Eyal Avital has joined in the Customer Happiness team when he was just 6 years old. He's passionate about helping people in addition to food and travel. He enjoys finding innovative solutions for customer problems. Discover more about him!
We'd like to hear from the things you've learned, your interests and your work
I'm an avid lover of Rogers the TV show. Rogers and have always been looking for a ways to assist others. It led to me completing twenty years of service to customers and I'm able to support, assist with troubleshooting and encourage our customers to persevere!

Eyal is a fan of searching for the best new restaurants
A suggestion by someone I know and I stumbled upon it was, and now six years later I have never thought about the idea. When I'm not helping clients or serving food to customers, I'm looking for the most beautiful place to visit or preparing for my next vacation with my entire family. a cup of coffee on one hand and an entrée on the other.
What are the responsibilities of your position include? Ensuring
Everyday is an exciting experience! I have the opportunity to help questions from our clients across the globe and assist them with their issues. Whatever it may be, providing information about our benefits to customers or tackling the complex issues that arise. I'm happy to be able to assist in making the lives of people more simple.
Rewinding after a long day of helping customers
As AI being a better technology for communicating, I concentrate on keeping our employees human through establishing authentic connections, looking out for the requirements of their customers, and ensuring everyone is supported, well-informed and in a position to reach.
Do you recall one of your most memorable interactions with (potential) clients, in which you described their question or concern and the way you dealt with it
The client wanted to provide some kind of deal to their customers does not appear readily available at the time of request. Instead of telling them "no," (we do all we can not) I came up with an innovative method of doing this by using our API.
The solution that was custom-designed satisfied the requirements of their customers and performed flawlessly! Everyone was thrilled with the result, turning the challenge into victory.
Do you believe does you have to do in order in order to build a successful member-based company?
My belief is that keeping customers engaged is the main factor in making a profit from a subscription-based business. If creators can communicate with their customers as well as their customers, it's much more than an exchange of funds. It's about creating an environment which makes the user feel as they are a part of a sort of.
It's a recipe called WmSVh8aTiaNTPDIQQ A recipe from Eyal's favorite recipes
Today's life is chaotic. These interactions can bring joy, peace, as well as an incentive to remain.
What are the lessons you have learned from your study ?
Effective communication is vital in order to offer customer service, whether in person or over the internet. Although online support can be easier to access, using incorrect tone of voice or a non-define language can lead to customer discontent.
This is the reason why PREACH's communication model (Proud responsible Responsive, Responsible, Empathetic clearly, concise human) is crucial in helping every customer.

Eyal is on another adventure
I really enjoy having a team to assistance, because everyone displays the traits of their personalities through their interactions with clients. The most important lesson I've gained? Effective communication requires time to develop through practice and the willingness to take your own mistakes and take lessons from mistakes.
What are the three tips you'd recommend to a person in your field or department?
Three tips to ensure satisfaction with customer support:
- Ask questions, as well as further questions to understand the needs of your customers. You can also find the cause of the issue.
- Make sure you contact us every day if you don't hear from us. Our customers appreciate the effort and time it takes to follow up with us, as everyone is engaged.
- Keep your promises made to customers builds trust and guarantees longevity of satisfaction. It was said that you'd phone your customers a day or two before, but don't forget!
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