The Reasons You Should Have an Event Website to Launch Your Membership Campaign

Jan 28, 2024

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One reason WordPress is a great option for a website that's only available to members is the vast range of themes and plugins this software can provide in addition to the many possibilities for customization available to users.

What's Inside Toggle

With WordPress the possibility of making changes to your site with entirely different themes, plugin or a custom-written web-based software.

Just a couple of clicks to change the look as well as feel of your website and add additional features or modify your website by a different method Why not try the possibilities?

There's an issue. Despite the relative ease with which we can modify our WordPress websites, the modifications can have unexpected effects members may not take note of.

In this piece, we'll explain the steps you need to take in order to improve your WordPress website with minimal impact on the experience for customers which is crucial when it comes to paying users.

What is a staging site and why you need one

Site Safe Coding

If you play around with the newest themes, download brand-new plugins, or experiment with the widgets and menus of WordPress You could accidentally put your site in danger.

Check out the things a potential new member could think when the site's design abruptly shifts, a function stops working, or the entire website goes down.

The visitors will at most be hesitant when asked to enter their personal information At worst you're able to get them off your website without ever returning.

They could be able to let others know about their disappointments with your website.

These issues can arise when you begin to alter the basic components of your website. It's the reason you need the staging or development environment to test any modifications you're planning to implement to your site.

When you're a webmaster who has a membership account the importance is even greater not to alter your live site and instead create a copy of your site that only you and your employees the members of your organization can access.

Your staging area is a safe space in which you can perform whatever you'd like and without

  • members who are not happy
  • Attracting visitors from new places
  • The loss of data includes customer transaction information.

If you're sure that the changes you made haven't caused any issues, you'll be capable of moving them to the current version of your website.

Sound good? Read this article to find out how to build the stage page of your WordPress Membership website.

Make sure to check with your Web host

 GoDaddy Staging Sites

One benefit to choosing a hosting platform that is used by more than 30 percent of sites is the fact that there's a variety of WordPress-optimized web hosting solutions available.

One of the features that are common to these WordPress web hosts, including the ability to build inexpensive basic plans include the ability to quickly build a test site or staging area that is based off your existing website.

The top staging-site options provided by webhosting companies allow you to easily create an environment for testing that is private. It is then possible to relocate the test website version of your site to your live host system.

SiteGround Staging Site Tools

This means that you're able to go as long as you like and be as detailed as you'd like in testing an upgraded site's design. Then, when you're ready to go live, you can put those changes available to your visitors as well as users in just a couple of clicks.

In any case, staging sites can help to avoid the inevitable issues which can arise when you use your website live for testing and development.

Locate a Good WordPress Staging WordPress Plugin for Websites

WordPress Stating Plugin

If you're looking to choose a WordPress plugin for establishing the stage version of your site, you have two choices:

  • A plug-in specifically designed to accomplish this.
  • A more universal-purpose plugin for website duplicate.

We will review the advantages and disadvantages of each method before listing the best plugins.

A specifically-designed staging-site plugin might seem like an most obvious option, however your options are more limited as there are fewer plugins of this type available.

In addition, you aren't fully in control of your process as well as the end result as you are with more general-purpose plug-ins to copy sites.

WPStaging Plugin

An alternative is a general-purpose site-duplication plugin can give you more control over the whole procedure.

The top plugins available for this purpose permit you to copy certain aspects of your site like the database, or even content. They also give you additional options for where in which your site's staging area is situated, such as the option of local WordPress installation or a private subdomain.

While many of the best and best WordPress websites duplicate plugins are at no cost however, they're not always as easy to use as professional staging-site software.

  • WP Stagecoach - a commercial one-click staging-site-creation WordPress plugin with lots of useful features.
  • WordPress Staging is an in-progress, free WordPress site staging plugin and cloning.
  • Duplicator is a robust but more difficult WordPress web-duplication plugin.

As you can see, when you're prepared to pay for premium software, it's much easier. While those who aren't paid for may require some extra time however, they're perfect instruments to build the WordPress Membership-based staging site.

Final thoughts

I hope you are now conscious of the benefits of creating the stage for your WordPress member-only website.

It's possible to get away with simple codes in a tiny personal blog, but when running a website that is a member-based one that is run by a professional, then you have a greater obligation to look after your members regardless of whether they pay for access to your website or not.

     What is the best way to create an online staging area for your membership website? Comment on your suggestions in the comments section below.

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