The Way I Made It: Gibi's creative procedure for creating ASMR content

Nov 15, 2023

Get advice from one of the most popular YouTube ASMRists, Gibi, about the ways she has grown her vast viewers, how she came up with her ideas, and advice for fellow online creators.

If you've nurtured something starting in its infancy, then you've witnessed the development that happens between tiny to full-grown.

Though it could appear to be an easy process to take the care of your loved ones child, animal, plant or child, requires continuous effort and dedication. In other words, you cannot miss all day.

The same thing applies to online audiences. It was definitely the case for Gibi who grew her online presence for her ASMRtist work.

The internet star became famous by taking consistent small steps, and then progressively growing her online profile with one clip -- and viewer -- at an moment.

In the present, Gibi ASMR is among the most known ASMR channels on YouTube Her audience is far more than the YouTube platform.

There's one video in particular"What the Hell is ASMR!  It put her company and the style onto the map.

We had a chat with Gibi in our Fourth podcast of I Made It  I Made It, a show to help creators get work completed, in which she guided us through her creative process in creating her ASMR content.

But on the topic of the definition of ASMR can mean we'll take a detour to make sure we're in the exact same place. Then, we'll go into the ways Gibi ensured that her audience was on the same page as well, which led to her famous break.

How Gibi describes ASMR

The Gibi's featured YouTube video to handle the majority explaining of course -- but the essence of ASMR the acronym, which stands that stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, is:

The ability to unwind and feel a satisfying burning sensation caused by visual or audio stimulus. It's sometimes described as a massage to the brain, while others experience it on various body parts, like your back or legs.

If you're skeptical about the idea it's time to think about reconsidering.

ASMR is backed by science (or science is starting to come around  at least) and has gained popularity over the past eight years on YouTube. Even if you don't possess ASMR, you can enjoy the benefits of ASMR content. These include more sleep, relaxation and entertainment quality.

We've now covered what it is and how it works, let's look into the process by which Gibi gained her YouTube fame as an ASMRist.

How Gibi grew her audience

In the first place, Gibi grew her YouTube viewers by selecting a niche that she loves. Put another way, she built an audience that is passionate about the things she enjoys.

"You create an audience who likes the same things you like and continue to come back," she claims.

Then "keep coming back" and they have. Her YouTube channel, called Gibi ASMR  is home to more than 2.3 million viewers up to now.

Alongside establishing an enthusiastic audience, Gibi is able to remain authentic when she chooses an area she enjoys. "I have come from a real source," says Gibi. "It comes from a very authentic place that says 'I'm ready to do ASMR and I'm here for the viewer.'"

Focusing on her audience is the way she gets into the state of creative flow. "When I catch the camera's eye, I find myself smiling due to . . . I connect with my community even when I'm not in a space."

In spite of the criticisms that have been directed at ASMR, focusing on serving her audience is how Gibi wholeheartedly commits to her job being an ASMRist. "I love working in this field as a job and in my profession because my clients tell me that it is beneficial to people."

"I will ensure I'm posting content three times a week like I promised. I cherish my family very much," she proclaims. "Just being aware that others depend on my work matters to me. and I'll be there."

Her authentic passion and support of her followers is how Gibi selects each of her niches online. Apart from her love of ASMR, Gibi's website includes her other interests, cosplay, gaming and even gaming.

In addition to selecting a subject and an her target audience, Gibi also grew her massive following by doing tiny steps.

There's nothing complicated about this simply a lot of repetition.

"It's about taking baby first steps,"" Gibi divulges. "My initial video was made on a secondhand DSLR with a microphone that cost $100 . . . and that's it."

Repeated practice and creating the content she wanted to share is what she did to overcome her initial discomfort when she was on camera. She says, "I was more self-conscious and self-aware and I tried . . . to perform something that was something that I didn't feel comfortable doing."

All that practice and consistent practice paid off. But it wasn't a quick fix.

"It never blew up," Gibi claims. "It was just baby steps moving up and down when I continued posting."

It was not a rapid growth, by most standards Gibi's ASMR persona did indeed, "blow up".

Beyond YouTube beyond YouTube also. The actress' Instagram page boasts a staggering 268,000 fans, 153,000 on Twitch  as well as 105,000 on Twitter .

It's pretty amazing growth even for baby steps, isn't it?

It is not surprising that her inventive method follows the same simple and minimal-impact, but still high-impact.

Gibi's process of creativity while making videos

Because Gibi typically works alone, her technical setup is easy.

"It's very simple because I'm almost always the only one," she shares. "So the task must be something I am able to handle on my own. For recording, I've got . . . My camera and tripod."

If she is in need of upgrading her surroundings, Gibi occasionally adds a couple more pieces of gear.

"I've two lights with some intelligent bulbs in case I'm looking to give it a fancy look," she explains. "And according to the sort of video I'm using or what I'm shooting, I'll either use a single mic or two each on the opposite side from the camera."

Even for "fancy," her equipment set-up is well-organized.

When she is filming her process, Gibi records re-takes on the scene. If she is unhappy that she did not convey her message as effectively as she would like to, she simply stops during the middle of a sentence and re-shoots footage while the camera continues to roll.

