Turbocharge Your Content Workflow With this WordPress Editorial Calendar

Jul 15, 2023

Turbocharge Your Content Workflow With The WordPress Editorial Calendar. WordPress Editorial Calendar

Strive WordPress Content Calendar review

We welcome you to our world at Member, where we proudly have not just one, nor even two but 6 flourishing blogs! Trust me, it's no difficult task to control the sheer volume of information.

Six blogs appear that are on various websites, with each catering to particular products. Keeping up with the latest developments isn't easy. Don't forget the writers of the blogs who share their ideas through our blogs. There are many people at the table cooking up a variety of meals.

It was at least what it was until we found the game-changing WordPress editorial calendar. I'll tell you, it completely changed our experience with managing content.

It's called the Strive Content Calendar, and I can't wait to share the magic of it with fellow creators of content and blog administrators like you.

Following my experience working with Strive over the last few months, I've begun to see how useful it can be in improving the efficiency of content management.

Do you wish to increase your content game? Let's go!

It is the reason you have to Strive

If you're working in the area of creating content or blog managing, then you are aware of the importance of blog calendars to manage content. These invaluable tools serve as the base of your enterprise and allow users to:

  • Track and create subjects, and then organize them
  • Concepts for structure
  • Assign tasks
  • Schedule posts
  • ...and numerous other things!

In the event that you're as organized as we are, then you recognize that your blog's contents calendar is just a part of the puzzle. It is the primary calendar for content. It allows you to manage not only blog posts, but a myriad of different types of content, like infographics, guides advertisements, PDFs and guides that are organized neatly by topic.

We at Member, we rely on Asana to construct and maintain the massive calendar of content which captures the whole image. We did encounter a few issues along our way

  1. The size of our main calendar was too large to work with for blogging.
  2. Some of our writers reside within our offices giving them access to Asana. This resulted in a lengthy cycle of emails to and from each other, as well as Google Docs exchanges when assigning subjects to writers from outside.

It's a good thing that we were rescued by our Strive Content Calendar. Strive Content Calendar has quickly eliminated our challenges and provided us with the most simple solution. The following article will explain the way Strive efficiently resolved our problems with content management.

The most exciting part of this calendar is right this calendar: your Strive Content Calendar

Strive menu easy to access from WordPress dashboard

This innovative solution addresses my primary issues:

  1. The blog's content is stored in the calendar inside the WordPress backend. Each of our six blogs has their own calendar that is separate from our primary calendar. This streamlined approach simplifies the operation and administration of the blogs, and ensures an easy process. (Curious on how we combine our blog calendars with our Asana main calendar? We'll show you our secrets!)
  2. Our writers all have access to the WordPress backend. With the help of Strive the blog's calendars of content have now been placed inside WordPress the platform itself. As a result, it's easy to assign the job of evaluating, reviewing, and processing blog entries for everyone concerned! It's gone! There's no more back and forth Google Doc sharing. (We'll explore more detail concerning this matter later!)

The drag-and-drop function of Strive is just a bonus to its amazing simplicity of use

Strive drag and drop feature

Are you looking to change the date your blog post was published? It's not a problem! Strive allows you to easily alter the order of your articles to meet your needs, swiftly moving articles between slots scheduled for scheduling and drafts not on the scheduled to the sidebar. Each relocation instantly initiates auto-scheduling through the WordPress editor for seamless organization.

The feature is a personal favorite, but it's not the only one. Strive plugin has a wide range of amazing options. Take a look at the alternatives.

The Strive team has more great highlights

Furthermore, aside from its simple configuration and seamless integration Strive has incredible features that are designed to help you save time. For instance...

Revisions to content that are quick and easy

To get your blog's ranking highly and stay there is going to require frequent revisions to the content. The process of revising isn't easy. The last thing you want is to affect the SEO performance of content on a blog that is already of high importance.

Strive create a revision from the WordPress admin bar

Enter Strive's Revisions feature. It's the best way to simplify revision processes. Upon installing the plugin, you'll see the "revision" option that is attached to each post that has been published. It's accessible via the frontend admin bar in WordPress or the post list in the backend.

Strive create a revision in the back end of WordPress

The function is executed by implementing two steps simple:

  • Clicking"revision "revision" button you can create an entirely new version of the article, which differs from the initial version.
  • When you've changed your mind and then click "Publish," Strive seamlessly integrates the new version of the original version. The result? A well-optimized article, without having to worry about confusing redirects. Your SEO juice remains intact as you are able to save time.

The Strive calendar display clearly labels revisions. It lets you quickly track the proportion of updated content with new versions.

Alternative Pipeline view

While the Calendar view functions as my main workspace The Pipeline view gives me a vast view. When you click on the Pipeline button, you'll have access to the status of all posts in the same, organized space.

This stops any post getting hidden in the chaos, giving an overview of the way they're progressing. If they're scheduled in the process of being pending or planned for editing, or not yet completed, you can easily identify the status of each post. You can also choose to toggle between rows and columns depending upon the method you like.

Customizable Checklists

The process of creating a blog post that is well-structured is a complex procedure that requires managing many aspects, from the grammar and style of writing, as well as metadata and image settings. It is particularly evident for young writers.

Its Checklists feature comes to the rescue, taking away all doubt and ensuring reliability. Just make a list of crucial details in the Checklist tab and you're set to fly off.

Strive style checklist

When someone is working on the content for an article, they'll be in a position to view this list from within the WordPress editor and mark off the items as they go. It not only makes it simpler to finish tasks related to creating, but can also be a helpful instrument in the procedure.

