Professor. of Creativity Juan Munoz published his newsletter every week for a total of 162 weeks. It was the outcome of his study. off. |

May 13, 2023

Do you know that your institution has been going in the wrong direction? Find out how the University's Creativity Professor. Juan Munoz is making appearances as a talented person starting as he gets more adept when it comes to studying.

In the very beginning of the class day the professor of creativity and innovation Juan Munoz informed the students in his course that they were capable of displaying their works in any style they wanted.

"It can be written or record the handwriting as well as being typed on computers. This could be in the form of a video or the shape of a podcast. You are able to choose the format you wish to accomplish. If you would prefer to communicate via a private messenger to finish your job you are welcome to employ this method. You don't have to limit the options to a document and Google Doc," he suggested.

Even so, students of his school submitted identical PDFs using identical formatting all the time.

"I was so angry,"" Juan remembers. "I thought this was one of the tasks that was easy to accomplish. What way can people think of ideas when they're in the situation to finish the task?"

The story continued, and Juan did not know what was the most important issue that had to be resolved.

"Students learn to adopt certain ways of thinking over the 10-15 years of their schooling. They've been taught that, regardless of how incredible or incredible, you'll be given an unfavorable grade when you don't follow the rules that teachers instructed them to follow. The fear is that you'll get punished for breaking established norms."

Juan recognized the possibility that internalizing programming can have an adverse influence on creativity. He decided to rectify the circumstances.

Juan was a fantastic teacher, however, the rules he was required to adhere to made him nervous within the institution. While at home, he'd be reading TechCrunch along with other publications designed by entrepreneurs. He was then presented with the idea of establishing an enterprise.

There was not a thriving enterprise system in his birth country, Costa Rica, so Juan set out to help bring the system back to life.

"I am an engineer in civil engineering with a degree. I had friends who asked me "What are you going to say about business?" My answer as a step was to record all my thoughts in an online journal. Then I'd be sharing my thoughts with. The path to being an artist began with publishing my thoughts on the web and communicating with other people about the accomplishments I've made."

At present, Juan teaches creativity, making goals, entrepreneurship and business through his educational website called Epico Academia . The site offers online classes and a variety of free classes, along with weekly emails that helps people lead an informed and healthy lifestyle.

This is how experimenting with the latest technologies, testing out new techniques, and continually improving your skills can assist Juan build a successful online company and get access to a method of work that is both enjoyable as well as fulfilling.

Could you give us more information so it won't look like a duplicate from an old school

Based on his experience of creating classes in his time as college professor The process of creating the content wasn't a concern for Juan. The only thing was finding what was the best way to convey the information.

"The most difficult part is getting consumers to buy the products we produce," Juan shares.

"People attend a class however only a few would sign up for it. It's like going to schools. If there isn't anyone encouraging me to move away and am enquiring about the matter, my mind is returning to school mode. The teacher is there are classes, and classes."

and Juan tested new ways for getting his message across to the right target group of people.

"What is the best method to accomplish this if I decide to enroll in an online course in which you'll receive a week of awesome email throughout the course of one year ? It could be a similar to the TikTok course that has videos of 30 seconds. Can I design courses using multiple videos that run for 30 seconds? Maybe. That's something I'll look into and see if it's effective."

"I love the fact that it enables me to make videos that are basically exactly like the type of sequence I'd like to make. I can design a class consisting of 100 30-second videos to let students watch the film."

One of the methods which proved to be successful was the sending of a pro-Monday newsletter

In the quest for trying new things, Juan experimented with something unique and came up with one of his most-loved items: The Monday newsletter .

When he first started his online business, Juan noticed a trend.

"Every Sunday until midnight, and the Monday prior to coming up with memes for their resentment of Mondays." Juan declares. "I found out that every single morning is Monday. You can't escape it. The issue is why do you remain so hung over this?"

"I discovered that these are exactly the same people that contact me to say"I'm dissatisfied with my job I'm unhappy about the work I'm performing and would like to be better" It's exactly the same as my experience. I'm a big lover of branding and marketing. I thought this might be a fascinating marketing idea as it's quite common to be bored throughout the week on a typical Monday. A Facebook page is set up to tackle this problem that is an enormous group. What do you think you can accomplish to stop this issue?"

