
Dec 30, 2022

In the final days of this year, I'd love to reflect on the tasks we've done over in the last couple of months . Within the last three months we've finished three 6-week cycles. tend to cool us down in intervals. There's a lot to discuss, so I'll jump right into.

Big Batch projects

We completed six "big lot" projects, which were betting on the future iterative changes based on feedback from customers and also improvement to our technology infrastructure.

1. A new metrics experience

The prior version had a "standard standard" assortment of SaaS indicators for customers to analyze their performance. Over the years we noticed that the service was not up to par in two ways the first was that it was unavailable to customers who aren't experts in data, or providing sufficient detail as well as to customers who have a solid experience with the data (or perhaps even internal analytics team). This led to the doubts about our information that we shared.

In the year that we began with the introduction of a new data collection API and metrics layer, which will provide the foundation for an individual experience of metrics that focus upon the member. This involved removing the old metrics and introducing new metrics, as well in making them more reliable and precise.

Our new Trials metrics dashboard

     Our new Trials metrics dashboard    

We still support a few older metrics that are based on orders. However, new metrics tend to be focused on trends and analysing the health of your business for a longer period of time.

They share a system that analyzes trends in a monthly calendar We believe this would be better suited for companies with subscriptions that are recurring that use . The trends are monitored over intervals using segmentation in columns. Below is a table which breaks out each segment in each month.

churn metrics dashboard

     Our new Churn metrics dashboard    

Select a particular section of the cell for a glimpse of that monthly data graph as well as, most importantly, to see every single details of the activity (whether you're seeking subscribers or members).

It is possible to go through the cells to the Atom. These were created to assist makers understand the process of creating in their lab and also how to make the most of their time.

The most current trends are the new trend metrics are: - MRR. Learn about the causes that contribute to the monthly recurring income that is carried forward from previous months and the addition to the membership of members who are new, activations, upgrading, downgrades and cancellations in addition to the non-payment of the payment. Additionally, examine ARPM and LTV. Also, look at the amount of paying members. Simple, check out the different ways that your list of members who are paying changes over time. You get the same segmentation like you would with MRR (upgrades, downgrades, etc.). -+ Net Revenue. It's a quick glance at the cash flow total for the month , calculated by the total revenue less refunds. - Churn. Find out if there are any issues that may be lurking beneath the surface with the help of the revenue churn break down into voluntary (cancellations) and involuntary churn (failed the payment). You can also find rates and numbers for all of these segments (i.e. X missing payments that have an amount of Y %). - Trials. Review the results of both your paid and free trials throughout the time. In a particular month, you will be able to observe the amount of new trials initiated as well as the amount of expired trials and the percentage that have been transformed into recurring subscriptions as well as the general conversion rate of your trial. - Plan comparison. Select up to 5 plans to compare each other with any of the metrics.

2. Comment and Likes on our posts

Posts lets customers interact with their members who are paid through email, and also create their own blog. Posts are used to serve a range of purposes such as to supplement newsletters or to offer benefits, or to contact and keep the track of.

KH8rlU5AAx3bZOPrgV3J The Comments feature is now available.

In order to better create the area needed for discussion and create a sense of community, you can now enable comments and likes on posts (and comments that like others). This can be done by post or on a on a global basis. This can include a locked read-only mode for posts when discussions have completed their course.

Ability to connect deeply to comments, load newly posted comments instantly without having to refresh the page, or display badges to show comments made by employees, and to moderate abuse by negative actors. Users can make the browser notify users whenever new comments are posted.

Posts are a source that we invest in continuously, and we're very thrilled about the new uses that this can offer customers.

3. Improving group subscriptions

Customers are able to sell and customers may sell customers can sell Subscriptions that are subscriptions that contain several seats that are managed and bought by one person. The majority of them are used in business or institutional settings.

It's been a subject of discussion often over time However, we've added a number of enhancements in response to the use we've witnessed and our customers' pain points.

