The Passive word means the process of designing and developing Online courses require active participation.

Sep 5, 2024

In the majority of service-based businesses that earn income from active and leveraged products is wonderful ideas, however there's a myriad of mental and emotional issues that may arise while stepping into this realm. There's a misconception of passive revenue being the best type of income. Sure, you get to make money in your sleep and take a trip towards the ocean. It's true, but it's not necessary to offer the product to me.

What if you actually consider the clients who are purchasing the program? In the case of, say, you didn't WANT to take a trip to the beach however, preferring to stay within the vicinity, shake hands, address some questions, and really support your clients with your program?

You think this could make you a bad businessperson?

Are you thinking that this means you're simplyleveraging but you're not generating the kind of income you would expect to earn passively which is why it's failing?

Not at ALL.

I'm here to tell you that Leveraged is now the latest black.

Furthermore, passive income has been an important source of income in 2014.

The most successful online course creators remain in touch with their customers

Gorgeous, heart-centered entrepreneurs are creating BRILLIANT leveraged programmes, and still remain connected to their communities. People are awestruck by their work.

In a time where prospective clients have ALREADY participated in dozens of online programs, never to complete them, another self-study program is just empty white noise.

In this day and age there is a lot of annoyance in being guided by automated channels, leads generators and generally forced to leap through hoops to determine what amount of money you'd prefer, and the best way you'll pay it. Customers who buy online are often turned off. They are able to say no. Waiting until they are able to collaborate with a person one-on-one, or as part of a high-touch group that demands quite a lot of face-to-face interactions.

Connected course creators This could be GREAT news.

Personally, I'm not sure that my genetics allow me to earn a truly steady income. The first real product which was income-neutral was a calendar for yearly entrepreneurs. It cost only $19.98. In the year I initial launch was sold out in 170 copies which were stunning. In the following days, I contacted with the customers who bought the book to ensure they'd filled in the form, to find out the feedback they received and, if they had any ideas, and to offer suggestions on how to keep it alive all through the year.

It was by no means an income-generating product that could be considered non-active. Actually, I was chastising buyers to learn what their opinions were about it, and then help those who purchased it to make use of it!

A more year after, I launched my Heart and Soul planner again in the last quarter of of 2015. It was this time with two live workshops for groups which I led, one of which involved walking the participants through the pages through the pages with questions, and giving ideas, and the second workshop in which I assisted people in developing the best implementation plan so that it didn't turn into a dust-catcher.

In transforming my product for non-profits into a tool that could be leveraged I found several advantages to both sellers and buyers:

  1. I was more connected to those who bought I was able to make sure people received excellent value. This was wonderful for me and great for the customers.
  2. I made a TRIBE, it was a live chat together. people were connecting with each other, cheering each other on and providing thoughts and suggestions. It was not about divide and conquer - instead it was about bringing people together and be connected.
  3. My name was a familiar one to people I was able to build a rapport with them, which resulted in my KLT (know and trust) rating soared.
  4. The conversion to a better product was amazing - the 256 women who purchased this particular time. Around, three have become VIP clients fourteen have signed up in my most popular programs, and at least 20 have joined my business school in just 6 weeks. The conversion will continue throughout the course of the year, I'm convinced.

When you're thinking of ideas for your next course or program, you should give thought to creating something that is active, as well as not so inactive. It's possible that you'll need to show up to be more consistent with your actions.

However it is possible to discover that you like the idea.

Tash Corbin is an expert mentor and business coach for heart-centred, soul-driven entrepreneurs. She is a startup expert who has a focus on lean and assists women in creating an income that is both passive and leverage. The Heart-Centred Facebook community, which she founded, Soul-Driven Entrepreneurs has a membership of over 10,000 people which is increasing rapidly.

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