Membership Community Secrets - Grow a 6-Figure Business

Jun 4, 2024

The membership community has seen members come and go throughout the last ten years. We've watched the ones that started as nothing but grew to be six, seven, and even eight-figure businesses. There are so many inspiring examples of communities that are based on membership but here are some of the most exciting wins we've seen recently:

  • The entrepreneurship organization that generated $30,000 over 2 1/2 weeks with 5000 members.        
  • A health-focused membership which has just added 100 premium members (and $40,000 in ARR).      
  • An author and speaker that brought $30,000 of revenue for their community of members following a 4-week promo.        

We love to celebrate these wins however, there are many other incredible membership community stories-from communities large and small.

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In this article in this post, we'll explain the power of a membership community. We'll teach you how to set up an online community that is paid for by members. We'll give you the steps to take you from where you are now into a business that can earn six figures.

There's no way to guarantee it, but these are the tried and proven methods have proven to work repeatedly and time and.

This is the way we how-to guide for a six-figure membership community.


1. Get a razor-sharp niche

This is a bit of a cliché in this moment, but we'll say the same thing again. The best opportunities lie in areas of.

Communities with too wide-ranging.

As a host who is a novice, it's tempting to cast wide. Wouldn't you like to have as many people as possible to be in your area?


The problem is, when you have a community full of individuals with different interests it's impossible to engage the whole group. Also, it's not likely that they'll interact with one another.

Your community is on its face.

The niche is what allows it to thrive. The membership communities are constructed on anything from German dance to anime. From public speech for finance professionals, to email newsletters for nonprofts.

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Your niche is the key to your success. When you're building a membership community online, you can reach around the globe in search of individuals in your field.

Star With a broad idea for an online community and then narrow it down further than you think you need to.

Use Our Community Name Generator

Our AI engine is here to help you create an identity for your community that is like magic. You just need to share a few lines about who your community is for and we'll get started.            Input maxlength="60" name="idealMember" placeholder="Who would you like to unite?" type="text" value=""/>


Examples: coaching clients, meditation novices, vegan chefs, dog lovers, aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.

Ask for Suggestions

The names generated by Mighty Co-Host(tm) are examples only and are not licensed to other companies or under third-party rights. For more information, check our Terms.

2. They serve a big purpose

If we instruct Community Design(tm) on Mighty the Web, we always begin with a Big Purpose.

The Large Purpose can be the reason your membership community exists.

The traditional company has its own mission statement. And membership communities that thrive serve a big purpose.

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We are so passionate about communities developing a Big Purpose, we built it into our community engine. Each new community is prompted to choose a Big Purpose.

Do it!

 Start Free Trial Free Trial

3. Are You Looking for Your Ideal Member

This is related to your niche, but start with one Ideal Member. That should be one individual you work with, who has just one specific goal or issue.

Do you want to learn about one of the best exercises that can be done to discover the ideal member? Meet them!

If you've got an idea of your niche, make a point to speak with some of the ideal people. Even if it's a bit intimidating, you'll be glad you did it.

Ask them questions like:


  • What do you struggle with?        
  • What kind of support do you want to look for?        
  • What price would you be willing to pay to get the results you need?        

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Interviewing with these people will take you one step towards creating a flourishing members-only group. It helps get the concept off your brain and into the conversation.

However, make sure to be attentive to your ideal members.


  • If everyone is interested but nobody is willing to pay for it, you could be forced to change your mind.        
  • If the problem you identified is different from the one your ideal members are talking about, it could be necessary to change your focus.        

It's market research, and you should adhere to it.

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4. Begin with a small amount

There are membership societies that launch to thousands of members. There are stories about members who pay $50,000 per month. We even told you a few at the top of this piece.

We're not going to get off, we'd like to see you be able to get there!

Even if you are only beginning your journey you can benefit from starting small.

Smaller communities have an easier time connecting. It is possible to get acquainted with everybody, which is virtually impossible for a group of thousands of individuals.

Once you've gotten really good at meeting the requirements of those 10-15 people who are in the initial group then you are able to scale up to thousands.

    But remember, you don't necessarily need thousands of people to have a thriving community. The average community on Mighty costs $48 per month. There's a possibility of a six-figure membership community with more than 174 members. This isn't even including things most of our communities sell as upsells like events, private coaching, masterminds, and courses. It's possible to get to six figures when you have 30 or 40 members as long as you follow the right steps.

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5. Sell something

If it's your first encounter with creating an online membership site , sell some thing.

Simply breathe and rip off the Band-Aid. Create your own landing page and invite your first members. It could be a live-course or an open event. Sticking up an offer, even pre-selling it, can help to validate your membership community idea.

6. Consider the screening

The overall health of your is dependent on the health of people in it. And screening is a way to make sure you only receive the highest quality members.

This is a bit odd. Are you going to turn people away? Make it harder for people to become part of your community? Add more friction?

But in some cases the "negatives" are offset by one very strong positive: the people who are in your community actually want to be there.

