
Nov 30, 2023
Level Up Creators

     The Level Up Creators team - image (c) welevelupcreators.com    

"We are all aware that the creators, by the vast majority, spend a lot of time burning out from the creating and disseminating aspect of their creations," starts Amanda Northcutt who is the creator of Level Up Creators. "So we're thrilled to assist creators maximize the distribution of their work."

The company she runs with Level Up Creators is a mirror of the organizations they help people run and keep their commitments by using the same techniques to maximize these distribution possibilities. "We make use of source content whether it's longform audio, ebook, perhaps a 5,000-word essay," she explains. "This is an enormous amount of information accessible via blogs content, emails for emails, lead magnets and many dozens of social media posts.

"I'm not advising you to repeat every word you've already stated in the YouTube video, however you can choose an additional or less limiting approach" she says. "You could summarize key points from your 10-minute video in a newsletter or conversely you could write an article that explains a specific point. It's possible that you'll have a brand new source data if you choose to do this."

Amanda says that this is only one method to help creators get started thinking more strategically about how they can improve their company. The goal is to utilize existing material in the most effective manner possible "Successful individuals know what levers to pull to get the most value for their money. Our team assists with diffusion and distribution of content right in the beginning." Amanda and her team support the mental rigors of a tactical approach and help when writing the content. "This assists in reducing the stress and burnout, so that a creator is able to create freely inside their own minds."

Level Up Creators

     Level Up Creators create a streamlined pathway for businesses - image (c) welevelupcreators.com    

Level Up Creators relieves the administration burden off creators' task. "We're managing DMs email, mail, gates and calendars for brand deals We also handle managing talent. We then get on to creating a plan for the product, and we come up with amazing ideas before promoting it!" The team helps makers with "the demands to take the conversation to where this dialogue is regarded as the type it requires".

Amanda along with her coworkers are present to "have somebody let their mind to imagine big," she says. "We want to know how a creator's mind would like to move forward: lifestyle design questions, as well as the goals of earnings. We assist in putting together a long-term plan that incorporates the goals, mission, and vision and values and objectives which make up"the North Star of a business. It's the thing everybody is looking at when trying to make the right choice, or at most when it concerns a business that is run well."

From the mindset to marketing

After the process of thinking as well as the release of creative brain power is completed Level Up Creators will look into specific offerings such as memberships or online masterclasses which are suitable for the creator and are in line with the ideas. "For example, we think about how making a product for memberships fit within our overall plan What is the best way to approach this? This is the test that we use to determine the rightness of something."

"We could collaborate in collaboration with different creators. We can do brand partnerships. You can create your own line of merchandise. It is possible to offer high-end private coaching and group training. We then take the list of solutions and decide on which products we can pack it in and then we aid in bringing their products on the market."

Level Up Creators also wants to make sure that their customers are connected with their own network of companies and creators, as as other people who aren't competing, but tangentially related to companies or those who have the same publics.

Amanda believes in the power to share her message with people: "a rising tide lifts every boat, and the pie could always be larger," she smiles. "It's not like if I share my audiences with them, then they'll walk off and never come back as they're seeking you out for a purpose." Thus, affiliate programs and similar initiatives are crucial in order to be successful. Level Up Creators simply connects the dots through its marketing automation.

Amanda Northcutt

     Amanda wants to help creators build sustainable businesses - image (c) welevelupcreators.com    

The term "marketing automation" can seem quite complex, but Amanda can explain this concept with as much clarity as anything else. "It's the technology that allows authors to communicate with their subscribers, at scale. It's a secret automated sales machine that is able to assist you at all times as well as based on the customers' conditions.

Each digital interaction that you have with potential customers and existing ones along with your clients with a backend tool or two carefully configured for your customers to get into the next phase of their experience with you that eventually leads to a purchase.

"We're big on email lists, and we're equally enthusiastic about partner marketing," Amanda adds. "When you've set up an effective marketing system, your subscribers will be at the helm. They're only seeing the content appropriate to them. It's an excellent way to get people engaged. We want to get users to join that ecosystem of emails.

"Then we'll want to deliver value repeatedly, diligently strategically and in a larger scheme," Amanda concludes. "We need to be sure that we're delivering the right value prior to asking customers to buy things. We'll be asking people to buy things since we're selling items that will enhance lives, right? !"

More details

Amanda Northcutt is a consultant and coach and executive for six times. She has designed and scaled businesses online for D2C B2C D2C, as well as B2Bs.

She established Level Up Creators to help prominent creators and educators create sustainable businesses. Level Up Creators offers strategies and tools to those with at least one product that is in areas like personal finance, fitness travel, sports or travel and is eager to broaden their reach and earn a income. For more information, visit https://welevelupcreators.com.

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