The Passive word is: Designing Online Courses that require Active Participation

Sep 5, 2024

Most service-based enterprises that generate profits through leveraged or passive products are a great concept, however there's an array of mental and psychological issues which can arise when entering this area. First, there's the misconception that passive income being the best kind of earnings. You can earn money sitting in bed and get on a trip across the sea. Yes, you don't have to offer your item on sale.

What happens if you truly consider those who buy the program? In the case of, say, you're not planning to head towards the ocean but instead you'd prefer to hang at a distance, hug hands, inquire about concerns and help your clients through the program?

Is that a sign of an unprofessional?

Does that mean that you're simplyleveraging but not earning anything So you've failed?

Not at ALL.

We're here to inform you that leveraged is the latest black.

In addition to the passive income it is also a huge portion of 2014.

The most successful creators of online courses stay connected with their students

Beautiful, heart-centered entrepreneurs are starting a BRILLIANT program which leverages, and staying connected to the communities they serve. And, people are loving their work for it.

A time in which potential clients have ALREADY participated in a myriad of web-based programs, yet have not fully completed their studies, a self-study programme could be viewed as an example of"white noise.

In the present, we live an age where people are tired of being forced through automatic funnels, lead generators and ultimately, having to go through hoops to decide how much you'd prefer, and the most efficient method to make this payment, online buyers are pushing back. Refusing. Waiting until they're able to collaborate one-on-one, or part of a high-touch group that involves a significant amount of face-to-face interaction.

Connected course creators This could be GREAT news.

Personally, I'm not sure if it a feature of my DNA to have an income that is truly passive. My first genuine products for passive income that I created was a year-long planner designed by entrepreneurs, and priced at $19.98. In the first year of release, I had sold over 170 copies. It was an awe-inspiring experience. I then proceeded to start conversations with those who purchased the product to ensure they'd completed the duration of their purchase, and also to ask what they thought about it and if they had any suggestions or suggestions on how to continue to use it through the year.

This was not an income-generating device that was non-reactive. It was a fact that I could spend more than ten minutes talking with people who bought it to find out the opinions of their customers and to help in their usage!

In the following year, I introduced The Heart and Soul planner to the public in the latter half of the year. This it was only the second time that the planner had two different sessions designed for groups. One session that I took individuals through the planner every page each one at a time, answering questions and providing ideas, and the second session where I guided participants to create the strategies they would like to implement in order to make sure that the planner isn't an additional dust collector.

By converting my product that was a passive product into a leveraged one I discovered a myriad of benefits for purchasers and sellers:

  1. I was more connected to the people who purchased I was in a position to make sure that everyone was getting great value I was happy for myself and was happy for them.
  2. I designed a Tribe. I was live on chat with each other. Participants were engaging with each the other, encouraging one towards one another, and exchanging thoughts and ideas. The event was not an opportunity to create division or divide, instead, the goal was to unify and make connections.
  3. The people were able to recognize my name, which implies that my KLT (know that, love, and trust) score soared.
  4. Conversion to better product was amazing - of the 256 women that purchased this time approximately three of them are now VIP clients. They have enrolled in my course and 20 are in my business school in just 6 months. The process of conversion will be ongoing throughout the course of the calendar, I am sure.

If you're thinking about the next phase of your product, program or course, consider creating something more interconnected, and not as passive. Perhaps you'll need to be more consistent with your efforts. Being more consistent in the work you do.

But you never know that it's possible that you love this.

Tash Corbin is an experienced business coach, mentor and trainer for soul-centered, heart-centered entrepreneurs. She is a specialist in lean startup and supports women in building a passive income and leveraged. The group Heart-Centred on Facebook created by her Soul-Driven Entrepreneurs has an active group with more than 10,000 members active and growing rapidly.

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