Video branding is essential to any business (plus six examples of employees selected by the business)

Dec 10, 2023

The best branded videos for help you create your own advertising strategy

1. Explainer videos

When watching an explanation video, viewers can find the information they were searching for. Explainer video tutorials are informative and available in any format that can provide answers to customer inquiries. They show the procedure of using products or present an idea of thinking-leadership through a talk-head format.


Explainer videos are excellent documents for support, addressing queries from every aspect of the buyer's journey.

The most important features of a well-crafted explainer video is the fact that it isn't dependent on sales. Don't try to convince anyone to purchase any product. Instead, describe a problem and then find solutions. Also, you can address a frequently requested question, such as in this simple but effective video:

  Videos for explainer tend to be high-level. They are designed for those who are early in the funnel, and may be in the early stages of research.
  In order to determine which type of video explainer is needed for your marketing video campaigns. Discuss with your sales team the concerns they receive on daily on a regular basis. Learn more about your customers as well as the challenges they're facing and.

If you're about to launch a brand new product and would like to create a video that will explain the benefits of the product meet with your marketing department on the key features you want to showcase and the most effective approach to do this.
  Illustrations and animations are an excellent method to convey information about products or ideas that take an enormous amount of time to grasp. By visualization.

If you are looking to create an engaging explanation video, keep the following suggestions:

  • Be sure to know the plan and design your approach around your intended public.
  • Be straightforward. Don't waste time focusing on the specifics or images that detract from the point.
  • Pleasant and professional. tone.
  • Give captions that can be accessible and also your preference for the user that is using it.

Staff Pick example

It's a ride in this informative docu-style explanation video of 2020's norco Optic. Bryan Atkinson flies down the tracks that traverse Interior British Columbia while narrating how he maneuvers through the terrain with the features of the bike. It's all the bike takes and the rider and the surroundings.

What does it mean:This video perfectly demonstrates how to utilize the product in a manner that's professional. The target audience is outdoor enthusiasts along with adventure seekers and cyclists. Although the film is brief it's visually stunning.

2. Videos for promotion

Promo videos, also known as promo video, is focused on creating brand recognition. The goal is to create excitement or teasing the launch using a straightforward video.
  Promo videos give a concise overview of the upcoming concert designed to draw attention and bring traffic to a variety of channels, such as social media. Promo videos that are effective are brief, engaging and rapidly creates the impression of a brand (hopefully one that's in sync with the brand's ).

  Promo videos also provide great opportunities to network with the most popular performers your audience already acquainted with or in. If you contact creators, you can also grow the number of people that view your video.

Staff Pick example

Its motivation for being successful: Well, Raheem Sterling. The reason it works is because, in contrast to previous suggestions, the promo could be lengthy but it offers a chance to laugh at the scenario in which it is occurring. Do you think that laughing is the best method of promoting an mobile phone? This seems to be the situation.

3. Brand story and BTS videos

Brand Story Video Brand Story Video brand story video is mostly a "get to meet me" or the story that started the company you work for.
  With the right budget and the proper team a Brand Story video is a great tool to use as an essential marketing instrument for a long time.
   Story-telling videos for brands are essential to do right. Before you begin production, make sure you be prepared with an outline as well as a storyboard. Also, you should have an outline of the script you are prepared to be used.
  In watching an behind-the-scenes film viewers are able to look inside the image of your business. This video focuses on your employees and your method in achieving your goals, and demonstrates how it's completed. They also can give your promotional event a new perspective.

4. Webinars

How do you make an outstanding webcast?

Focus on your content and provide the most enjoyable experience you can Find ways to keep your audience entertained.

5. Case study videos

6. Branded content with a narrative

Narrative videos tell tales with the intention to be entertaining. That's it.
  The videos you make for your business must be entertaining, but it isn't the main purpose.
  Brand narratives are an account of the story your company tells. Contrary to a narrative video or a commercial piece, it does not have to provide the beginnings of the story. It's more of an advertisement kind of style, commercial video clips are a testament to an objective of the product and are more significant than the business they are a part of.
  Most brand stories focus on themes that are more universal including family bonding as well as compassion, love and dedication. They follow a story sequence. The narrative is told through various stages like exposition. They also have ending with climax. There's a main character who alters.
  Sometimes, narrative brand content can be utilized to help promote or build upon a slogan such as Nike's "Just Do It" or "Dream Crazy" campaigns.

Staff Pick examples

  Rimowa utilizes the same strategy which tugs on your heart strings by highlighting the significance of traveling in their marketing campaign. The movie is about travelling and also missing phone calls.

Why it works: Both narrative examples follow a similar formula: problem-agitate-solution. It allows you to feel the experiences of a specific person and witness the challenges and triumphs as well as tribulations in their lives. They feel personal and draw us into their stories and without needing any prior knowledge of the brand or product.

7. Creative brand campaigns

General category which covers those commercial videos that don't appear appropriate elsewhere. Creative branding is different from a typical brand video. It's an entirely different kind of video for branding. There's no technique that works to create this. You just need to engage in an original concept that you are enthusiastic about, and which is keeping with the brand that you're applying.
  If you are a business looking to take a creative approach, take a look at the agencies, directors or teams behind some of the most inventive and inspirational videos. Get in touch with them and discover how they worked with those clients. What was the timeline and budget? What type of input from a creative perspective would you like to have? Set out the purpose for this campaign based on video. Should it be tied to a specific event? Rebranding? What is the product you are looking for?
   Staff Pick examples

  It's hard to pinpoint the nature of the film "Obscura" is, possibly because it's an art movie disguised as commercial. It's a great example of a company that relies on the person who created it and also their image and brand's reputation by expressing their passion and creativity.

  The poem of Mary Oliver is read "Wild Geese" during beautifully captured mornings in the North Coast. By displaying the splendor of the natural world in this video and the Patagonia Australia video is all needed to be.

Why it works: Surprising your audience is a great thing as it lets you distinguish yourself from other sites.

All businesses will be able to impress with the use of powerful and engaging promotional videos. You have the responsibility to incorporate your personal goals and vision into each sort of video, all the while keeping your audience at the forefront of the process.

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