Sell live Zoom calls and Sessions through your Membership Website using the WordPress Membership plugin Membership Websites

Jul 18, 2024

Sell Zoom Live and Calls on Your Membership Website

Sell Zoom Calls with  Member

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Host paid Zoom calls to participants, members of online classes or visitors to your website using Zoom and Member. Zoom x Member integration. Find out more about ideas, tips, and ways to start!

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Zoom has become a household name since it was introduced at a certain world-wide conference in the year 2020. From online courses and reconnecting our loved ones with us to business conferences that span across the globe, Zoom has continued to help us stay at the forefront of our professional as well as in our private lives.

However, have you thought of the ways you could leverage Zoom to build your online community and earn greater revenues?

Discover how to provide an exclusive right to access your expertise as well as your time with our Zoom integration.

Make your online course, provide the best experience to your students, or give them another avenue to connect directly with your participants.

The integration gives you numerous possibilities to grow your web-based offerings as well as profit by sharing your expertise and knowledge.

Why do we use Zoom?

Before we continue, we'll outline a few advantages to the use of Zoom as the best method of providing calls for free on your website.

  1. Cost: Zoom is free for meetingsfor as many as 100 participants and lasting between 40 and 60 minutes. This is enough for the majority of users, however if you're looking to have a larger venue or a longer time to hold your gatherings, the most expensive plan will set you back just $13.32/month and will enable the use of 300 guests as well as 30 hours (?!?!) of time for meetings.
  2. Usability and familiarityChances are most of your users already use Zoom on at most one of their devices, and they are already familiar with the way it works. This is just another less stress point to your users experience while browsing your site.
  3. It is available Zoom offers apps for each operating service and platform, which includes Android as well as iOS.
  4. Breakout rooms Zoom's "Breakout Room" feature you are able to divide your participants into smaller, more controllable groups.

At the end of the day, it's an inexpensive system that's adaptable and simple for companies that are of any size to connect into their IT stack, and even easier for staff members to utilize.

Earning money from Zoom Calls: Some Tips

How do you offer the possibility of paying Zoom calls to your website to create value for your business? Below are a few examples that will inspire you!

1. Host weekly Q&A sessions

Use Zoom calls to chat directly with your clients regularly! The weekly Q&A session allows you to connect in real-time and answer their questions as well as sharing your thoughts.

  • Fitness instructors provide live support on workout routines.
  • The business coaches are able to solve particular issues employees have to face.
  • Tech expertscan help people master the latest software.
  • Nutritionists can discuss healthy eating habits.

Interactive events will ensure that the audience is entertained and returning for more.

2. 1. Sell 1:1 Consultations

Take your knowledge global and spread the expertise with a worldwide audience. 1:1 Zoom consultations are perfect for professionals who typically offer individual consultations however, they would like to break free from geographic limitations. Remote work is now more accessible.

Here are a few best ways for professionals to make money by this arrangement:

  • The business coaches offer bespoke assistance according to your individual requirements.
  • Architects and engineers can offer detailed guidance and consultation on your project.
  • Career advisors can help clients prep for big interviews.
  • Beauty specialists are able to provide customized skin care advice.

Offering subscriptions as a service is an excellent way to give your customers access to your experience and provide a personalized appearance to your website which customers will appreciate.

3. Run Recurring Live Classes

Improve your learning experience online by observing classes in real-time through Zoom! Online course creators can significantly add value to their courses and also improve learning outcomes through offering individual tuition or small groups online.

  • Instructors of fitness can conduct live workout classes, adjusting form in real-time.
  • Chefs can conduct live cooking classes, and lead participants step-by-step.
  • The instructors for languages can provide live chat-based training sessions.
  • Creative writing instructors might lead interactive workshops.

Learning is enjoyable and thrilling, keeping the customers engaged and loyal to the name and brand.

4. Lead Study Groups

Another way to add value to your online course is by helping students by facilitating only member Zoom meetings. A great way to build a community learning environment.

  • Education professionals may organize study groups to aid in exams preparation.
  • Instructors can form study groups on complicated subjects.
  • Book hosts of clubs are able to organize discussion about the latest reads.

Study groups provide peer support and help you build your own online community and help learners stay on the right track to achieve their goals.

5. Run a Mastermind Group

If you are the manager of an online community that is comprised of fans as well as professionals, mastermind groups can be a great way to increase cooperation and increase the value of your participants. Small, targeted groups promote networking and let members learn from one another's experiences.

  • Entrepreneurs can brainstorm business strategies.
  • Writers have the ability to solicit comments on their latest piece of work.
  • health coaches are able to tell client successes stories.
  • Startup founders have the opportunity to share their most innovative growth hacks.

Masterminds help foster a sense of community as well as collective growth, making your site membership a center to support and inspiration.

