How do you go from nothing to 1000 Online Course Students Without a budget for advertising

Sep 12, 2024

You have everything planned out. There's a space that's not finished and you've made the plan for your class. You're overwhelmed and thrilled with it all. You may be finished designing your class. The question is how do you spread the word to potential students? How can you make it more known to your target audience? To which sites are you required to publish your link?

There's a great news I'd like to share with you: this can be a way to solve the problem. A lot of authors before launched online courses in order to offer a range of topics. We'll show you the most effective methods to teach your class from zero pupils to 1000. The course is free of advertisements.

To begin, however I'll address one of the common mistakes teachers make when they set the goals of creating their classes. And that mistake is that they follow a build-first strategy rather than an audience-first approach. The reason for why the "build-first" approach isn't best is due to the fact that you think that some factors will hold accurate. The result is that you are exposed to a number of dangers in your course. In particular, it is about what type of content you create and what your classes structure will look like.

Here are the four main parts of this mini-tutorial that will ensure constant, steady traffic on your instruction:

  1. Find out where your ideal target audience is hanging out
  2. What can you do to understand your audience's mind
  3. How can you gain respect and Reputation among your Audience
  4. How to Share Your Course with a crowd of potential customers who are ready to Buy your Product

 How to Discover Your Ideal Audience's Place Out

Let's pretend that you're a consultant client of mine. You'd like to promote the course that focuses on Marketing Analytics.

One thing I'm planning to inform you about is that you'll need to make the correct inquiry -- you have to first ask "who do you intend to serve" rather than "what you plan to serve". For this Marketing Analytics case, you need to decide whether you wish to target Marketing Managers, CMOs, entrepreneurs or newcomers to marketing?

You've decided to focus on entrepreneurs.

If this is the case the first step is begin looking for "where this audience hangs out". One way to do this is to look for "online lounges". These are places on the web that permit users to chat about topics relevant to their subject of interest. These could include forums, blogs and mailing lists. How I accomplish this is to follow these steps:

  1. You can open your preferred Google or Bing web search tool (eg. Google, Bing, Yahoo!)
  2. Search by using any combination of these:

* Profession + Topic forum

* Profession + Topic mailing list

Professional - Topic + blog

Professional + Topic + forum for the industry

Profession + Topic and a link-sharing site (Eg. Reddit, stumbleupon)

- Example: Entrepreneur + Marketing + forum

In the midst I find myself uncovered the 10+ forums I can be able to.

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There's more to come. Once you've chosen an online forum, it's necessary to drill down further and make another search using the subject you're interested in. In this example, we search for discussions revolving around marketing within What you want to look out for here is any indications of discomfort or difficulty in the initial poster. In the beginning, there was only "marketing" in the subreddit. There is no luck.

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How can we improve our efforts to discover discomfort? Add "pain indicators" like "help" and "advice requested". Take a look at the results. In just the very first page, you will find a number of threads which could prove useful.

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1000 course sales
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1000 online course students

If you've found particular forums that have a lot of complaints, then you know that you're in a good forum to market your business in the near future. When you start to conduct deeper research you'll realize the fact that some forums address specific issues, while certain forums don't. This allows you to focus your marketing efforts on regions in which your targeted users are most likely to hang out. This is essential for the success of your campaign.

From the above 15 minute exercise, we just got evidence that is a great place to promote our marketing course.

Explore different forums! My suggestion is that you need to identify at minimum 10 lounges online. Blogs are also helpful (especially because of its active comments sections).

 How do you Read readers' minds

There's a lot of threads that show clear evidence of discomfort. Let's look at them all and truly determine who you target audience.

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first 1k course students

Once you've collected enough data, then you'll begin to notice trends in who your target audience is. Once you've identified these trends, you'll gain a sense of how your target audience is feeling and how they feel about the marketing industry in general.

Based on the above information There are a few minor developments emerging (we'll require 10+ difficult threads before we can really comprehend) which suggest that business owners are likely to want 3 items including a digital marketing strategy that needs minimal investment in cash and advice on city-specific marketing, and ways to create a strategy to attract high-value clients.

In our earlier scenario, you had a desire to develop a product around Marketing Analytics. However, it turned out that the idea was too complex (at at the very least, to use within the Reddit Lounge online). The best option is to get an education that focuses on budget advertising which is efficient locally and also identifying and concluding high-value clients.

The plan I've made for these pain samples could then begin to look like:

  1. How do you make use of Facebook Interest Targeting to find those who are most attractive to customers in just a few dimes a Click
  2. What can you do to build a Referral Machine by using these scripts for your next Local Chamber of Commerce Event
  3. What are the needs only High-Value Clients Have

Course Name: "How to Get High-Value customers using hyper-targeted, hyper-local and hyper local marketing"

If you change this direction on the Reddit area, I'm certain you'll be able to draw interest from other users. How do you feel that evidence-based marketing could offer us?

HTML1 How to Build trust and Reputation for your group of customers

Apart from identifying pains it is crucial to establish yourself as an authority within these online space.

It is important to provide bite-sized solutions to help you deal with these problems. When I say bite-sized, this means something that's between 1 and 10 sentences and is still practical enough that someone can use it.

For example, I would respond to someone who claims "haven't considered Facebook as an effective tool" or "need an effective strategy" by saying:

"I realize that you will require an effective digital plan given your low budget. It is a surprise, however, to learn that you consider FB advertisements as not efficient. I make use of FB ads a lot in my consulting business as well, and this is the way I suggest you do your targeting to get quality clicks at $0.40 (or $0.80 per click:

  1. ONLY employ interest targeting. The rest of the settings remain in defaults.
  2. When you use interest targeting, make sure to use at least 10 different interests and then eliminate those with huge reach. The reason is that an extensive reach for each interest results in a higher cost per click. If I was looking to reach individuals who are fascinated by marketing, I would use interest from gurus, such as  Neil Patel, "Derek Halpern or 'Darren Rowse', etc. I would leave out Gary Vaynerchuk' because his fame is too wide!
  3. Make sure that the number of people reached is not more than 800,000 individuals.
  4. Start with your examination! Check that the exam is not more than $5 daily. Don't ever make use of the life-long budgeting option.
  5. If your earnings exceed $1 per click, you must cut off the interests with the highest range and also add more "niche interested
  6. If you are looking for ideas about "niche" passions, you can search for influencers, tools and software. Then, check this out"

If you give advice on the level of actionable and minimal detail, you will gain credibility and respect within your field.

How to Share Your Course to an Audience which is prepared to purchase the product you sell

"Isn't it annoying to publish hyperlinks? !" "What if I get blocked? !"

It is likely that you have experienced this idea. And these are fair assertions. If you want to resolve the problem, one thing you can do is to include hyperlinks within your blog post Then, you can combine it with websites that aren't related to your web site. It gives the impression that you are trying to appear friendly and not spammy. Let me share a personal experience that I used to aid someone struggling using landing pages.

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With these four basic strategies, I was able to construct my website with 4K-5K organic visits per month. The majority of them resulted from direct link. See the data in the article below by SimilarWeb. There is no budget for advertising at all.

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Provide lots of value for no cost and applicable to the world and it will love the world and love you back. I hope you achieve great success throughout your endeavor!

Kenn Costales, a grow hacker and an online course creator who enjoys exploring new methods for marketing products online without investing a penny.

This post was first seen on here