It's SM3jRQiNmjMsiju3Fd Keith Andrade, founder of The Morning Byte
"One of my interests is staying up to date with all the latest developments taking place within the business and tech world," starts Keith Andade who's worked in software as an service (SaaS) for seven years.
The student was at Baruch College, a business school in Manhattan, and while in Baruch studying the foundations of business to align with his desire for technological advancement. "The two complement each other," he discovered. " Businesses today must rely on technology in order to be successful in order to expand and expand. It was cool realizing how these things work together."
In the following years, he began working as a health insurance rep and payroll firm. "Previously there was only pencil and paper, as well as filing cabinets. Then the new firm was changing the marketplace," he recalls.
After that, he worked at monday.com and ones.com and sold tools for managing projects to companies. "I enjoyed it. However, I realized that in order to have a successful conversation with my customers, I need to not just understand technology, not just know how they operate as well as stay up to date with the most recent developments."
3FgQQQQq8neRZm6qMQQQ A Morning Byte stories and a image of the app displayed on an iPhone
Keith would spend the time he had free researching and accumulating articles, and later giving them out to loved ones and family. "I realized that I do not want to deliver them new content each day on something I find intriguing'. This is the reason I came up with this service to send news text messages to provide a brief outline of news that is current." He created an automated system that uses Zapier along with ChatGPT for the user to search for articles he likes, summarize these into short bullet points and then send them as texts to the customers," Keith explains.
Social media's problems
"Our clients are amazed by social media. Everyone does - it's that immediate gratification" Keith continues. The issue with social media is that it takes all in your day-to-day time. There is a way to utilize TikTok for quick information updates. You could use Instagram and connect with your most influential person to view a gallery of pictures that reflect the latest information, however the problem is that each time you start an application, you're exposed to other ideas and opinions that appear automatically within your newsfeed."
Keith believes that one of the benefits of The Morning Byte is it has no distractions of other media that is competing for your attention. "It's an SMS message that allows you to open whenever you'd like. This is the freedom you've always had," he explains.
A few readers read the article first thing in the morning Some skim through the article at lunchtime. "The idea is to keep control of your time and attention. When you are on social media, it is necessary to be able to cut through the clutter and discover what you are looking for. Social media can be a snare and is a waste of your time. And time is the most valuable thing that we have," Keith adds.
The social media has no motive to enhance our lives. "It's great to stay connected, but it's no more just a means to keep in touch however, it's also a way to keep in touch doesn't it?" he inquires. "I go through my newsfeed and all it's advertisements or companies paying for their posts."

One of the Morning Byte stories featuring an artistic rendering
"I consider social media to be a fun experience. I think it's good; but I'm not certain it's the best. My opinion is that it's not ideal for mental health. The Morning Byte is a space to those looking to make their lives better." The author advises those who want to leverage technology for success or who would like to make it a career must have resources to keep in the forefront of technology "All I'm saying is The Morning Byte might be your ideal choice!" He smiles.
Importantly, Keith uses his own products throughout the day. "I am up all night working until midnight looking for the most relevant data due to the fact that things can happen during the evening and I want individuals to be prepared and informed before starting their workday. I choose reliable sources such as Reuters as well as The New York Times. Forbes could be a good choice and The Verge is a great source."
Keith states that regardless of whether you're a smaller company owner, if you are a reliable resource of information which may be not accessible to a large media company is certainly worth the Morning Byte's consideration. "If I think your article intriguing, I'll send it to our readers, so as to be important!" he states.
Be ahead of the game
In his experience with various companies, Keith was constantly thinking about how he could take an activity he was passionate about and profit from it in the process of providing value to his customers. When he initially thought of the business plan for The Morning Byte, he noticed an additional customer, The New Paper, was doing something really similar but it was within the realm of political news. Keith saw an opportunity.
"I believe there is a many benefits for people who work in the field of technology. Professionals, such as realtors, want to understand the ways in which AI technology has a profound impact on how they conduct their lives." Keith was convinced he could assist those who are in the know to remain on top of their game. "If your blog is a success, you might be asking yourself, "Do I really need a new microphone?' Are there any apps which could help me to make my voice clearer and clear? Each of these queries that individuals ask themselves since there's an innovative AI tool that's being released every single day."
T1UVjU6h90E0Koyv6qPb, another Morning Byte stories that feature an artistic rendering
I was excited to see The Morning Byte for myself. This is when I experienced that "wow" sensation. I would like to do more than just stay informed; I would really like to be one step ahead. I am in the tech industry and I am constantly trying to boost sales and gain businesses." While The New Paper focuses on politics, The Morning Byte focuses on the financial industry electric vehicles, artificial intelligence and machine learning."
It's not surprising that the readers of Keith's blog are both tech-savvy and business owners with limited time. "It's difficult to keep up and also there's a lot of misinformation. My site is 100% and 100% accurate. There are highlights of the parts. There is no need to read the whole article, you just get the bullets in order to comprehend the issue. If you're interested in reading the entire article because it's important to know which source your information is from, there's a link to the original source.
"The article is linked to the website themorningbyte.co This article is also a an amazing artful rendering created by the generative AI art that tells an incredible story. The article is interesting. I'm giving people an opportunity to share their stories however, it is also crucial to be aware and keep up-to-date."
It looks like Keith's journey has taken him full circle from being a data-driven user, to becoming a purchaser of his own products, to a founder of a company that collects information for others to use. There's a thing about staying current, but as Keith is aware, being ahead of the curve is quite a different matter. There are a variety of options to help you. You might want to consider taking an Byte!
More details about The Morning Byte
For more informaiton on Keith Andrade and The Morning Byte, go to https://www.themorningbyte.co/. For more information on how you can connect with Keith through his various social media platforms, go to the Instagram page, Threads or Linkedin..
You may also hear this interview on his podcast, Uncharted and also watch his Digimarcon interview on this page:
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