How to design your Blog Page to Maximize Conversions

Aug 8, 2023

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Adding a blog to your site for membership not only helps you attract many more members, but it could also increase new member signups.

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Every time you post an update to your blog on your site and it provides your intended viewers another avenue to locate your membership site on Google.

However, if you haven't improved your blog's page to get greater conversions, that extra traffic might be going into a waste.

In order to assist you in making the maximum use of visitors that visit your site, we'll explain in this blog post how to make your blog's pages optimized for ultimate conversions.

How do you create a High Converting Blog Page

Are you engaged in content marketing and writing informative articles on your blog which are targeted towards your target audience, but you're not getting the growth in sign-ups for new members you had hoped for?

Chances are your blog page might benefit from a little improvement.

Following are a few tips for optimizing your blog's content to increase conversion.

Check that your site has a reputable design

It's crucial to ensure that your blog and membership website overall -have a professional and trustworthy style.

Thankfully, this doesn't have to mean boring or corporate. Based on the contents of your membership website it is possible to have amusement with its layout.

If, for instance, your site is focused on training your customers to be successful in their preferred extreme sport, then a striking and stylish layout may be the right choice.

If your website gives career advice for aspiring lawyers, it might be necessary to tone it down bit.

Either way, your membership site and blog need to feature a top-quality layout which gives them a professional look. Make sure your website appears to be a safe place to hand over payment details in exchange for access to your website's content.

As your website starts to appear more trustworthy and trustworthy, you will see the majority of visitors to your site are prepared to sign up to become members.

Design a separate landing page

Create a Landing Page

A blog is a great way to attract new customers to your site by increasing the popularity of your site on Google, as well as providing your current audience with material to share via social networks.

However, it might not be the best way to convert your members company.

In the end, the main goal of a blog is to showcase your posts in an easy-to-read format rather than selling memberships.

With that in mind it is a good idea to create a separate landing page on your website to direct blog visitors to can help you achieve more conversions.

The majority of landing pages consist of content created to serve the goal of creating leads or sales. So in this case your landing page should concentrate on explaining the reason the reasons why people should sign up and sign up to your membership program.

To boost conversion rates To increase conversions, pages should are free of distracting or unneeded features, such as hyperlinks to other pages on your site. The only thing you can take is to sign up or click the return button.

A few WordPress themes have landing page templates, so there's an easy way of adding the template to your site.

Top Tip Take advantage of Page Builders

Beaver Builder  options

You could, for instance, build a landing site that presents different offers or content to visitors based on the level of membership.

If someone is a free member, they might see an invitation to upgrade to a premium membership.

If the visitor is not a member at all the visitor might see reviews, previews of exclusive content as well as other offers to join.

Making use of the Beaver Builder add-on in this way not makes for a highly targeted landing page. It also ensures a cohesive and engaging user experience that will significantly increase the conversion rate of your site.

If you can tailor your contents and offerings to the individual users' interests and requirements by adjusting the content and offers to individual visitors' needs and interests, you're establishing convincing and efficient path to convert customers into loyal users.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to create a landing page with a minimal design you can find available for free as well as premium applications available online which can assist you in creating professional-looking pages with relative ease.

Whichever method you choose to add a landing page to your blog and creating one that can direct visitors to through your blog will increase conversions.

Do not be afraid to ask questions Or Tell

While some of the visitors to your blog page might register and join without prompting, many people will need a gentle nudge in the right direction. Some might even need to be directed on what they should do after coming to your website and having read an article.

Therefore that you must incorporate calls to action in your blog, as well as throughout your website. Depending on your preferences, and what works best with the people you are targeting Calls to action can come in the form of small text links, or important buttons and banners.

Your chosen WordPress theme may come with buttons, as well as other call-to-action components within your blog posts. However, in the event that it does not, a plugin like Ultimate Blocks will be of help.

Include eye-catching buttons on your blog post as well as after your articles that lead readers to a landing page or registration form for your membership website. So, readers are able to quickly complete actions that are in accordance with your objectives.

Offer Your Visitors a Few Different Options

The goal of your blog page might be to generate more registrations for your membership site however, not all visitors will be ready to sign up right now. A few experts suggests that the typical customer will visit a site multiple times before they make a purchase.

In order to avoid losing these prospects in the long run, it's recommended to put in place a system which allows you to stay close contact with them until they're ready to join.

A way to accomplish this is by offering your readers an opportunity to join your email newsletter, rather than registering as a member then and there.

While it would be great to convert every visitor into customers, giving those visitors the possibility of another step allows you to play the long game and nurture the leads you have.

Final Reflections

I hope you've got some suggestions to build a blog that is highly-converting to promote your membership website.

Making sure that your membership and blog website is designed professionally is an essential first move to growing your business.

Then you might want to think about creating a landing page you can direct visitors to your blog.

Being proactive and asking -or tellingreaders what actions to do next will help increase conversions too.

Be aware that some of your visitors, especially first-time visitors, might not be ready to register today. However, they may be ready some time in the near future. The creation of an email list could be joined by potential members allows you to communicate with them until they're in the position to join.

 How will you design your blog page for ultimate results? We'd love to hear from you in the comments below.