So she rely on the editing process to correct her mistakes. "Editing is your friend," Gibi claims.

As far as writing the scripts that she will use in the films she makes, her process is also free-flowing. Although she does have a solid concept of what she would like to feature in her movies however, the bulk of her videos are created spontaneously and without scripting, which keeps her style informal.

"A majority of the videos I make are spontaneous," Gibi shares. "They're just more relaxed. That's why I'll get in front of a camera and start talking."

The process of creating her What the F*ck Is ASMR!  video took a special method that needed the assistance of her cousin.

For a video of a conversation she recorded with herself -- or of Gibi talking to Gibi's voice Gibi -- she wrote out a script word-for-word. From there, she filmed herself conversing with her cousin's voice, as a stand-in voice, that she later swapped out for her own recording. voice.

"That's my method," Gibi reveals. "It's fantastic if you can grab somebody to assist you. This was my cousin. The woman is standing in the background and reading my lines at me. After that, I took out the audio, and set it in my own voice."

A nice trick that produced an even surface.

Though it begs the question: which was the reason Gibi decide to create a video on the topic, or for the matter, how does she come up with ideas for content every week three times?

How Gibi decides on video content topics

As far as deciding what topic to write about, Gibi creates content based upon two aspects, the first of which is her audience requests.

Gibi keeps her pulse on what commenters are saying regarding her videos. Of which there are several.

In the moment of writing, Gibi's What the H*ck is ASMR! ? video displays 8,626 comments .

That's a lot of ideas to pull from. Actually, it's a bit.

Gibi goes through her videos remarks and gathers topic suggestions from viewers. If she sees something that she likes she will put the subject on the docket for her future shows.

The comments are used at her discretion. "You are required to keep in touch with people who comment, but not exclusively dependent on their requests . . . since you're the one who knows what's right for your personal content" she guides.

Gibi's able to tell which content is "best for her content" by simply knowing her target audience.

Sometime, her viewers may request topics that she knows won't be popular. "You are aware? I'm certain you. And I know if I create this video, you're not going to actually see it," she declares of her mismatched audience requests.

When it comes to knowing the most effective topic for your content, Gibi uses this same concept as a second method for deciding on what areas to focus on. More specifically, she uses her intuition and experience within her own community.

"Sometimes people in the audience don't know what's best for them," the actress says. "They don't know the things they'd like sometimes."

This means Gibi frequently has free freedom to come up with topics for her audience to see. "So I'm able to think of something that pops out of my head in the early hours of 2.30 a.m.," she says. "They have no idea the possibility is there since they're not aware of how what to do."

Unlike her audience, however it's the only person who knows exactly what she needs to inquire about -- her editor.

How Gibi collaborates in conjunction with her editor

Gibi employed her editor in a moment which was just right with an abundance of editing work -- simply through a response to an email perfectly written.

"It was professional, clean, it was straightforward," Gibi recalls. "You'd be surprised at the number of emails that don't have this way."

Her editor just reached out to offer his editing assistance when she felt that she was stretched over a large area. That time came for Gibi to decide to give his talents a try. The two became comfortable with each other and, after a short learning curve and a few hours of practice, it was all over.

"In the beginning, you do have some micromanagement . . . Inform them of what you're looking for, then do some re-edits or the like," she explains. "But it's gotten a point that you can settle into the flow and he sort of knows the things I'm trying to find."

Her editor doesn't just has a style that aligns with her style, but he also embraces details that she wouldn't take on herself, like the more technologically-driven editing.

"He's the tech-related half of me and half my editor" she boats. "And it's awesome."

Want to know the way Gibi and her amazing editor deal with the project's details?

For managing her video projects, Gibi recommends using Discord  as a voice and text chat application.

"I will definitely suggest that you learn how to use Discord," she urges. "It's simply the best application on the market because you can screen-share, you can video chat, you can send messages."

Utilizing Discord, Gibi and her editor communicate constantly with each to discuss details for her films. "It's quite simple to reach Gibi and to have him reveal what he's currently making and to forward me documents," she shares.

Alongside providing tools to recommend, Gibi also has recommendations for creators who are embarking on their online endeavors.


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Gibi's advice for fellow creators

"Get faster by doing more and rehearsing," she advises. "It isn't necessary to start off perfect."

"It's an assurance that you have . . . Build-up is as simple as making more and more content," Gibi reassures. "No regardless of where you start at, when you're making more and more content, look at the back of your work and see you've gotten better just from repetition."

While perfection is far from a requirement, creating things that you love is required.

"Make something you love," Gibi advocates. "Make something that you're proud of and post it online. You don't need to be perfect."

Because, if you create something you love and you're able to attract a following that you like.

"Make things you enjoy since you'll draw those who are interested and you're going to get along with your audience just fine," she elaborates.

There's nothing better than writing content on something you're passionate about for the people you adore.

If you're looking to find out more information about ASMR -- the subject and audience Gibi is passionate about and is passionate about -- make sure you check out her YouTube video"What's the H*ck about ASMR! ? .

To get more excellent advice from successful creators like Gibi, check out the complete I Made It podcast over here.