Help Make Health Tech education easy through an LMS

Apr 13, 2022

Turn back time for a couple of rotations around the sun , and it will take you 13 years to complete the sequencing of your DNA. Your out-of-pocket cost for it is likely to be around $1 billion. In the present, this could be accomplished in less than an hour and at a cost of less than $100.

Health Tech, which services the health care industry, is always evolving. You can't miss advancements like 3D implant printed in-demand, biometric devices that offer constant and uninterrupted health monitoring in addition to customized care tailored to the unique DNA of you.

Making sure that their clients are aware of those shifts is one goal that health tech education companies aims to achieve however there's more to the picture beyond the above. Let's dive in.

What is health Tech?

The World Health Organization defines Health Tech as "the use of structured information and techniques as a result of equipment such as medicines, vaccines and methods and techniques designed to address a health problem and improve life quality." The definition is a very broad category, that requires a little clarification before going any farther.

The ecosystem is a vast one that encompasses new areas including electronic GP record systems, medical appliances, medical computer softwares, apps available for accessing the GP through video calls, electronic assistive tech, AI powered drug discovery, nano-medicine, medical robotics, neurotechnologyand a lot more. In the end, healthcare tech companies work to help doctors and enhance patient results and experiences using technology, though each has distinct specialization and approaches.

The research shows that digital-first solutions are gaining popularity particularly since patients are increasingly interested in the benefits of care delivered via virtual channels. It's a significant consideration considering that Health Tech is becoming increasingly embedded into medical professionals practice and daily interactions with patients.

In light of this trend, healthcare technology companies are now having an opportunity to provide education to their customers in order for healthcare personnel and healthcare organizations to stay updated with current technology, processes and techniques, and simultaneously increase product adoption and customer achievement.

The reason Health Tech Education Needs are different

Health technology is moving quickly. It grows quickly, too. According to a recent study by Global Industry Analysts Inc, the global digital health market which was estimated at US$152.5 Billion in the year 2020 is set to grow rapidly and reach 456.9 billion by 2026.

Its learning needs are growing just as fast:

  • Learning: Technology is changing quickly - and the regulations evolving in tandem - medical establishments and their practitioners must stay in the most current state of affairs. Training might be as basic as being able to utilize the particular system that you supply or as complex as learning about specialized medical procedures that utilize your product.
  • Conformity: If your products deal with private health information, then it is important to ensure that they are being used by customers in a way that's conforming to HIPAA, GDPR or PIPEDA. OSHA and various other regulations could also apply in the context of your company and the products you offer.
  • education: Learning initiatives could involve teaching customers how to use new techniques or taking the them in a lab upgrading specialists with knowledge of niches and methods, and making sure they're aware of the latest developments.
  • Customer Onboarding: in an industry which has a lot of room for error, those who will be the first users of your product must begin on the right track by learning the correct use, best practices and the processes that your product follows starting from day one. Making your customers more active via education not only help them but assist in increasing the adoption of your product and decrease the rate of customer churn.

The past was when this task was left up to in-person classes, paper documentation or a mish-mash of videos. But these more traditional approaches to educating customers within the constantly evolving health technology sector can be quite difficult when information, technologies, processes, and treatment change as quickly as they do today.

6 must-haves for an Health Tech Organization LMS

That's where a learning management system, or an LMS, can help your organization in the field of health technology in the best way. Think of an LMS as a single source for online learning, which is customizable and includes courses, resources as well as testing and analysis. An LMS makes it easy for users to develop, manage and manage learning content for your customers.

But there's more to the background than medical tech firms. Within the health tech industry, these six features are nothing short of vital:

 1. Accessibility

The process of educating your clients such as medical practitioners and healthcare staff is particularly demanding when they spend the majority of their time on feet. They are often on a 24/7 work schedule. So setting the time aside for an hour each scheduled time to go to an event or to learn more details? It's more difficult than you thought. An LMS offers your students the opportunity to access the training no matter what they're doing, or whenever they've got time to have.

 2. Responsiveness

Think of how quickly COVID-19 affected everyday practice and how important responding rapidly was in curbing its spreading. A strong healthcare LMS provides easy and quick updates to course creation and subsequent management.

 3. Complexity

Health tech and healthcare education encompasses a variety of specializations as well as in-depth expertise that can take years of targeted learning to acquire. There are also many positions within an organization that are related to healthcare and different goals for learning. Your LMS must be able to manage both breadth and depth of providing your customers with information about your products, best methods, and your services.

 4. Simplicity

At the same time, at the same time, your LMS must be simple to use. While your customers may be healthcare experts, they may not be tech specialists. Having a simple interface makes it simple for students to locate the classes and other resources they'll need. This can mean the difference between enthusiastic acceptance and no one clicking and engaging with your content.

 5. Scalability

Traditional training isn't scalable. If your customers' numbers increase and your business expands, you'll need many more trainers, more conference rooms, more binder holders. This will cost you additional, both in the form of money, time as well as hassle. A LMS gives you the tools that you require to share information without chewing more than you can chew.

 6. Security

A LMS that includes features such as encryption, endpoint security and Single Sign-On OpenID. Enterprise-level support agreements help you keep your sensitive data safe while it's traveling or stored in a safe place.

Health Tech Education in Action The Health Tech Education Act in Action

Deciding on the best LMS is not a problem - at the same time, there's many options to pick from. That's a decision that'll require a robust team of experts, which includes the customer service team that are aware of your clients' learning objectives and needs, as well as your IT experts who know the technical requirements and infrastructure, as well as compliance or legal specialists who will be able to gauge if the platform is in compliance with your company's standards for regulatory compliance.

After you've chosen the ideal LMS for your health tech company, it's time to roll it out. That process will take the assistance of your customer success team that can determine what training is required and the instructors that will help ensure that the classes come to life, and also communications to spread the message.

The LMS provider can help simplify your implementation. Our own experience has shown us that our support team has assisted health tech organizations build learning from the ground up in just two weeks.

We know it sounds wonderful! There are many other advantages as well:

  • cost savings Without the necessity of classrooms and live instructors It is possible to roll out learning to as many customers as you'd like - without taking up your finances.
  • Increased reach: You'll be able to educate customers around the worldin many languages all through one platform. By leveraging community-building capabilities and sharing will help you make the spread of your message even more quickly.
  • Immediate analysis  You can make better at the things that are working (and less of what isn't) by using real-time analytics to show how your customers are progressing in and completing their classes.
  • Learning retention: There's a many things to be remembered in the field of healthcare , and most of it can be confusing, including many health tech products. Learner retention is improved when your LMS allows learners to progress at their own pace and review material that they might not have mastered.