The Method Millie Adrian Made $400K by Instructing Aspiring Social Media Influencers

Jan 6, 2023

Millie Adrian is on a mission to teach young social media stars how to make money using Instagram.

Her enthusiasm for the creation of content began in her early years. In 2008, she created the YouTube channel she had created with her brother who was younger and lasted for 9 years. "It was just for amusement," she says. "We made funny videos, skits, mock-ups and tried out various ways of living. ."

After she was offered an executive job in her 20s, she became bored by the artistic outlet that making videos provided her. It was so much that she decided to give it the chance Instagram writing as a sideline of work. She advertised her services as lifestyle blogger who published "anything as well as everything" posting photos about food, fashion, travel and wine, coffee, books, and even her dog.

The account on Instagram @itsmodernmillie rapidly increased and she soon received a variety of questions by her fans. They wanted to know why she was expanding, how she took specific pictures and the reason she had so much engagement. In order to provide her fans with the most accurate answers possible she decided to start another YouTube channel. In the course of the years, her Instagram-based teaching turned into her specialization.

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"My YouTube was expanding as did my Instagram was growing which led to the whole effect of aiding more users," she explains. "I determined which platform took off before deciding to go with the one that proved to be successful. They really connected in a natural way ."

In the month of October, she quit her corporate job and became full-time creator of content. In the past year, she's built an Instagram following that's 117K. Additionally, she has her YouTube channel, which has 246k subscribers . She's also following the introduction of online classes in 2021 -- she has enrolled 600 students, and earned more than $400,000 of revenue. "Next year, I'm hoping to reach seven figures,"" she says , beaming.

Here are 10 ways she made more than six figures in her first 16 months of selling her courses:

Skip ahead:

  1.       She followed her gut
  2.       She launched three different course
  3.       She carried out market research to figure out what price was appropriate
  4.       The content she created was based on what her audience would like to be able to hear.
  5.       She is constantly improving the educational experience for her students.
  6.       She was generous in sharing her expertise
  7.       She designed a straightforward sales funnel
  8.       She gave away freebies with each course
  9.       She was able to overcome burnout
  10.       She is unchanging

     She followed her gut    

In her job, Adrian created content for Instagram as well as Youtube at weekends. It was a way to rekindle her sense of creativity, when she started to desire more time for it.

Although she was a fan of the working hours of 9-5, she began to experience an uncomfortable "gut sensation" of knowing she was destined for something more. "I couldn't sleep because the inner part of me felt that I had the potential to go further," she shares. "I believed there was something and an opportunity to participate in more than just the ."

The decision was made to go when she always earned around half the money she was earning at her previous corporate job by creating content. "Everyone is going to be confronted with various non-negotiables to make to make the transition," she says.

Once she achieved this target when she had reached her goal, she quit the position she was working in and entered the world of working for herself on the 4th October in 2019. With the support of her fans and even having more time to spare She decided the next stage of her adventure was to create an online course creation.

     She launched three different course    

At present, Adrian has three courses The Modern Influencer is The course that has the most expensive price priced at $997 USD. Email List 101, which is her intermediate-ticket course costing $297 USD, as well as The Reels Roadmap. It is also the course with the lowest price at $197 USD. All of her courses teach people how to be an online content creator however,"The Modern Influencer is the one she focuses on most.

At first, the company called The Modern Influencer which she founded in June of 2021, began with a six-week coaching group sessions for $597. After that, she made the decision to transform the group coaching program to one-on-one, three-month-long coaching course. But Adrian quickly realized that she didn't have the ability to train hundreds of students in one-on-one training. Adrian chose to transform"The Modern Influencer into a pre-recorded class instead.

When looking for the right online course hosting service the one she picked was the one she chose after having was a student of several online courses, and as a pupil, was one of her favorite students.

"From the perspective from a pupil, it's the most effective way to learn and the most simple."

In addition to providing three classes in addition to three courses, she has added other resources which she can upsell at checkout to increase the amount of money she makes, including Pitch Email Templates, Pitch Slide Deck Template, Guide for Media, Kit Guide for Media, Kit Guide, and 100plus caption concepts.

     She conducted market research to figure out what is the most suitable pricing    

In order to price The Modern Influencer The Modern Influencer course, she did market research. She would like to know what other creators offered for similar course. Then she also compared her material to theirs. "I studied the content they were teaching as well as my own style of teaching was based on it," she says.

"I couldn't locate a class covering the usage of Instagram and brand collaborations. I bundled the two together," continues Adrian. "That's how I was able to calculate the correct cost ."

     Her content was designed based on what her audience wants to be able to hear.    

Adrian designed her classes not based on the topics she was trying to convey as well as what courses weren't available.

She sought out the percentage of them took any Instagram-related courses Instagram as well as what they wished they'd learned but weren't. Next, she designed the Modern Influencer's curriculum using "brain-dumping" everything she was aware of on sticky notepads. "The table was a disaster filled with sticky notepads" she says with a laugh.

She organized the sticky notes beginning with A through Z, covering all the information needed for somebody to transition from being completely in the dark about Instagram into the full-time creator of Instagram content. Every A to Z subject was a module and the rest of the sticky notes became lessons. Although she claims that her classes are mainly focused on Instagram but it's always evolving and each year she'll include more lessons. She's also planning on herself adding lessons via YouTube and TikTok because they're what the audience looking for.

