TCommerce: More Time for Sales and Admin, but more time teaching
It is well-known that running an enterprise that relies on knowledge is typically a time-consuming and stressful task. There are many things to consider such as the best method to make your landing pages more effective and attract new customers. handling your books, and controlling students' payments and refunds.
The most frequent complaint that designers are able to address is that the larger they grow, the more time they're spending fighting off fires in addition to dealing with the day-to-day administration. However, you're an teacher. This will benefit everyone if you invest the majority of your energy as well as your time teaching rather than managing the business.
Want to know more? We'll take a look at the TCommerce Selling, Bookkeeping and payment tools in more detail:
An easier method to make cash
If you've created an online course, you're probably looking for methods to gain new clients to increase revenue. And you're not the only one. Selling is the biggest issue for authors, but while there's not a single solution that's universally applicable but there are a few easy and efficient "quick wins" that all creators should be considering.
1. Make shopping more enjoyable with the latest features:
Enhancing your checkout process is among the easiest and most efficient strategies to make more sales.
- Now you can add Wallet Payments to your checkout including Apple Pay and Google Pay, which will improve the rate at which mobile phones convert and improve customer satisfaction.
- The checkout process has been made more efficient and is loading in 1.3 seconds instead of 2.3 seconds, and we've enhanced the rate at the point at which transactions are accepted, to ensure that more transactions will be recognized by your financial institution without having to perform any action.

2. Increase the value of every purchase by placing an order through Bumps.
If you've yet to hear us talk about Order Bumps then listen up because we've been screaming about it everywhere! If it is a good fit for your business, adding an extra sale at the point of purchase is the simplest and most cost-effective way to get more sales.
Learn more about the tools of TCommerce 6 Order Bump Examples
We like this feature since it's not spammy. The bumps will enhance the learning experience for students. Imagine if your student buying a course about Trail Running and in the checkout you suggest they also take a class for 10 dollars for stretching After a Run. This will increase the average value of your order and also create a context benefit for your students. Learn more about order bumps here. Fun Facts!
- orders bumps boost sales by 3.36%
- The payment option we offer can increase sales by 22%.
- Together together, they can boost sales of 5.36 percentage
Bookkeeping is easier using these tools
In the past, we inquired from creators what areas of their businesses they believe to be most difficult, and bookkeeping came up frequently and repeatedly. The reason is not only because it's time-consuming, but because bookkeeping is confusing--what information is required, what documents should you give your accountant? ....should you engage an accountant?
This problem continues to be a problem as you grow. Designers want to know if they're required to charge taxes as well as how tax burden changes based the location you reside. There's a lot to learn and that's why we're trying to develop instruments which make taxation an easy task of your business.
1. Make the reports you need
It is now easy to create and review business reports with your Dashboard so that you can ensure that your financials are in order.
Two important reports that must be reviewed frequently for: Payments Report and Transactions Report.
- The Payouts Report is most helpful for reconciling your bank accounts with the bank statements, in order to determine exactly what amount you're earning. You can view your payouts summary in one glance, and afterwards export a CSV which contains all the information like payments, refunds as well as processing fees.
- It is also helpful to look at Order Transactions Report. Order Transactions Report is also beneficial in reconciling. You are able to quickly identify the transactions that are missing or get more info on an order. Take the required information, download it and then take the necessary steps to fix this issue immediately.
The reports will help you make sure that your books are in order, but they can also help you remain on top of your books with an exact assessment of your organization's efficiency. Find out more information about these reports below.

2. It's easy to calculate and quickly charge taxes
If you generate an amount of profit from your classes and you're not taxing it the money could lead to problems. If you are charging taxes, but are not considering the student's location or location this may mean that you're in the process of paying more than you should.
It's just the start. We will keep developing an integrated tax tool that will simplify and streamlining this part of your business.

3. Integrate Quickbooks together with Quickbooks
We spoke to the makers regarding taxes. The majority of them told you the fact that Quickbooks is the most effective Accounting Software. We've put an enormous importance on the app's integration to allow it to transfer your payment data with Quickbooks to ensure that your payment report will be automatically imported into Quickbooks each day.
This integration can allow users to cut down on manually entering data, downloading and uploading huge CSVs, and many other chores you likely don't want to undertake. If you're using an alternative accounting software (like Zero or FreshBooks) ensure that you be on the lookout for updates for more integrations in the next 12 months.
Spend less time on payments
Payments are the force behind selling your knowledge products. But, this part of your company's operations is usually overlooked.
It's been our experience that a lot of money and time could be saved if you have the correct basic payment base.
Are you, for instance, have to spend a lot of time dealing with refunds or pauses for subscriptions? Do you often deal students' concerns about their payment plans or recent transactions? If you're a fan of this, then you're at the right place.
With TCommerce you can now accept payments and manage the entire process inside (in the sense that you don't need to use Stripe as well as PayPal). It is easier to manage when you've got a simple method and student's information is stored at one location.
One-click controls:
Admin and student management can be made easier now that you can complete things like cancellation of a credit card by a single click. Consider whether a student wants the refund. If they're making payments through external processors, you can suspend the transaction in Stripe or PayPal before putting a halt to access to your class . With Payments, this action can be completed in one-click (this can be done for any activity, including pausing or canceling student payment). Help administrators to organize and simplify your day-to-day life by integrating all your accounts.

2. It is easy to manage memberships and subscription payments:
We're excited to announce that TCommerce will make managing your membership model completely secure. Now you can pause and start your subscription right from the dashboard.
It is also possible to automatically try failed subscription transactions with Smart Retries to ensure you don't miss out on the sales. If your student's Pay Plan or subscription payment is unsuccessful It is now possible to automatically retry the payment for you 3 times (or it can be manually attempted to retry the card on your own) and records 50 percent of failed subscription transactions. Smart Retries is a crucial option for membership businesses which is rarely discussed, but it can make a huge difference in cash.
"I am awestruck with the ease of which, should I have any issues with my payment, I can be assured that the Support Team is always ready to assist me. I am completely grateful that everything is running well."
Mina Irfan The Universe Guru
Beginning using TCommerce
If you're located in one of these countries (US, Canada, UK) and you are ready to get started, navigate to the Settings Tab on your account and sign-up. Within five minutes, you will be migrated over to 's integrated payment processor and your payment process will be improved. You will also have immediate access to additional tools such as order bumps, as well as bookkeeping tools.
If you're still having queries that aren't addressed today please reach out to our support staff, they will be happy to help you find additional resources!
If you are outside of the countries eligible for membership, feel secure that we'll expand in the quickest time is. If you're looking to get early ahere.
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