Clear Post Statuses

Post statuses play a vital role in the management of the workflow you use for your content. Do you know when the content is still being processed in the editing stage or is ready to being edited for publication? Strive Post Statuses feature provides you with a great deal of clarity. Strive Post Statuses feature offers the most precise information in this area.

In contrast to the typical WordPress configuration, which makes it difficult to discern between edit-ready posts and ones that are ready to go live, Strive introduces a crystal-clear way to do this.

Strive status

The Strive plugin is a great way to help you to improve your WordPress surroundings with these intuitive statuses for posts:

  • Not Started
  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Complete
  • Published

Each status is associated with an identifiable color. This provides an indication of status throughout each day of Strive Calendar. Every time you modify your status in the WordPress editor prompts a quick review on Strive to reflect the change in reverse. This feature allows efficient organizing which ensures your blog post is not forgotten about. your blog post's progress.

It's just one of the incredible features that make Strive an essential tool for optimizing your content process. We'll now look into how Strive will revolutionize the blog workflow management.

The Blog's workflow can be made simpler by Strive

In this article I'll explain how the Member Content Team effectively uses Strive to manage the blog post process. With several writers contributing to 6 blogs, an effective and controlled workflow is extremely essential.

It's great that Strive offers two powerful instruments that can make the procedure easier and help ensure a seamless process. Discover how you can leverage these capabilities:

New Drafts

The right-hand on the right Content Calendar page, the " Add New Draft" can be the first step to begin your blog.

Strive Add New Draft

When clicked, it opens a pop-up where you can effortlessly input all important information required to write post.

We utilize the Title field to identify our writer by adding their name prior to the title of the article.

Strive New Draft Popup

Magic happens after you press"Add A New Draft" "Add new Draft button that is located in the lower right corner of the window.

Strive instantly creates a brand new draft in WordPress by importing all inputs into The WordPress Editor. The connection of Strive with WordPress removes the requirement for long-running data transfer, which allows for a fluid and efficient workflow.

New Draft Blog Strive

After you've completed a fresh draft, Strive instantly creates a new box beneath the Scheduled Drafts column. It's a great way to display all tasks that have been assigned to our authors. This feature allows transparency and quick access to the ongoing projects.

The Workflow is streamlined with Color-Coded Progress

Strive's vibrant color scheme does more than simply add visual appeal but it is also a potent tool in our blogging process.

Each color represents a specific step in the process, which lets us clearly communicate the next steps as well as accountable individuals. We will look at ways we could use the colors we use:

  1. Not begun (Red): When I create a new Draft and it automatically reverted to the status of Not Started, in an intense red shade. This signals to the assigned blogger that the article is now ready to be completed.
  2. writing (Orange): Once the writer is creating the draft they transition the post status to a writing project, and then are presented sporting an appealing orange hue. The change informs me that the piece is working.
  3. Editing (Yellow): When the post is finished and is prepared for review, the writer changes the status of the post to Editing. This can be seen by the bright yellow shade. It informs me that this article requires my attention to additional review and improvements.
  4. Final (Green): After I've completed editing process and have decided that the post is complete and ready to publish, I alter the status of completed. The post box instantly changes to a calming green.

Green plays a crucial role in our lives, since Strive provides an option to automatically publish each Complete (green) blog post on the scheduled date and time in WordPress Editor. WordPress Editor. This can significantly cut down time. However, it necessitates diligent check of dates and times when the "go from green."

After a publication is successful the message is then turned completely black. It means that the publication procedure is completed.

By using this method of colour coded content we are able to maintain an efficient process that ensures communication is clear and flows seamlessly when creating content. Explore more options and advantages of the benefits and features Strive gives our customers.

seamless integration to your main Content Calendar

The blog calendars of Strive with their own blog posts streamline our workflow for blogging significantly. What is our primary Asana calendar? How do we keep track of all items that we need to deliver for our blog posts?

Translating every WordPress post into Asana could be a difficult and exhausting task. Luckily, our remarkable Dev Team devised an ingenious solution using Zapier.

Utilizing a customized Zap that is automatically activated when the creation of an entirely new draft happens through WordPress Drafts are transferred effortlessly into the Asana content calendar particularly that is part of the "New Blogs" section I set up.

The Zap automates the process of assigning the appropriate task to me, ensuring I receive a confirmation email of the existence of the draft. After that, I log into Asana and quickly move the draft into the proper topic area.

This is a huge win that has streamlined our process and completely eliminating the need to duplicate the work we do.

The Takeaway

Strive Content Calendar Strive Content Calendar is an essential tool for content creators. It comes with a broad array of advantages and functions which can transform your process for managing content at a very reasonable price.

At just $7 for a month, you get access to all of the incredible options we've talked about as well as many more. Additionally, the first two weeks of service are completely free expense.

Consider the amount of time you'll spend, which amounts to about $100 per hour. When you purchase Strive for your computer, you'll pay less than a penny per hour. This makes it a highly economical choice. Consider the time saving advantages that the program offers, and it's an excellent value.

Are you ready to experience the potential of Strive in your own life? Hit the link below to start a journey that will transform the way you handle and arrange your data.

Begin optimizing the content production process using Strive today!

     Try STIVE CONTENT CALENDAR at no cost for 14 days

We appreciate your comments and look forward to hearing what you think of your experience using Strive. If you decide to try Strive a shot, please share your thoughts and thoughts in the comment section.

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