Five questions you should ask prior to

Nov 22, 2023

Do you know when you're ready to begin your own company? These are five questions you should ask yourself before you take the leap.

Starting your own business and being the boss of your own business is a great idea particularly if you're hoping to escape the grind of your 9-to-5.

It can also be a nerve-racking, scary experience. There's plenty of unanswered questions -- as well as there are a number of startup gurus on the market with advice and guides which promise success in the startup world for just $999.99.

Here's the thing: There's an exact method for launching your own business successfully for an initial time. But by asking your self these questions- and being honest in your responses -- you'll be on the right track for success.

Am I ready to make an effort to change my life?

Which product or service should I sell?

Who are my ideal customers?

What type of business do I need to start?

How much is required to begin my venture?

Let's dig in.

1. Am I prepared to make a lifestyle change?

Whatever you are thinking about for your business, starting your own business could change your life forever.

In many cases, being an entrepreneur who is successful means taking on some sacrifices , like having less time to relax or time with friends and family.

But if you take anything to take away from this piece make it this: You don't need to compromise your wellbeing in order to become a successful business owner. Also, you shouldn't adopt that "no day off" attitude.

If you're feeling ready to make that lifestyle shift and practice self-care along the way -now is the time to choose which product you think your new venture will offer.

#2: What type of product or service should I sell?

If you're unsure of the type of business you'd like to start, consider selling digital products and services.

Creators are coming into the economy of creators and making their first "online dollar" by the millions.

Consumers are already looking to shop online for things by 2021, nearly 65percent of the world's population will be consumers who shop online.

Digital goods can also be more flexible than physical products. You have lower startup costs because you don't need to pay for a physical office space as well as commuters, nor secure inventory space.

Scalability is another reason why digital products a great option to earn earning passive income. When you've created the digital file, you've invested into the exact amount of resources to create and store your item, regardless of whether you sell just one copy or one million copies.

Similar to Reuven, you want to offer a digital-based product or service that blends your knowledge and passions in your prospective customers' needs and pain points.

For figuring out where these two requirements meet, you can plot your ideas for products on the Passion/Profit Matrix:

Passion: What are your feelings about getting about working on this? If you hate being a part of something, its profitability isn't a factor, because you're more likely to give up prior to reaching your goal.

Potential for profit: Does your solution solve the problem people will be willing to pay by you? Do people already spend money to address this issue?

(You are able to get your copy of the Passion/Profit Matrix through this link .)

The matrix of Passion/Profit also assists you figure out your unique selling concept (USP). Your USP answers two questions:

What issue am I attempting to solve with my product or service?

What is it that differentiates my offering from my competitors?

It's your USP is what you call your "special sauce". It's what sets you apart from other businesses and what makes possible customers pick you.

It can also help you work out your marketing strategy. When you know the features that make your product unique, you can highlight that when you are promoting your product.

Another reason is to know your USP: 40% of failing small companies offer products or services that don't provide anything unique or valuable to the marketplace.

That is it's impossible to find a product-market to match .

The product's market fit determines what you can do to ensure that your product will meet consumer demand.

Philip Krim founded Casper when he saw there were just two big mattress companies in the marketplace and there was a lot of opportunity for innovation and disruption.

Sara Blakely got her concept for Spanx tops with control after she could not find something flattering or comfortable to wear beneath white pants.

Also, Tiffany Williams, founder of Rich Girl Collective  discovered what her customers wanted by asking them directly while taking note of their responses.

"I simply ask my students about their needs, and what they'd like to learn and, if the answer is something that I have accomplished, and have been successful with, then I teach it to them," she explains.

To know more about what your target audience is looking for it is essential to become familiar with them. In order to accomplish this you must know who they are. Which brings us to question three . . .

#3: Who's my target public?

Your products won't be marketed if you don't know who you're marketing to. It's the reason it's important to figure out your target customers before launching your new business.

Your market of choice is the potential buyers you want to sell your products or services to. After you've identified your USP and the market-fit of your product, you probably already have an idea of the high-level of the market you want to target.

How well are you familiar with your possible customers as people, rather than just demographics?

That's where buyer personas come in.

Content marketing consultant Amy Wright explains : "Buyer personas describe who they are that you want to attract, what their days are similar to, what challenges they confront, and the way they decide."

A complete buyer's persona could appear as this example for one Spotify's clients:

Our two favorite ways to research customers are by reviewing reviews and conducting surveys.

Utilize Google as well as Amazon to search for other products in your field, and then read the reviews. Reviews of products provide qualitative insight on your target audience.

Imagine you wish to market an ebook about cooking homemade pasta to beginners. It is possible to go on Amazon and check out the critiques of the books promising solutions to the same issues for you, such as homemade pasta made Simple :

From these reviews You learn that novice at-home pasta chefs want additional pictures. Visual clues to help them know how to make pasta, and this information in your marketing and product.

