How Interactive Video Turn Views into Action

Nov 21, 2023

The article was authored in collaboration with It's Nice That. This is which was the first publication.

According to recent studies, the attention span of humans has been decreasing dramatically from the beginning into the digital age and according to certain reports the number of people who watch it is growing. That means the requirement for creators of video content to swiftly get their viewers' attention is higher today than at any time in the past. This is a conundrum that is weighing on the minds of advertising agency executives and other creatives all over the world: in a world filled of endless, fast-paced videos and stories, how do you lock viewers into the content for more than the time it takes them to scroll through the other one? In addition to ensuring the video content is captivating and captivating, you could experiment with how the video is presented the video itself.

three people speaking at event panel
Above: Photograph taken by Stokely Howard (Copyright (c) 2023)

For a discussion of this new development as well as how it is helping its users prepare for a changing creative landscape, recently held an gathering in London where a number of agencies were present. The event consisted of an open discussion moderated by editor-in-chief of It's Nice That's Matt Alagiah, featuring directorial pair Fa & Fon Watkins, HLabs the founder Han Springett, and 's Senior Partner Success Manager Katie Halpern, as well as a workshop that was interactive, led by senior Sales Engineer Jose Velasquez. The discussion took place under the theme of "maintaining the creative control of a company," while the workshop allowed participants to gain a better understanding of the various tools available to aid in this.

Fa & Fon said they are receiving an ever-growing quantity of requests for the production of interactive videos across a broad variety of channels. "Our agency has received lots of requests for videos that are interactive, some of them running over one hour and ranging from music videos to TV commercials," they said. "We're not quite sure how to approach these briefs, however clearly interactive video is the next frontier."

Following the panel discussion, Jose appeared on the stage to begin showing live the ways this technology could be implemented. In the video-making studio, he took viewers through the tools essential to people transform their videos by encouraging them to play using them on their personal laptops. The tools included hotspots that are "visible actions on your videos" that activate an event when touched, as well as timing triggers and time triggers, which "automatically display overlays or pause or repeat the video when the viewer makes a choice within a branching video." These tools can be customizable, allowing viewers to incorporate these into videos with a manner that is right, being displayed at the appropriate moment or attached to the right moveable element.

three people smiling and working on laptops
Above: Photography of Stokely Howard (Copyright (c) 2023)
two people working at a laptop together
Above: Photograph of Stokely Howard (Copyright (c) , 2023)
woman with short dark hair talking into a microphone
Above: Photography by Stokely Howard (Copyright (c) 2023)