It's not easy to say no to potential members, screening can increase the worth of your group for the people who do come in. And that's worth its weight in gold.

Screening could comprise:


  • Automating a questionnaire on your checkout process.        
  • Making a list of requirements for people to join.        
  • Live one-on-one or group discussions with prospective members.        

Sometimes, it's even about telling people no when they do not fit. However, once you've established a vibrant community, you'll be grateful for it.

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7. Learn the maths

In order to go all-in on a membership community it is necessary to know the significance of certain numbers.

There is no thriving community that has complete engagement all the all the time.

None. Zilch.

Each community is home to"super members and "supers". This is 5-10 percent of the people who are extremely engaged and bring all of their energy into everything they take on.

The majority of members might be in and out of the club occasionally. There are people you don't see at all who pay the membership fee.

The figures are quite normal. Do not let this discourage you. Also, don't let it affect you in any way!

If members have joined your community, they will appreciate the benefits. Particularly if they pay the monthly membership cost.

The community you live in could be a dream they have however they may not be able to commit 100% to it right now. Your community might be that push they need to start small every month.

In short, don't sell yourself to anyone. Just show up and do the job and don't worry about the details too much.

    Keep in mind that communities that are designed for busy individuals may show the lowest involvement. The CEO community might cause a titch however it does not make the people in these communities less productive. You can trust them to attend and be active when they are able.

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8. Know the worth of the membership fee

It's simple to see the cost of membership from your viewpoint. The cash flow is in the end.

But you need to consider what a membership fee does to your members as well. A cost for membership helps members commit. The members who pay their fees are more active. As people who pay take note of what they are doing.

These numbers reveal that a cost for membership doesn't affect members' willingness to buy upsells. 75% of the free networks are making upsells to paid products. However, 90percent of the paywalled networks create upsells!

It suggests that members do not just pay for their membership, but they also are willing to be willing to pay more for value. Take this into account when you are pricing your membership website.

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9. Skip the free trial

People who sell stuff online typically offer free trials. However, it's not always required. Only 27% from our 250 top income-generating provide a free trial.

Trials are free and have a place. They can also alter the nature of a community. If you've got members who drop between meetings, engaging but not staying the same, this could affect the cohesiveness of your community.

In most situations, it's more beneficial to do the work ahead of time to ensure the ideal candidate is there; do the screening, and ensure that they are ready to give all of their.

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10. Make more deals

In the most profitable membership communities, the untapped source of revenue growth is from those already in the door.

While it's common to think, "I'm already charging them so I don't have to charge them for something other than that," we find that those who are active members usually want more. This might be an engaged mastermind, a 1:1 coach, or a truly amazing live or virtual event.

It's not our intention to increase the price just in the name of charging more.

Do take a close take a look at the existing customers and make sure you're giving them the most value possibly can-even if it means a new offer!

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11. Make sure that all members are connected

We research successful communities. They have one thing they all have in common.

Communities that are successful have members who have become acquaintances (that's not the Host). People come into communities for information, classes, or activities, yet they remain within the community because of their relationships.

That means one of the primary tasks a Host can do is to create occasions for members of your group to connect and make friends. This could be done asynchronously, for example: in a discussion prompt or a post. It could also be done partially synchronous: at offices, during a live event or through planned break-out groups or networking sessions.

Get out of the way and let them connect.

Your community will benefit from it.

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12. Incorporate you "supers" to help

Your super members are a powerful resource. Most Hosts do not use the full power of their members. The most active members of your membership seek ways to make connections. They are also engaged in ways that go that go beyond the normal member experience:


  • Request them to facilitate discussions        
  • They should be enlisted to moderate the group and the content it contains.    
  • Feature their stories or interview them        
  • Invite for them to get in touch to warmly welcome new members.      

Not every super will be in agreement, however we have found that the majority of supers waiting for the opportunity to help more. Don't be shy to ask their help.

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13. Select the best platform

In the end, the most significant boost to your membership community might come from the community platform you select to build your community on. When you pick a platform that lets you mix any type of course, content as well as community and live events together with a powerhouse digital business engine-you've got the recipe for an amazing community-based enterprise.

As we developed our community platform, we took into account everything that you need to run the development of a vibrant membership group.

This is a reference to:


  • It is a way to build whatever type of content you want, including posts, long-form content discussion, polls, and stream live .      
  • Sell memberships, live or pre-recorded classes, virtual events masterminds, group-coaching, or bundle any of them in your own home currency.    
  • Unleash connection tools like no others Chat, discussion tools and messaging AI profiles and text improvements, rich member directories and profiles. Conversations are included at every turn.        
  • Build your own branding identity using Colors, Spaces that you can personalize, or even upgrade to an app with a brand name .      
  • Create your own sales engine with automatic landing pages, custom screening questions, and other welcome options.        

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Are you prepared to get started? Start building your membership network with Mighty! It's G2's top-rated community platform that includes everything you require to go from 0 to 6 figures. You can try it for at no cost for 14 days, with no credit card needed.