The Passive word means "pass": Online courses require active participation.

Sep 5, 2024

Most service-based companies that generate income through active and leveraged products are a gorgeous idea, but there's an array of mental and emotional problems that can arise when getting into this industry. There's a false belief that it's the only source of revenue. You can make money in your sleep and then take a walk on the beach. You're right, but you don't need to promote the product to me.

What if you actually care about the people who buy your product? For instance, if you didn't WANT to go out to the beach but you'd prefer stay around, hug hands, ask concerns, and truly support your customers through your program?

Does that indicate the businessperson who is not doing well?

Does that mean that you're onlyleveraging but making no or passive income and thus it's a failure?


We're here to tell you that Leveraged is the latest black.

Furthermore, passive income has been the main source of income for 2014.

The most successful online course creators keep in touch with their students

Heart-centered, beautiful entrepreneurs are creating BRILLIANT leveraged programmes, as they remain in touch with the community they live in. People love their work for it.

In a time where potential clients have ALREADY registered for dozens of online courses, but never finish the course, a new self-study course could be nothing more than noise.

In this day and age we live in, many people feel resentful at being forced through automated funnels, lead generators, and, in the end, being forced to follow a series of steps in order to determine how much cash you'd like as well as how you can pay this to you, customers on the internet are trying to prevent. They're not willing. Delaying the decision until they are able to work on a one-on-one basis or participate in the high-touch group programs which requires a lot of face time.

Connected course creators, this can be GREAT news.

Personally, I don't consider it part of my DNA to generate real income that's passive. The very first product I ever created which was income-neutral was a calendar that I designed specifically for year-round entrepreneurs that cost $19.98. At the time of my first launch it I sold 170 copies which were stunning. Then, I began emailing and texting buyers to check whether they were filling the book and whether they were happy with the book and offer suggestions for how I could maintain it all through the year.

It's not an investment product with a passive income. In fact, I have spent more than 10 hours CHASING the people who bought it to find out what they thought and aid them with how to use it!

Then, one year later, I launched the Heart and Soul planner again at the end of 2015. This time, I held two workshops for groups one in which I led everyone through the planner page by page by answering questions and offering recommendations, as well as a third session where I guided people to develop their own implementation strategy so that it didn't become an additional dust collector.

In transforming my product for non-profit organizations into one that could be used for profit, I found numerous benefits for both the seller as well as buyers:

  1. I had a greater connection with the customers who bought I was able to ensure that the customers were receiving the best value for their money. This was wonderful for me, but also good for them.
  2. I set up a Tribe, it was a live conference together, and members were talking to each other and cheering for the other, and providing suggestions and ideas. The goal was not to divide and conquer - instead the aim was to connect and unite.
  3. Anyone could be able to recognize me which is why my KLT (know, like, trust) score soared.
  4. The conversion to a better product has been awe-inspiring. From those who bought this particular time. Around, three of them have become VIP customers, 14 have joined my classes and 20 have enrolled in my business school, in less than six months. It will keep happening all through the year, I am sure.

When you're contemplating and planning the next program, course or product, think about considering making it more connected, and not so passive. Perhaps you'll need to be more consistent with your consistency in your efforts.

It's never too early to see if you'll find out that you like the idea.

Tash Corbin is a mentor and business coach for soul-centered, heart-driven entrepreneurs. She is an expert in lean startups and assists women in establishing their own businesses to build the passive income and leveraged earnings. The Heart-Centred Facebook group that she started called Soul-Driven Entrepreneurs is currently 10,000 members strong, and growing rapidly.

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