Ten Strategies Jo Kelly Coaches People To Become Great Actors--Online

May 13, 2024

Jo Kelly isn't your average acting coach.

In reality, she doesn't make use of the word "teacher" at all "I don't teach people to act in a certain manner" she adds. "I aid people in not being a person."

Through exercises that are experiential, Jo coaches mainly actors as well as artists of all sorts as well as non-artist "seekers" to find the ideal methods to achieve the inner peace and become their authentic self. By doing this, performers have the ability to stop performing and begin to be. "I hope to be an midwife rather than an academic professor as I can help people return to their true self as well as being rejuvenated" she says.

She believes that the key to the success of actors lies in their satisfaction and their confidence in committing themselves to their role. "When you're confident and secure you can tell your story and as the public's are impacted," she explains.

Her unique method of coaching performers helps them to draw out their child's fascination in addition to excitement and curiosity. What exactly is that? They give authentic, real and authentic performances.

In 2016, Jo changed from teaching in person, to beginning an online business via . Since then, she's led 3 consecutive educational events and has also coached nearly 8,000 individuals. There have been incredible outcomes since they've worked with Jo and they've been successful in securing jobs with many of the most prestigious studios including Netflix, HBO, Disney, Showtime, ABC Studios and many others.

It is the reason she started an online company which she's passionate about:

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She conducted her own investigation

Jo is a singular path to the stage.

Born in Belgium Her birthplace was in Belgium. She finished her MBA before specializing on human resources management as well as psychosystemic psychology. The following years she became involved in coaching for corporate clients. "The business world has never been my thing," she shares. "I resolved to stop all of it and relocate to Paris to start anew. ."

One of the main reasons for her journey to a new start was the desire to get her hands on acting, something she was a fan of. She was an extremely hardworking and committed person, and invested every cent and effort into learning the techniques to be the best actor she can be.

While she was dedicated to her profession, she says she was a competent actor, but not an outstanding actor. Similar to others they were plagued with stage fear. "Most of my performers experienced the same fear," she explains. "We were all very committed but when it came time to perform we were nervous ."

The actress was keen to know the factors which prevented her, as well as other actors, from becoming great actors. "My fascination with acting became a passion" the actress admits. "I would like to understand why actors are committed, and how their devoted decrease as they get fully prepared for ."

Then, in the subsequent years she studied how performers could feel blocked. Her study led to an conclusion that whenever children play, they're at free to do so. When adults are playing like children it's been stripped of their independence because of societal expectation. "When I realized that I took the rest of the day to assist actors to unlearn their habits in order to let them express themselves as they did previously," explains Jo.

She started her coaching

Jo's research experience inspired her to research different tools and practices, which she then tried on others by individually or in groups at the beginning of 2000. Over the next few years, the firm was named To Be Or Not To Act.

Then she realized that people worked with her were not accountable. "No whatever dedication my coworkers were, they didn't be in a position to work every single day. While we did meet three times each week, there was not any responsibility during meetings. The ball would be dropped in a matter of minutes if people weren't together with me." Jo declares. Jo.

The idea was that the online classes could help students stay consistent with their routines. Online classes are offered as "journeys," and the first step that she guides students through is The Reset: From Resistance to Freedom--which she developed during the year 2014. "I invented The Reset so that I could hold hands of people throughout the duration of three days." the instructor explains.
    "Since the site is online, users are able to do this according to their own schedule and establish their own schedule."

Jo believes that all humans have an inherent nature. However, social norms oblige us to act as we perceive, think and behave as we think, feel and behave. According to her, the purpose for The Reset is for people to engage in daily exercises that aid in removing their habitual behavior, and return to their original behavior. Every day, within The Reset, Jo offers exercises that she has recorded. Additionally, she provides two questions and answers as well as 2 hours of working in groups with pods. Jo also hosts a semi-Q&A meeting during which Jo answers frequently asked questions within the Facebook group Facebook that is restricted to those who are members.

The flexibility offered by the web-based experience enables Jo's members to conduct sessions wherever they are and from anywhere, regardless of whether they're awake and prior to the time they are asleep, or any time they are able to. "The most important thing is that it allows them to create sessions that work in with their lives," she explains.

She created an online company that allowed her to live an ideal life

When Jo first started her on-line Reset procedure, Jo offered every day a session available via her website. The following year Jo changed her name to Reset following a recommendation to sign up by her coach. "You have friends who know how you're supposed to go But I'm not one of them" she states with a smile.

When she entered the industry of coaching Jo's schedule has been altered. In her first interview she called from the hospital in which she was with her daughter. "Eight years ago, my baby was born to a genetic specification and requires regular hospital visits each month," she shares.

" It lets me become a mother and manage my own life, while maintaining an online company that's operating and running even when I'm in hospital, as my daughter gets the monthly blood transfusions she needs," she continues. "Working online allows me to manage my daughter according to how I'd like, as well as being at home every day to take charge of her. This allows me to go on a trip for medical needs and still be a part of a profession I'm enthusiastic about, and without worry. ."

Her subsequent travels were personal inventions.

After completing The Reset, they have an option to join the three-month course called the Purposeful Actor. It is a"Purposeful" Actor class is three-hour session lasting twelve weeks. "The students here have some things to learn about themselves regarding responsibility and showing their own character. There are guidelines that must be followed every day and they shouldn't trust me to accomplish it. They must set their own objectives this is why they're at the moment." Jo discusses.

