
Jan 25, 2023

You have a successful blog with thousands of readers. Fantastic! Give yourself a big pat to the side. Most people don't even reach this level. Success takes work, so it's likely that you've put in a lot of time and effort to your blog. It's important to find a way to monetize that laborious work.

It's likely that you've already sold some advertisements on your site. Perhaps you're even content by the revenue stream. However, you may be suffering from many of the common problems:

  • Infrequent and unreliable earnings.
  • Wasting time searching for advertisers.
  • Chasing down payments from advertisers.
  • Figuring out how to use Google Adsense.
  • More and more clutter on your site.

All of it is not easy to manage, and too much content on your site could actually hinder reader engagement and retention. It is time to look into ways to earn money for your blog with ads.

There are many ways of monetizing a site with ads, but without the need for advertising. Here are a few options:

  • affiliate marketing It involves advertising the products and services of other websites through your site and getting a percentage of each sale or the referral. It can be an excellent option to earn money for a website if you have a sizable audience and can find affiliate programs that relate to your particular niche.
  • Content sponsored by sponsors The possibility of working with businesses or brands to create sponsored content for your website. It could be in the format of blog posts, videos, or even social media posts. It will pay to promote and create the content on your site.
  • eCommerce When you own products or services that you wish to market, you may establish an eCommerce shop on your website. It could include physical items, digital products, or even services.
  • Subscription or membership The process involves charging users a recurring cost for the use of exclusive content or features on your site. This can be a good alternative if you've got a regular audience who are ready to pay for extra information or features.
  • Consultation or coaching If you're a professional with an expertise in one area, you can monetize your site by providing consulting or coaching services. This can include one-on-one session, coaching for groups and even online classes.
  • Crowdfunding is an excellent way to make money from your website if you have an idea or project which you require funding for. You can use platforms like Kickstarter and GoFundMe to solicit donations from the people who visit your site.
  • Marketing via email The best way to earn money on your website through building an email list , and emailing targeted messages to your subscribers. This could be advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and even eCommerce.
  • Ebooks A different option to make money from your blog with ads is to choose a well-known topic relevant to your audience and create an eBook about the topic. The process of marketing an eBook is time intensive, but when you already have an audience, the task is much easier. eBooks can also be rolled into the benefits of your membership and / or offered as in a standalone.

All of these options have potential for making money for your blog, however, it's important to find the right monetization strategy for your target audience and the niche you're in. If, for instance, your website is focused on specific interests or hobbies, affiliate marketing may be a good option in order to make money from a blog that doesn't require advertisements. However, if your website is specifically focused on personal growth and coaching, consulting or coaching services might be more appropriate.

Value for value

Your job is giving value to your visitors. This could take the form of education, entertainment, news, or in the form of community. An example of this is magazines. They provide regular content with the payment of a monthly or annual cost for subscription. Your blog isn't a magazine If you've built a readership or community and you want to make money from it, then treat it in the manner of a magazine.

This is the problem. The majority of people are expecting to be paid for their services in real life however there is an expectation among people that all content online is completely free. That's what you're up against. Your job is to come up with new ideas for your membership site. If you can find the ideal combination of benefits to members and information and benefits, you'll be more likely to convert frequent readers.

We're experiencing a significant shift in the way people view paying for content on the internet. Big blogs like The Dish and new news sites like The Information offer exclusive content for subscribers. The concept of paying for content that is valuable isn't new at all, but it's certainly unique online. Over time, as the technology evolves and the way of thinking shifts, it'll get more common to expect to pay for valuable content on the internet.

One note on keeping your ads

A membership-based option on your website does not mean that you have to go without advertisements. Both are possible.

Another option is to leave the ads you have in place, and take them off for members who pay. Readers who drive by will be able to be able to see your ads, however the members who are paying will have an enjoyable and without any cost. You can sell this as a benefit to members. This approach makes sense when you have several profitable ads on your site already.

Another option is to consolidate your ads into one location and then be selective about the kind of advertisements you are willing to accept. It makes your website more pleasant to read. If you're doing it correctly it can bring value to your regular viewers with ads that which they will actually love. It is also possible to use the ad networks like BuySellAds to do the selling and managing of the advertiser for you.

In conclusion: How to make money from a website with ads

Whatever you do, it's important to remember that the publishing landscape on the web is evolving. The notion of "always gratis" content is being slowly changed, and the mindset changing. This is good news for content creators, since it's going to be more simple and less difficult to make a living producing valuable content on the internet.

Also, it's important to keep in mind that monetizing your website isn't an all-or-nothing proposition. You can experiment with different ways to monetize your site and discover what works best for your target audience.