Every one of her classes will be taught with a range of formats. She alternates between video clips of her talk slideshows, slide shows, as well as screen recordings. "It is about the topic and what I think that students can best absorb the material," she says.

Additionally, her material is entirely pre-recorded, and she only has an an occasional Q&A segment that she hosts through her page on Facebook.

     She is constantly improving the experiences of her students.    

Her Facebook group is where The Modern Influencer students are in. The students have access all their lives to the group and it provides them with a space in which they are able to constantly have questions about the creation of content.

Apart from the Facebook page She's also experimented with a variety of ways to make people more engaged in The Modern Influencer She's considering the creation of a Modern Influencer certification that shows that they've completed the training and have been certified as influencers. Additionally, she's looking to help connect people who've earned the course to make deals on a PR list. "I don't want to become an agent, I'd like to provide people with the chance to make a move," she says.

She also wants to give her students the chance to join the class. This means that Adrian offers students some of the tuition by referring them to other students. "Those are just a couple of ideas we're playing with, and we'd love to come up with effective strategies for next year,"" she says.

     She was kind by sharing her expertise.    

The people she follows are influencers of the young generation - also known as content creators who wish to be the spokesperson for their brands' online image.

"I don't work with businesses or anybody else who doesn't want to appear on camera since many of the methods I employ involves making the emotional connection between your viewers on camera," she says.

Just like her students creating Adrian's fans required her to step outside of her comfort zone -- however, she puts it, "you don't grow from areas of comfort."

She claims she developed her following by making herself open to education. "For several years, I was a participant in free webinars and analyzing how other people's activities were being done," she says. "I immediately noticed a change in my life as I began to purchase online courses to yield the results I desired. ."

Her top tip to help creators gain a following is to communicate their thoughts about what they'd like to share She strongly believes that content creators shouldn't be an information gatekeeper.

"Don't not keep secrets about your knowledge, give away the knowledge that you have.Once I told myself'screw it I'd teach everything I knew in the hope of being paid My audience came at me."

     She created a simple sales funnel    

Instead of being overwhelmed by fancy sales funnels, Adrian decided to keep the funnel simple.

The months prior the time she launched The Modern Influencer, she put up waiting lists on the Google form and put the URL for her website on all of her social media sites. When she launched her course, she had a warm audience of people waiting for the emails.

The course creator should beware of funnels that are frightening the viewers. Instead her advice is to design a funnel that's easy to follow, like waiting lists so that they are able to create leads and get customers who are ready to purchase their course when it's released.

     She offered gratis items to all of the classes.    

The sales funnel used by Adrian has become a little more sophisticated and comes with the freebies that are similar to her courses. "When you download the freebie , or interacts on it, they'll be placed into an automated email systemthat will then upsell them by sending them emails" she says.

In the case of those who want to be the Modern Influencer, she's got an online webinar of 60 minutes that will teach the 100-day Instagram strategy -that is i.e. the steps to take in order to gain 10,000 followers, and then earn 1000 dollars in the space of 100 days. At the end of the free course, participants are upsold the program.

For the Email List 101 course, it is available for free 10-page pdf download that will teach people how to build the foundation, expand and maintain an email list. For The Reels Roadmap course, this course is completely free. can help users increase the amount of views they receive, draw attention to your reels go viral.

     She fought off burnout    

Although Adrian's business is expanding quickly, it has come at an expense of her mental health.

Although she had the career of her dreams, she was caught in an over-working pattern. "I worked every waking hour of every day," the woman says.

In the aftermath of suffering from burnout and panic attacks throughout several months following the initial launch of her program, she decided to hire an assistant to handle her business's administration. "If I'm not creating videos, my business is going to fail," she explains.

Now, she has an internet-based business administrator as also a funnel strategist an expert in engagement and community and virtual assistant editor of videos, a brand collaborations manager , as and an SEO expert, and a Pinterest manager. Since bringing in her team, she's developed more personal and professional guidelines to take care of her. What's the outcome? You can focus on making content instead of being lost in the minutiae of details. "I've been forced to discover a lot about myself so that I don't hit these thresholds," she says.

     She is constant    

One of the most important things that Adrian realized during her entire process of creating content as in her experience with burnout was that this is a marathon not a sprint. Adrian advises all content creators to adopt this approach in addition, especially to avoid burnout and create the kind of business that lasts.

"You're engaged for the long-term," she explains. "You are not required to see the outcomes in a hurry, nor do you need immediate satisfaction."

Entrepreneurs should be focused on their business each day in small pieces. "It is not necessary that everything accomplished at the same time," she adds. "This is the longer game. If this is what you're hoping to accomplish, increase your productivity by 1% every day. If you focus on each day at a time for three years, you're going be able to achieve greater success than anyone trying to accomplish everything at the same time. ."

Her greatest achievement has been obtaining her YouTube Play Button -- an award that is given to the platform's most popular channels. "It was a complete circle experience in my career," she tells us and smiles. "I wish I could return with the same enthusiasm to show the twelve-year old Millie that the hopes she had in her heart could happen ."

One thing she wishes she could go back in time and tell herself was to become a fan of the process. If you're looking to be online creators She advises them to focus on the results of constant, slow improvement. "Don't think about the amount of time it will take to finish the work you've done," she advises.

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