The following list of ways to make use of paid Zoom calls is not by any by any means complete. Here are some methods to improve your membership website by offering more value and establishing stronger connections to your customers.

How do you sell Zoom Sessions and Calls through Your Site

You're probably thinking that your mind is buzzing with thoughts on methods to cash in on paid Zoom calls for your company. This is the opportunity to showcase how easy it could be. Get started with the tools needed for your job...

The tools you require

This is a quick checklist of the things you'll need to have for you to charge for calls through Zoom through your website.


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Member Pro

 Member Homepage

Member is the best software for creating and managing memberships and exclusive content for your website.

Member makes it easy to create unlimited membership levels and control access to Content.

But what sets Member unique from its competitors is its extensive collection of integrated integrations. Member has over 80 connections to the most well-known applications and services, including payment processors, email marketing tools CRM and, most importantly, Zoom!

This means that Members is able to seamlessly work with your workflows improving the functionality of your site, as and also providing a seamless experience for your members.

Sign up for a professional account in order to access Zoom. Zoom integration.

Zoom Account

Screenshot of Zoom Meetings

The only way to use the integration feature with Member as well as Zoom is that you must have a Zoom Account (that is the case even if you do not own one.)

The article has already discussed some reasons for the reason that Zoom is the most popular platform for online video conferencing and is renowned by its dependability and wide range of features.

In order to begin start, sign-up and select plan that's most appropriate for your requirements. There are a variety of plans available, from a free plan ideal for small meetings up to more comprehensive plans that are capable of accommodating hundreds of participants as well with extended duration meetings, Zoom offers flexibility to meet your company's requirements and the stage of growth.

Establish a paid-for membership rate for your participant

If you don't already have membership levels on your site, it's time to create membership levels! It is the way that people who come to your website will be able to access Zoom Meeting information through your web page.

Enable and Configure the Zoom Integration inside Member.

As with all our integrations that we offer Connecting Zoom Member to Zoom Member is simple and easy. After you've enabled this integration, the steps appears as follows:

  1. Set up your meetings with Zoom,
  2. You can assign them to membership levels in the Member section.
  3. Provide information about meetings to your members at any time you wish on your website with automatically generated shortcodes.

Here's how the information of the event will be for those who've logged onto your website:

Upcoming Zoom Meetings List as viewed by members.

As you can see, your members can filter to find forthcoming meeting and the previous ones. Clicking on the Meeting Information tab, they can view the date, time as well as the URL for joining. You can also include the meeting on your calendar with the click on an image.

How to display your exclusive Zoom Calls: Make it unique!

Member is a highly versatile member plugin, which makes it highly adaptable. There are countless methods for securing access to the content on your site. There are a lot of ways to display Zoom meeting information on your site!
    Take into consideration the type of gathering you're arranging, and consider when it's appropriate to share the knowledge you've gathered for your attendees.

As an example, if Zoom meetings consist of study groups as well as live classes to supplement your online course You can add the information about your meetings to the module.

Zoom calls listed on CourseCure Courses page

For those who host an event for networking, think about the possibility of incorporating Zoom calls in a dedicated calendar of events in order for members to quickly locate the upcoming events.

Additionally, it is possible to incorporate access directly into the profile of the member. This can be especially useful when you want to conduct coaching or consultation sessions. Participants can sign in to their account to gain immediate access to the scheduled session, recordings of past sessions, as well as hyperlinks which allow them to participate in live events, all of which are centralized.

If you are careful about the locations you showcase your Zoom telephone calls on your website, you allow members to use the calls and also highlight the benefits that come with joining your group.

Time for a Price Hike?

We've said it before and we'll reiterate that having immediate access to your knowledge and time is an added benefit of premium quality. It can be a benefit to your memberships and online courses. The value of this service is worth the price tag!

Review your existing pricing structure and be sure that you're paid for the additional work needed to hold Live Zoom sessions!

Rather than incorporating Zoom sessions into the existing membership levels instead, why not create a separate membership level exclusively for calls? The membership tier you create could be positioned as a premium addition that lets you sell upsells to existing members and also increase the value of joining your community.

Naturally, you'll need determine what will make the most sense for your company plan However, make sure that you make use of this top-of-the-line and premium service to increase the profits you earn!

Make money on your calls Today through Zoom and Member

Its Zoom integration is a further way to use Member to create an engaging, interactive experience for your online community.

If you conduct your Zoom meetings through Members, each session offers an opportunity to connect with others to impart your knowledge and ensure that everybody is eager to come back to the next session. From in-depth training sessions to quick check-ins, you're creating a group that is waiting eagerly to log in.

However, this arrangement doesn't only make your clients happy; it also opens the door to additional income streams. If it's through special courses or special events any interaction is an opportunity to boost your revenue.

Are you looking to turn your calls into money? We can get your integration to Member and Zoom in place immediately!

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