How To Create A Promo Video For Your Online Course
The strategy you choose to use for marketing that will benefit your school will depend on the content of your class and the audience that you're trying to attract however, regardless of the audience you're trying to get into your class There's one thing which will enhance the efficacy of the campaign you're using to promote the use of video as one of the best strategies to engage with users on the internet.
If you're not familiar with video, this might appear impossible, but don't worry! If you've got the right tools, and have a plan of action, you can create videos that are precisely reflected within your strategy and catch the interest of your targeted public. We'll look at the fundamentals of video marketing and its reasons for being recognized as a powerful tool.
What's the goal of marketing via video?
Video marketing refers to the usage of videos in order to market your business. That's it! It's really simple and effective. It's very simple and efficient. promotional video is a particular video created to advertise the special event or product, like an event, offer or, as in your instance the case of an online class. The majority of promotional videos are short (ours typically around 15 seconds long) and serve exactly the same objective to attract students for instance.
It's actually not the first method of utilizing video for marketing. Videos have been utilized by the public for a lengthy period of time. The thing that makes an industry distinctive isn't the result of a recent development of technology, nor is it a social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat--these are the social media platforms which provide a (relatively) novel way to share ideas and keep in touch. Since all of these social media platforms are available as apps on tablets and phones Users can access them at any time and anywhere. Thus, your course can be a great way to maintain the connections of your intended group of students.
What's changed since we first heard on social networks? How do you promote your video content?
Alongside revolutionizing the way individuals communicate with one another. Social media has also altered the way you interact with people in the group which you're trying to communicate with. As opposed to radio or television, social media does not mean you're totally out of the loop. In addition, the number of people that video advertising via social media could be able for reaching is staggering. Think about this:
- Based on Statista Statista, the vast majority of people in the United States has a social online profile.
- The year of 2015, which ended in December was a record year for Facebook. more than 59 billion people use Facebook. From the 1.59 billion active users, 1.4 billion are actively connected to the website via their phones.
- Instagram had more than 400 million people active in September 2015.
- Though they're less popular compared to Facebook and Instagram, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Snapchat each boast more than 100 million users.
Are the advantages of video marketing outweigh the time and effort it takes to create it?
The quick answer is an definite"yes. For the long answer take a look at who your audience could be an ideal fit for the videos that you make to advertise your business
- When you make videos that contain high-quality content, you will create emotions for your intended viewers. Video content can highlight features of your brand that will be relevant to those who watch your videos could believe they are more familiar with your brand than if they were to take the information from a printed format. This is crucial in the case of extending your business through the courses you run.
- Video content is more digestible and efficiently than written text. Since they provide the viewer with a visual aspect that they can focus on, video marketing allows users to convey their message in an easy and accessible method, by combining visuals and sound to make it more memorable.
- The use of video marketing may increase the likelihood of potential buyers to purchase the product or service that is promoted, which means people are more likely to sign up for the online class.
Engagement with your target viewers is definitely the ultimate goal of videos marketing. It is crucial to look at the technological aspects of video marketing in order to find ways to create the necessary participation. It isn't possible to create relationships with customers who do not see the videos you've produced. There are several ways which video marketing could provide additional value the promotional initiatives of your school through increasing the visibility of your content in the eyes of a larger number of individuals:
- The majority of people share posts that resonate with them through social media. Video content can be a great means for them to share your message. If you're able to make video-based content, you can create marketing materials which will be beneficial to the individuals whom you serve as your clients, they will be keen to share the videos with their friends and families along with professional networks. The more likely they are to enroll in the classes you provide online.
- It doesn't need the purchase of expensive equipment and lot of editing. In fact, it could be utilized to promote your services in real time (it's more efficient to make videos than blog posts!). In reality, you could create a commercial video and post it in a matter of hours (not hours) That means it is feasible to continuously create video content for marketing that is engaging, informative and unforgettable. It results in viewers who are more likely to share it.

Can video marketing keep your course relevant?
In addition to the advantages of using videos for marketing we've discussed, there's a further reason to add using videos as part of your promotional strategy is an ideal idea. It's relevance.
As technology has advanced in the past, companies have to stay on top of the latest technologies to keep current with their intended audience. Video marketing is merely another step in a long string of technological advances and tactics for marketing. In reality, Cisco predicts that video will make up 69 percent of Internet consumption by consumers in 2017. Nielsen estimate at about 64% of marketers anticipate that video content will become a fundamental aspect of marketing strategies.
Here are the steps I take in putting together promotional videos:
It's important to make an outline of the things you'd like to achieve prior to investing in a video.
- Pick the purpose you wish your viewers be able to take away from your video. What are the steps you want viewers take after watching the video? Write it down! You must take your time before you move further
- What content do you need to include in your video? Include specific pictures or videos you'd like to add.
- What type of information are you looking to publish? Include specific events or promotions details, coupon codes or a call to action.
It's where the majority of people find themselves because of a lack of technical skills. You don't actually need tech skills anymore! We create all of our promotional videos on our smartphones.
- Decide where to make the video. Make use of the best apps and you'll be able to produce a spectacular video in five minutes straight. The top five iPhone video games include Quik, Legend, Stop Motion, Flipagram, Ripl and Boomerang. There are some paid for but others are free. There are templates available which means you do not have to "design" any thing. If you're not tech-savvy, try Flipagram initially since it's just simple slideshow.
- Upload your photos together with your personal details to the application that you love. Use only the images you have taken or have the legal right to use. Don't take images that you have downloaded from Google!
- Want music? Certain apps have built-in music beds that can assist in making your video sound amazing. Make sure you are aware that the majority of the music available in the iTunes library is protected by copyright. It is possible to face penalties when you embed music into the video, but don't be granted permission to use the video. (i.e. you could be sued, your music could be restricted, and your music may be banned from certain social networks. Gaaaahhh!) My top choice for buying sounds or music can be the Audio Jungle.
- When you're finished saving the video, you can either save it to your camera roll or forward it directly through the app.
Make sure that when you upload your video on Instagram the post must be between 3 and 60 seconds long. Remember that attention spans can be a bit short... thus ensure that your content is concise.
Additionally, if you'd like your video to look good on all platforms, stick to a square-cut cut. It means that all users must change their phone to watch the video.
Here's a sample of a video that I used to advertise the course I posted on Instagram (about 15 seconds):

- Upload your video on your social media platforms by adding a brief text message and the link. Inform your followers of the steps to take. (i.e. so as to enhance the video's call-to action)
- Upload the video on your YouTube channel. You could incorporate it into Blog articles or guest posts in blog posts of other bloggers and even blog guest articles.
- Include the video within your marketing emails.
Do you have the skills to create an advert video that will promote your online course?
Promo videos have been proven to be a successful method to increase the number of students enrolled in courses. Utilizing the tools we've discussed, they can be done much quicker than you imagine. Take a look and see the interaction on your social media grow!
If you have questions regarding making a video to promote your online course, post them in the comment section down below. You can also download my video planner worksheet which can help you plan the next video that you'll create!
Julie Ball is the Founder of Grow Web Marketing, a marketing company that assists entrepreneurs who are women expand their business and also their brand image and appearance. If you're interested in learning how you can create professional video for your business without having to spend money go through her course online Easy Video Marketing for Small Businesses.
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