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     The updated Group Subscription interface    

Six upgrades were delivered to Group Subscriptions:

  • Groups in the Plan members now have the ability to upgrade their individual subscriptions into a group one that used to be done manually by an admin.
  • Managers changing it is now feasible for managers of groups to transfer management of the group to another member as well as it's much more straightforward for administrators of the site as well. Managers do not take seats Customers may specify whether managers of the group's subscription will count on the seats which comprise the membership or not.
  • Auto-renew does not work on subscriptions that are funded via an outside source. When a subscription for a group is paid by external means (via check or other) the site will not offer auto-renewal for their accounts, as it is usually managed by the administrator of the site.
  • Display seat usage on admin The dashboards we have created were improved. dashboards so that they better show the seat usage across every group's membership.
  • Generic link to manage the members Before, to join a user to the section of their account where they could manage the team they were required to share their specific URL and ID. Now, there's a generic routing URL so creators can automate their customer support.

4. Updates to our Marketing Site

Since we redesigned out marketing website at the beginning of the year 2020, we've made numerous updates and features to our site, but hadn't gone back to ensure that our website was up-to-date and convey our story with the most effective way possible.

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      Changes made to .com

We did a full content audit, reframed our brand's positioning on the basis of our findings and created new landing pages, enriched our screenshots with more refined brandsand updated our Customers page to highlight the features that they're currently using.

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     Enhancements to .com    

All of this is to point the modularity of our system, and also how we can fit into many use cases.

5. Improvements in performance

are used by massive creators that generate millions of dollars in annual income, along with hundreds of thousands customers. We began to join our clients, we noticed that certain elements of our administrative system became extremely hard to operate and slow in everyday use, putting a poor reflection on our reliability and level of craft.

We dedicated a cycle to increasing the efficiency of some key areas: Activities, Dashboard, Activities Dashboard, CSV exports, and the view segmented for members that are not free. In qualitative terms, the experience of managing accounts with huge audiences is becoming more responsive, as well as we're witnessing significantly shorter load times and a decrease in workload for our staff through the instrumentation we have implemented.

6. Cancellation surveys

In order to give additional details to creators regarding the reason why they have cancelled their subscriptions, we'll distribute cancellation Surveys that are displayed to members who've cancelled. These data will be compiled to create a new view of cancellations.

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     The new Cancellation Surveys are a feature    

This data not only assists the owners in regaining customers, it also offers feedback loops to help owners comprehend the benefits of their membership program over the long term and ensure it is in line with the expectations of customers.

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     Our new Cancellation surveys    

The latest version of the view offers creators with a view of two sections: subscriptions cancelled that aren't yet being changed (and are able to be returned) as well as those that have been fully churned out and are now expire. It also shows the reasons for cancellation that are divided into segments. The data is sortable and exported as an CSV like all the other data within .

Surveys may be allowed or disallowed, however the default setting is to disable it.

Small batch, and on-the-fly projects

These are projects of a smaller scope that were executed in tandem with the larger tasks mentioned previously (not not including support and bugs tickets). These projects typically last between 2 to 2 weeks of effort, driven by customer feedback and insight gained from our client-facing teams. We [email protected]

  • a preferred partners page to our marketing website that will highlight the best of our development partners, and to connect them with potential leads.
  • Our blog's pagination is being improved to improve SEO and to increase time-on-site.
  • new protection to podcast RSS feeds that are provided by ACast.
  • support of Hungarian as well as Czech as options for localization
  • The new feature to target coupons that permits coupons to be applied to all of the above purchases or previous purchases, renewing expired subscriptions, and also after you upgrade your subscription.
  • An API feature that allows users to disable specific hyperlinks in text that were preventing iOS app store approvals for certain customers.
  • new tax handling options for tax management that are a new option for tax management in Canada and clients are able to collect appropriate amounts based on their earnings and the nexus
  • The cookie banner is on the site that promotes marketing to EU as well as UK customers.

In addition, we have automated many internal software applications that use to transfer customers away from competitors such as Substack as well as Pico. Additionally, we audited and limited our usage of 3rd -party cookies to enhance privacy.

Like all releases, these can be described as a collective work, from research and drafting to implementation helping with documentation, customer service, and marketing. We thank the team for their hard work, and a huge thank you to our customers and partners. We wish you a Merry Christmas!

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