Surveys On the other hand, help collect valuable customer data and feedback from one location. Companies that are investing in collecting their customers' feedback report more retention of customers  and employee satisfaction as well as lower expenses for customer service.

Surveys demonstrate that you care.

They can provide insight unlike any other type of research can.

The feedback you receive from customers makes them better able to remain committed to your company .

Surveys allow you to gauge the need of customers of your products.

After you've gathered all the customer information you can through your research, it's time to build your ideal customer's buyer persona.

Your customer persona needs to include info like:

Age spectrum

Income range

Level of education

Geographic location

Interests and hobbies

Social media platforms they use

Businesses they've bought from

What they love or dislike in your competitors

HubSpot offers buyer persona templates to assist you in getting going:

With your customer persona filled out and your idea for a product in place You're now ready to dig deep into the details of launching your startup.

#4: What kind of company do I want to start?

It's not the glitziest part of being your self-employed boss, but you must figure out the legal details of starting your company prior to you launch.

To begin, determine the type of business you plan to establish. For the U.S., the IRS lists the six most common business types to choose among:

Sole proprietorship

Limited liability corporations (LLC)



S corporation

International business

In the meantime, let's look at the two well-known business models for small-sized businesses: Sole proprietorships and LLCs .

Sole proprietorships make up 70% of the companies within the U.S. If you own the sole proprietorship of your business, you have your own business.

You're entitled to the entirety of your profits -- but you're personally responsible for all of your business liabilities, losses and obligations. In addition, you have to pay personal income tax for the earnings you make.

When you establish your business as an LLC, you create an entity that is legal and separate for your business. That's where the "limited liability" aspect comes in that you're not personally accountable in the event that your company is hit with litigation or a lawsuit.

LLCs need you to incorporate your company name and then file the Statutory Articles with the Secretary of State.

Lawyer for business Keren de Zwart affirms: "There's no hard and speedy rule, but if your business is netting at least $60K in profits this is usually the best moment to create an LLC or corporate entity because the tax benefits can really start to be utilized then."

It is also important to determine whether you'd like to run your venture as a side hustle or a full-time. A side-hustle implies that your company is part-time work that you perform in addition to your "regular" work. Side-hustles can be a very popular and successful option for creators to monetize their passions.

When you're just starting out generally, it's a good idea to get started with a side-job at least in the foreseeable future. In the following year, once you get comfortable it is possible to decide if you're ready to move on to becoming an full-time business owner.

If you choose to incorporate your business, or take on full-time employment right off the bat, it's extra-important to develop a comprehensive business plan. A detailed business plan can assist you in gaining the support of financiers, request bank loans, and set yourself on the path to success as a business proprietor.

The business plan you create should contain the following items:

Customers, competitors, as well as the research of industry

Model of business

Projected monthly cash flow and expenses

Financial statements

Expected profit

Marketing strategy

Other details regarding how you intend to expand and grow your business

Concerning money flow get to the final issue: How much money do you need to start an enterprise?

#5: How much do I need to launch?

It's not going to cost an arm and a leg to begin a new business.

There's not a single figure that answers "How much does it cost to begin an enterprise?"

Instead, I'll offer an honest (but the most difficult) answer: It's up to you.

Your most significant expenses in your budget could be:

Registration of a business name

A domain host for a website and a webhosting name

Software for Live Chat

An email marketing platform

Somewhere to host your digital items

Market listing fee

Website design services

A way to save on startup costs is to offer your goods on your own site to reduce costs (and eliminate some of those expenses).

Instead of budgeting for and trying to handle many different platforms, you only pay a lump sum for:

Hosting of websites

Sales pages

Pages that are custom-designed

Email capture and email marketing tools

Messaging for live chat

Selling tools such as coupons, upsells, affiliates, and much more.

Fast and secure payment processing

Online course student management

Complete sales funnel

The switch to a different provider the service helped Minessa cut out costs for:

$1,188 for AccessAlly

A total of $3,000 to employ a programmer to help with AccessAlly and connect her quiz funnel

$747 to purchase WebinarJam

$468 for Leadpages

Also, it helps in saving money through offering the possibility of offering unlimited items. If you are selling a large selection of digital items such as Joy Cho's Oh Joy! Academy  You can make every digital product you sell without having to worry about caps on products or customers.


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Join 150,000+ creators using their creativity to build websites, sell digital goods and create online communities.            Start free -    

For now, let's conclude this discussion to get back to the principal question at hand: Are you ready to start your own business?

Answer these questions before starting an enterprise of a modest size

The process of starting a business can be intimidating, exciting, and empowering simultaneously. It can also be incredibly fulfilling, and that's why thousands of people are making changes to their lives through becoming entrepreneurs each day.

When you are preparing to launch your new business take a look at these five concerns:

Am I ready to change my way of life?

What kind of product should I offer?

My target market is who?

What kind of business is best to begin?

How much money will I require to start?

If you respond to these questions honestly You set yourself up for success right from the beginning. We can't wait to watch you achieve your goals.