Methods for Collecting Testimonials to increase the number of members on your site

Dec 30, 2022


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A great way to increase the number of members in your membership program, whether you're starting from scratch or are already well established is to put up testimonials from your members on your website.

When used correctly, testimonials can make your membership program look more professional and showcase its most effective features.

They can also give visitors an element of social proof to convince them to take a chance in your site's material.

Although there's a lot to gain from the inclusion of testimonials on your site for membership, gathering and publishing the feedback of your members isn't always straightforward.

However, if you follow the advice given in this article, you should be well on the way to boosting your membership site through the use of testimonials.

Why Bother With Testimonials?

Example of a testimonial

In the end that positive reviews can have a powerful effect on the rate of conversion for your website's membership page which can help turn many of your site visitors into paying members.

Used properly, testimonials can answer questions your potential members may have, showcase your experience and knowledge, and signal that you are safe in entering the payment information into your system.

If you're proud of your membership website and its information, then there's nothing wrong with publish testimonials on your website. So to help you start, this article includes tips and advice about how to collect and use testimonials to boost the popularity of your membership site.

Let's begin...

You can ask for help at the appropriate time.

Given the benefits of publishing testimonials on your site, you may consider asking for feedback from your members right away. But, at this point, being so proactive isn't a good option.

Instead, give your members the time they need to browse your site, and if necessary request assistance. Once they've had a chance to benefit from your site's membership features, as well as experience your top-quality customer service, they'll be much more willing to - and more ableto offer genuine and positive feedback.

Make It Easy for Your Members

Although you can send off an email to your members asking them what they think of your program for membership This approach is unlikely to yield the best results.

Instead, you should try making it as simple as you can for your customers to provide feedback.

It's not just about giving users the possibility of getting the kind of feedback that you're looking for However, you'll also be able to use the more sophisticated features of a plugin to add feedback fields to your form that allow users to review your website at the touch of one button.

Collect testimonials with a purpose-built form.

We've now covered the best way to get feedback we'll examine some of the data you can try to get from your members...

Ask Your Members about Their Experiments

For you to get the sort of feedback that can be used as an effective testimonial, you must be sure to ask the appropriate questions.

Instead of asking customers what they thought of your membership site, encourage them to discuss their experiences.

Inquire about their needs and prompt them to explain the reason they joined initially and how the program supported them and the results they achieved after putting your advice into practice.

Other inquiries to inquire about is what they were hesitant about prior to signing up and, in the event that they did, how your member site dealt with their concerns.

Also, you can ask them whether they would recommend your program, and if so, to whom.

Keep in mind that you do not have to release all of their comments, however the more questions you pose to them, the more data that you'll be working with.

But, be careful not to overdo it in asking too many questions of your members and risk them getting overwhelmed and refusing to respond to the request. It's better to be less in the case of getting an favor of your members.

In order to make your reviews more fun and authentic Be sure to request for a photograph of your customers as well as a link to their websites or profile on social media so the people who read your testimonials can confirm the authenticity of the comments.

Text is Good, but video is better

A few research say that using videos on your landing pages could improve conversion rates by as much as 70%, as compared to just publishing comments with text on your site.

Consider people you've worked closely with and built a good relationship with. Especially those you know are getting great results with your material. These are great candidates to approach to get a testimonial video.

Think about reaching for these people.

They put the review request at the top of your list and makes it fast and simple for less tech-savvy to make review requests.

You should seriously consider giving potential reviewers a reward for taking the time to add a video testimonial.

Make the Testimonials available on Your Website

Studio Pro WordPress Theme Testimonials

Last but not least, ensure that you post the reviews as soon as you begin receiving these.

Don't delay until you've had multiple responses from your members. Instead, put this valuable content to work right away.

Although the initial responses you receive aren't amazing If they're enthusiastic, you're welcome to publish these testimonials on your site.

You can always replace them later, once you've refined your process for soliciting feedback and begin receiving impressive feedback.

Alternately, you could utilize a specially-designed testimonials plugin, or simply make a new website and add the feedback in plain text.

If you are publishing reviews, make sure to include the most details you can including the complete name of the participant along with a photograph, as well as a website address or link to their social media profile so that your customers can determine for themselves who the testimonial is from.

Make sure you get the permission before you publish the testimonial, especially if the author has made any edits.

Finally, don't just create a page for your testimonials and store all your feedback there.

Make sure to publish your top feedback on the homepage of your site and also on your signup page.

By displaying your glowing testimonials in the center of your page they can be displayed at the exact time they'll prove most useful in growing your membership site like in the section where you invite your customers to take action and sign to join or fill in their details for payment.

Final thoughts

Hopefully, these tips about gathering and using testimonials for promoting your membership site are helpful.

It is now time to ask for feedback from your users before publishing it to ensure it will have the most positive impact on your membership site's conversion rates.

If your membership site has yet to sign up its first members, then it is possible to offer free access to your program in exchange for genuine feedback.

Even though you're not likely to earn income directly from these users, their comments can be invaluable in advertising your membership website.

 Are you ready to start inviting your members to give feedback? Comment on your ideas in the comment section!