Four Things Sales and Revenue executives can do to prepare for the possibility of a Recession --

Aug 4, 2022

According to the International Monetary Fund, the world's economy is forecast to be slowed by almost 3 percent this year , which is from 6.1 to 3.2 Then it will decrease until 2023. The rate of inflation is expected to stay at a high level.

There's a myriad of steps you could take to prepare your go-to-market teams for the changes that will impact your customers' prospects as well as your customers' buying behavior as well as their needs.

I had a chat with the former vice president for Revenue Operations about this, and you can view our whole conversation at bottom of this piece. I've also elaborated on certain strategies we discussed.

1. Re-examine Segmentation, and Look for New Growth Opportunities

It's likely that you're studying external data for signs of whether your total addressable market (TAM) is decreasing. In the case of your particular market it is possible to find research or studies that are public regarding expected budget changes as well as technology expenditure.

However, in market conditions that can be volatile they could be out of date in the moment they are released.

Another way to find new perspectives is to conduct interviews with thought leaders from the field and also blog posts. What are industry CEOs and advisors sharing on LinkedIn on their market?

As for internal data On an overall scale, you must constantly monitor the rate of your bookings or retention as well as the average size of your deal. One thing many companies make a mistake is that they do not stay on a high a level in their analysis of marketplace.

Not all segments of your TAM will be subject to external pressures in exactly the same way. In particular, we've learned that some industries have a higher resistance to recessions than others. If you're still not aware of the sectors that are resistant to recessions in your ICP it's a great start.

Additionally, there may be some regions in which you conduct business that are less impacted by rising inflation or recession in the economy.

Businesses that sell via accounts use the sales region established. If you're a more location-agnostic firm, it's likely that you invest less energy and time in the marketing and sales methods based on where customers or prospective clients are coming from. In a market that is less crowded, knowing the most healthy areas is a huge positive.

Of course, in particularly uncertain markets, the state of specific industries or areas can change drastically. That's why it's vital to calculate the value of each investment that you make as quickly as you can.

2. Accelerate Your ROI Measurements

It's often difficult to compensate for unanticipated events that happen within your industry, but it is important to accelerate your ability to measure the effect of your investments now.

  • If you're used to calculating the value of your new product's investment over six months, switch the time frame to 6 weeks. What indicators do you have to help you measure faster?
  • If you test beta-testing new products for six months prior to making them available to your complete customer base, see what you can do to make an MVP into production within three.

Consider how you can examine the time and financial acquisition you're planning in order to make sure you're either successful or fail faster and pivot when you have to at more speed and quicker.

A second advantage is that you are able to offer the best value to your clients in the shortest time possible. If you are seeing your customers tightening their budgets, it is important demonstrate that you're in a position to continue adding worth to them.

3. Enhance the skills of your Sales Team to manage new Prospect Priorities

The value propositions that are highly effective in times that are growing in popularity may not be equally effective when there is zero or little growth. Do your sales teams know how to adapt?

For example, those who have always been most worried about the way a product helps increase revenue for the business could now be more focused in the direction of how it helps to save time for employees and other staff members.

We'll generally see increasing discussions that revolve around costs and how much an organization will pay if they select one approach over the next. It could be that the company is looking for real ROI as opposed the potential for growth.

What we are notencouraging you to achieve is lowering the price of your product that causes customers to get used to being able to devalue your goods.

In addition, sales must be more rigorous as they've never been before when it comes to ROI calculations, educating buyers about the most effective ways to justify the value of your products as well as practical, tested methods to benefit the company.

4. Discover new ways to add value or promote

The rate of inflation has been growing all over the world, and there's no indication of slowing. In addition to a decline in rates of growth, you're probably to see an increase in your costs for internal use.

There's a good chance you're facing a scenario where you're required to increase the price of your products or discover new ways to make more money from customers you already have.

Whichever method you decide for your method, the key thing is to link it to the value.

Offer more education about the Value You've Added to the Product

If you choose to increase the price of your product, make sure to tie those numbers into how far your product has advanced.

  • If possible, tailor the added value messages for certain people.
  • Produce content for platform upgrades or new features. which customers may have missed.

Conduct training and case studies Concerning Add-Ons or Features that have not been used.

If pricing increases aren't the most effective option, consider other options to boost the revenue of your current customers.

Based on the data we collect internally according to our internal data, offer upsells and add-ons usually represent about 30% to 50% of clients' sales. They are a way you'll be in a position to justify the price as well as maintain the average amount of deals you'd like to attain while notraising the cost of your product.

  • Are you aware of customers that could benefit from the next plan or another plan?
  • If you're in the process of getting ready for the renewal of your contract What are you able to do to come prepared with the proof you're not getting the best of the offerings of the company?

The bottom line: Concentrate on what you value and be ready to Be Flexible

However, there is one bright side: times of continuous growth usually follow recessions. The only thing you need to be prepared to deal with them.

The companies that are best well-prepared for upswings in the market are the ones with the most position in value. They've invested in their products as well as into their relationship with their customers. and they've proven that they're worth it.

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