How to Scale Charitable Impact through the online classroom

Sep 19, 2024

Since the outbreak started, a number of charities have been forced to think about ways they could increase their impact and maintain their influence within the local area via online channels.

The sector of charity isn't an industry well-known for its rapid adoption of technological advances, according to Thrive For Good's Executive Director James Woller. "Charities tend to be more traditional and cautious in their attempts to expand. The Thrive team was required to choose an alternative approach in order to go forward, and that required taking risks as well as offering training through virtual ," he explains.

Online learning is helping this non-profit expand its reach. "Before it was an issue of affecting more than 30,000 individuals. In the present, we're affecting nearly 80k. From 550 communities and close to 800. seven countries to 47. We're also expanding to countries we never would have imagined." Woller says. Woller.

Another organization that has had to think of fresh ideas to meet the challenges caused to them by COV-19. One of these are the Vayu Global Health Foundation. Prior to the onset of the disease, Burke was traveling every couple of weeks to teach medical professionals in the flesh. Since travel was not feasible, the Vayu team developed a virtual instruction for all people across the world.

"We utilize the platform solely as an education platform," says Vayu's executive director Thomas Burke. "Without the platform, our work would have had to come to an end in the wake of the epidemic ."

We sat down with Thrive for Good's James Woller and Vayu Global Health Foundations' Thomas Burke to discuss the ways they managed to enhance their impact in this volatile time across the globe. They could do this in two different ways, by offering classes on the web and by looking at the charity sector using a more radical lens. Here's how they scaled their impact on charities:

1. Online Teaching

Thrive For Good

The population of the world is shrinking to 2 billion, and people don't get the nutrition they need. Thrive For Good provides communities worldwide with skills to sustainably cultivate organic and healthy food for the long haul through providing people who wish to know how to grow food for themselves as well with their families and friends who can to incorporate the Thrive's principles into their own programmes. The group generates nearly 1 million Canadian dollars every month in vegetables grown by their community gardens that are based upon 50 cents per meal.

Through partnership agreements through partnerships Europe, South America, Africa as well as Asia, Woller says they couldn't have scaled their impact without the development of online learning programs.

Although online education has increased the amount of money spent by the company It has also made it easier to deal with the issues posed by covid-19. "Just the other day, am on the phone with my colleague from Uganda which is a place that has no boundaries and mobility is severely restricted... It's extremely difficult to find an instructor on-site currently this is the reason why that online learning can be ."

Woller states that the firm has the ability to save substantial amount of money due to its move to the internet. "We're cutting tens of thousands of dollars making use of . If we had to provide a Thrive coach to every participant's group for a month, it would be impossible to scale up in the manner that we have," he says.

Vayu Global Health

Thomas Burke, emergency doctor and professor in his department at the Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, manages both of the branches of his company : Vayu Global Health Foundation and Vayu Global Health Innovations.

It is Vayu Global Health Foundations is an trust with charitable goals focused on finding ways to provide breakthrough solutions that can have a profound result to improve the newborn, maternal and the child's health. Its Vayu Global Health Innovations arm of the firm is a public benefit company, meaning they're signed with the World Health Organization as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and have a strong commitment to the global health sector and community.

At Vayu they've developed medical devices that ease CPAP as well as bronchial asthma which Burke claims is among the most deadly killers for young children who are under five. The treatment device that treats the disease can reduce mortality by 66 percent. Since most devices require power, they're expensive for countries that have low incomes. The Vayu team developed a device which costs just $300- a fraction of the price of the gold-standard CPAP device worth $12,000 -and it provides the same high-quality. It doesn't require electricity or bioengineering support and is therefore easy to those who have limited resources to use. Through the use of it the users can be capable of teaching local physicians how to make use of the equipment.

Because the CPAP course has proved to be very successful, they're currently developing the next course which will instruct medical professionals on how to make use of their latest device, which is an oxygen mixer. The typical price is $1200. They've created the exact product with a price of $50. It's designed to assist children with pneumonia or difficulty breathing.

Additionally, the online platform makes it possible to expand the reach of individuals. Additionally, it helps to improve the standardization of instruction for medical devices. "We are fortunate to have master instructors from each nation, however it's not enough. Training helps us improve the teaching method quality and also the test methods. The training is now available for the rest students." Trainer says.

2. Utilizing a progressive lense

Thrive For Good

Woller says that the traditional method aren't always the most effective way to scale charitable impact. "The foundation's very existence foundation's existence is dependent by the generosity of donors and donations. The traditional relationship between a donor or philanthropist, and the charity that is providing the program can pose difficulties when it comes to scaling" He explains. "Donors don't necessarily want their cash going toward technology upgrades... Their preference is spending their cash towards projects... But with the advancement of capacity via technology the possibilities for growth increase ."

Thrive's innovation has come from looking at organizations that are currently focusing their efforts on organic farming and nutrition and then enhancing the efforts. "We didn't have to double the amount of money to achieve a double effect. The company has changed from a B2C into an B2B model. We like to think of ourselves as Java within your personal computer. It's not necessary to appear as Dell or Apple. We can use white-labeling to identify what we provide. This is a new approach for the charity sector ."

The company has been able to grow its operations after launching on the internet, Woller explains. "We received a call from an organization in India which has numerous training centers, 8,000 employees as well as community members, and millions of beneficiaries. We received a call from them concerned about the security of food in India, as well as the issue of covid-19 and have asked to push all of their education towards Thrive. That's scale."

Woller is a firm believer in the value of charitable organizations testing new approaches and experimenting. Online learning was a successful experiment that paid dividends. "I consider that a few ideas of innovation in the realm of charitable work is greatly needed. In order to make an impact, one must take chances. I'm really glad we made the decision to look into online learning." He tells us.

While Woller acknowledges that taking risks isn't always easy but he is of the opinion that the outcomes can be unexpected and an integral part of being an entrepreneur. Woller states that "Ninety percent of companies are unsuccessful, but entrepreneurs continue the momentum ."

Vayu Global Health

The Vayu Global Health Innovations approach that is built on the idea of establishing an established revenue source so that they can be self-sufficient and grow their business without the requirement for contributions. "This is the most distinctive method of charitable giving," he says.

With an advanced lens, they've been able to offer online instruction. It means they're able to access a much broader population as opposed to if they solely use in-person instruction. "We can imagine a bigger world with a variety of populations and systems of care better than the demonstration programs ."

If you're interested in online learning, Burke believes that the result is only as effective as the effort you do. "You must be aware that it's not trivial to develop educational materials of high quality," he says. "Teaching includes some form of engaging as you attempt to attract your students' attention. The focus shouldn't be just on giving the facts. It is essential to think outside the box and have fun with it ."

Burke also advises that charities work with the locals in their communities when designing their curriculum. "It's an excellent idea for charities to create alongside locals rather than having the same idea of the idea of an Americanized instrument that they're trying to carry across the Atlantic. I'm not sure that this will work," he says.

In conclusion, creating an online class can be an important step in the field of charity and will greatly increase the capacity of an organization to grow. Making a risk, being innovative, and thinking out of your comfort zone can help the organization to increase its power and impact.

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