Juan started a newsletter every month, describing his pleasure with Mondays. Juan often offered hints to some thought, concept or concept that would help his readers make the most out of their day.

"It was a topic of discussion across a wide range of people who were unsatisfied about something in their lives and I explored possibilities to improve their lives. Participants had the opportunity to consider, "Why you think that I am so annoyed every Monday?"

Today, this experiment-turned-newsletter continues to grow through word-of-mouth referrals, and Juan still loves writing it every week.

If you're looking to be an improved writer, it's important to acquire the maximum details you can about the subjects that you're interested in.

These ideas might not come to life exactly the way that the paper would have been the previous Monday. Juan discovered that the best way to get clarity about the product or content idea was to study once more.

"I'm always amazed at the privilege of being an integral part of a group which learns from each of us and anyone might learn something from us. It's amazing. If I'm a huge fan of marbles, then I'll likely be with someone who is obsessed with marbles. They'll inform me about various ideas. They could be located in Singapore and I might not be aware of them. However I will gain from studying your writing."

If you're looking to be a professional writer in the near future you must know the most you can about the topic that you are most passionate about.

"I suggest that individuals study every subject they're fascinated by." Juan recommends. "Often you can find free details on the social media sites. If you're looking at content and discover it's easy. The author is discussing marbles. It's not necessary to have an Ph.D. in a subject."

"There was a time in which there were experts in the field," Juan explains. "There were experts who were knowledgeable on a specific subject because there was a small quantity of information available. There was no information much more extensive than today's information. Data was gathered in an area. It was believed that one person was the sole person with all of the data as well as the expertise. It has now been proven otherwise. case."

"There are plenty of people with lots of experience as well as a large number of people with a little or no expertise. There's always someone with greater experience than you. Video tutorials can be created to making them look more appealing."

If you're able to go out and learn and grow and gain knowledge and experience, you'll be able to pass it on the knowledge of others within your area. If you're having trouble figuring out how to share the wisdom you've gained consider taking a break and attending classes to increase your passion.

What are you thinking about yourself when you think of designing objects with the intention to create the objects you envision?

One of the main lessons Juan has learned from his experiences is that there are a lot of possibilities to help people connect with their own interests.

It isn't just about achieving an end-product with regard to economic achievement, milestones or number of followers. You must find a way to establish a suitable harmony between Telic targets and the goals which are the goal of the Atelic.

"Telic goals are the ones which result in a specific outcome that is easy to evaluate. These are great goals to set and work towards achieving these targets. Which approach to development should you take goals with both types of targets in mind?" Juan shares.

"If you are truly helping others, regardless of the number they help no matter how many or one million."

Also, it's worth just to be in the global market.

"If you tweet or perhaps an Instagram posting or video and no one can see your article but it's still online. Somebody will find it. In addition, getting people to like the blog and encouraging readers to visit the blog are two distinct components. I appreciate a variety of things that I do not make a habit of doing double taps. This is because no one has duplicate tap your tweet, or even shared it, doesn't mean you should discard it for being unhelpful."

"Creating is an emotive aspect. It's an expression that expresses emotion. It's authentic and vulnerable." Juan claims. "It's the image you create of yourself and the way that you perceive yourself, and then putting your image online but not letting anyone realize that you've actually taken it seriously constitutes a type of fraud."

"But even if no one buys it, it's still crucial. Your experience is valuable. They can be applied for consultation, the next position or every other situation. There is no way for anyone to remove all of your personal information. It's just soul-bound."

To keep your focus on the most important things, Juan explains how important to be aware of the root causes behind your life and be content with what you've achieved over the years.

"I recommend that artists keep journals as well as reflect on what they're working on now in an era of 10 or 20 years earlier in time. Take a look at what you'd say about the current status of your art. Perhaps you thought that you were impressed. Take a glance at the next step."

In the final moments of every day Juan warns the creators that the main thing is getting their work done. It's not about achieving record sales or clients or likes.

"I find it shameful to consider that there is no use for the product that you provide. You're arrogant for taking a position that is untrue to others. Let them make the decision. If they're interested and want to buy it, they'll purchase the product. If they're not interested and do not want it and don't want it, they will not. Make it accessible to anyone who would like it. Discover the world, to find the best, choose an action plan to let other people take on their own."

"Create your idea and then put it out into the world,"" Juan tells us. "You never know what will happen within the next few years."

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