of training courses offered.
  • Amazon: Amazon uses virtual instructor-led learning for employees and in public education. The most striking examples is AWS that is the AWS Training platform, which provides this service.

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Types of VILT


  • Webinars similar to a broadcast webinar. Webinars are an excellent option for VILT.
  • Virtual classes: Creating all classroom experiences online is more laborious, but can be done with the help of a technology-driven platforms for learning.
  • Interactive Workshops Online The incorporation of collaboration and interactivity for a fun learning environment is a powerful technique to get learners to take part in more effective ways.
  • Blended Learning with the use of Virtual Components Blended learning mixes with in-person and online education and VILT makes a fantastic choice.
  • Virtual Labs The ability to learn via virtual technology can make learning more enjoyable and interesting by taking tests and assignments such as coding classes.
  • Simulations, as well as exercise by role-playing These are a great way to practice abilities in virtual physical.
  • Interactive E-Learning Modules that include Instructor Interaction The VILT could also be constructed using pre-recorded lessons or modules which have instructors who lead relevant discussions including Q&As, discussions, and so on.

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The Best Tips to Help You Get a VILT


  • Make sure you are using the correct technology "Virtual" training should begin with tech-and your platform can decide the efficacy of your training. You should think about live streaming and teaching instruments that are live (obviously) However it is important to be thinking about feedback in a much more extensive manner and also project collaborations with course structure (an LMS) as well as discussion forums and communities. Also, you'll need be thinking about relevant factors. For instance, do your online course requires a retail outlet? Are your students equipped with access to the video on your app?
  • Pre-session communication: Communicate early and often with relevant information-especially with access point info and relevant course information.
  • Strategies to engage students streaming or webinars can provide a benefit, but most students perform better when they are in a engaging environment. It's possible to include the elements of discussions, projects and live or community elements in the VILT.
  • Establish clear learning goals In the same manner as different types of learning processes the VILT must have defined with clear learning objectives that align with the content of the curriculum. These goals should be made clear to students in the beginning stages of their studies.
  • Support for technical issues: VILT requires tech, and technology demands help. It's not always your fault, if students encounter technical problems, it may hinder their ability to learn in the class. Make sure your device works. If you can, ensure there's someone available to assist with technical issues available.
  • Feedback: Make sure you give feedback during a class in VILT. The process is one of learning when online teaching and offering feedback is vital. You can also look at important data about interaction with users to see the length of time your students remain active or the things they're engaging in (if you're employing a virtual platform for learning ).
  • Recording: Decide if you'd want to record. There are pros and negatives in this. One side is that making a video recording of the session could assist those who were not able to attend the class (or people who want to revisit the course). However, it's possible people are less likely to attend and participate in live training sessions when they know that the recordings are easily accessible.
  • Breaks: They are more crucial in VILT specifically in webinar-style learning. It's important to include more breaks than what you take in a live session because being in front of screens can make the experience even more demanding.
  • Safety: Lastly it is vital to create an educational and safe environment for all. If your business doesn't offer the following, you need to consider creating the guidelines and rules. If you're running a discussion or community forum be sure to incorporate some moderation in the use.


We have lots of fantastic instructors in the class taking advantage of their skills to guide students in everything from painting to business. If you're seeking the perfect place to host the online lessons of your instructor, we've designed an online platform specifically designed to support it. It features live streaming, in addition to communities.

Read the article: What You Need to Know About a Course-Based Cohort Platform

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