Jo will also be hosting Q&A sessions through the journey of the purposeful actor that take place each week for three weeks. Once people have successfully completed their Purposeful Journey and feel ready to go on the road and travel, they can enroll in a one-year membership called BAMF Actors In Action, which is a reference to the Bad-Ass Mother from F***king Actors In Action. "I created this program as those who completed the two walks wanted to continue working on the route," she says.

The membership program is in place for four years. The program offers a monthly content-based gathering each month as well with group events through regular sessions and regular Q&A sessions with Jo as well as a 6 hour summit which is held every three months. "The Membership allows members to decide on the most effective way to get out into the world, so that they can accomplish what they're expected to achieve, be connected with the work place and make the material they'd like to make as well as improve their skills," she explains.

She has coached artists of all sorts

According to Jo she's of the opinion that the vast majority of the clients she works with on her path are actors. There are others who are artists such as actors, storytellers and musicians and dancers and even regular people who "want to get moving and improve their conditioning," such as mothers and professional athletes like television hosts, professional athletes, and therapists. "Freedom is important to everyone who wishes to be fully themselves," she says.

Because the tours are conducted in English They draw people across the globe. "We receive people from all continents however, the majority of them are America, Europe, and Australia," she shares.

Most of her fans tend to be in the 20-50 range. They also have people who have entered the third decade in their lives that's when they become a part of the group. It is not unusual to see her invite people who are 70 or 80s for the shows she hosts.

The client let her take over the discussion.

If it's selling her travels Jo claims that the message gets out through the use of spoken words.

The home page on her website, she's placed the video reel of her personal testimonial. This provides proof of good standing in the community and boosts confidence in the quality of work she invests in her work. People who visit her website are able to subscribe to her newsletter through her site. To gather email addresses, she gives several free workshops to attract leads, such as Do not believe that you're a good actor, so that you can have the chance of being excellent and also the instinctive actor. Apart from aiding in obtaining her reader's details as well as giving people the chance to see her methods she uses to teach.

Furthermore, she's the owner of an Instagram page that has over 10,000 followers. The page also gets external press by interviews on different podcasts, blogs and as well as magazines.

She picked a value-for-money price

Jo will go to great lengths to make sure that her trips are economical to everyone as actors typically have a varying salary. "If you attended one class every week, you'll earn somewhere between $300-$400. The majority of time that will be spent sitting to watch others perform the scenes however, there are occasions when you'll be able to take on the role," she said.

"These web-based travel agencies offer a cheaper option," continues Jo. "The benefits of travelling with us is ten times more than the services we offer for." ."

The Reset costs below $1,000 USD. Purposeful Actor cost $1,250 USD. A membership fee of $270 USD is charged each month.

Her work was on the top of genius at its finest.

While she is the head of to Do Or Not To Act, Jo is firm in seeking to spend more time working with her artistic side, which is in making and coaching material. Jo does not believe she's a technology expert, and prefers to remain "in the moment" doing what she does best. "The rest of the work to manage the company aren't something I'm particularly interested in since it's not my area of expertise." She says.

Jo believes that her success is because of a coach she enlisted in the beginning. When it was time to create permanent plans She decided to take the risk and signed up for an education class for $20k in order to help her achieve this. "It was a huge sum, and it meant I was required to take out 50% of it. But, I'm glad that I was able to accomplish it," she shares.

She believes that it's possible for anyone to create a profitable online course business. However, she warns it's not an easy job.

"It takes dedication and perseverance It is essential to have a passion for the work you're doing. For me it's all I've ever done since changing jobs at the age of 20, and it's the sole thing I'm going to do. The reason for this is why I'll persevere even when things get tough and I'm determined not to stop. ."

Her concept was born in her mind.

She advises online creators to open up about the hard process of creating an online company. She suggests that you only accept the responsibility in the case that their topic is one that's close to their hearts.

"The problem is now that when you join social media, you'll find that everyone is a coach and everybody claims that you could earn millions in just seconds, but this isn't true," says Jo. "It is true that when you have the values that you are most passionate about and you're able to reach out to people who are bigger than your peers. But it takes legwork, along with falling and getting back up again. It is important to receive coaching along with putting in the cash and time until you are satisfied that the base is in place. ."

Like Jo says, when you create a company from your heart it helps you build the courage to endure the tough times.

"An online company isn't just a an opportunity to make money. It's a project that should come from the inside of your mind, from what you're destined to do. If you don't do this, you'll be unable to finish the job because it'll be too difficult to control." she shares.

"If you're doing this for legitimate reasons, you'll be in a position to tackle any challenge. If you're trying to earn an easy buck you won't be able to accept these difficulties. My best recommendation I could give is to stick to the things that you love to do. You have to be on top of your game for the work you're performing due to the high degree of rivalry. You need to be confident in the work you're doing. ."

She was true to her profession

Answering questions on the current trends on-line courses which will become apparent by 2024. Jo believes there will be an surplus of online courses. Jo believes that the main differentiator between "McDonald's" courses and the "gourmet" classes is the fact that they are courses made with a methodology that is authentic.

"When there's plenty of things to do, you'll see two kinds of work online. There'll be McDonald's kind of courses. Then there will be courses that are gourmet. Each person will need to come up with a plan in some way or other with your life that won't come from a legitimate source. Certain people have been doing the game for years," she says.

To create a memorable culinary experience, she recommends that you go back to the place that is your heart.

"There is huge opportunity for those who have a solid base and a desire to do the right thing," she continues. "The individuals who want the services you provide can find them ."

"I'm happy that it lets us all connect as humans to our values. It's incredible."

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