Congruity is the key to growth. Learn how to become better in this. |

Nov 25, 2022

The key is consistency in growing an audience and building your company as an artist. It's important to be consistent. The reason is explained and four steps you can take to become more organized in your present.

Your audience as well as your business is a lot more straightforward to communicate than actually doing.

We surveyed over 1000 artists for their most helpful tips to increase the amount of followers. Though you may think of sophisticated software or elaborate funnels for marketing to be the key to success entrepreneurs of different industries and levels of expertise claimed that the secret to success was the creation of content. In particular, they produced targeted content to their target audience.

It is crucial to be consistent when growing your online business There are four methods you could employ to ensure solid, quality work until the end of your road.

Consistency is a way to measure the degree that you're enthralled by something to do it long-term

Starting your own business in the creative field is quite a major thing. There's a good chance that you'll dedicate a significant amount of time to your craft which is why it's something you are able to do everyday. The consistency of the work you do puts your thoughts against the wall.

RadReads newsletter email capture
"I've always sent emails each day since I set this as my top priority above everything else. It's been huge. Now, I use the weekly email as my creativity way of working... It's the way I ensure that I benefit from my training as I work on my craft."

By making email a non-negotiable, Veronica has given herself space to enjoy her craft and explore her creativity.

We have a suggestion?

The habit of showing up consistently builds trust

The internet moves fast, and creating a lasting impression on potential clients isn't simple. Sharing information regularly will demonstrate that you are trustworthy and helps them know you better. 46% of consumers within the USA will spend more money for products when they are confident in the company. Spending time talking to your customers is an excellent way to build trust.

"Every every day, I display my face. I display my face every day so that my followers know who I am. My fans can hear me speak and can see the experience to attend any of my classes."

By consistently posting quality information, she has developed her company's Instagram account to have more than 8000 users. Her first course launched brought in five figures.

Showing up consistently on Instagram

An Em's Instagram Reels

"I discovered that I was increasing sharing as my social circle expanded, and I discovered incredible people who were willing to collaborate with me, collaborate with me, or even teach me something or even become my friends."

The process of establishing trust with your targeted market can also give you an idea of the products you may want to offer. Harp instructor Anne Crosby Gaudet observed:

"My clients believe that they've been with me for a while. I've been creating regularly-scheduled regular content every week for a number of years. For me, this is composed music using Harps, and recording performance to help improve the learning process. I've earned their trust because as time has passed, they've seen my work as imaginative, thoughtful, and useful. The decision to introduce harp lessons programs was an obvious choice because my customers were already aware of, appreciated and respect my talents as a musician and educator."

With a good reputation earned by performing for free as well as compositions, Anne was met with enthusiasm as she offered online lessons for the harp and classes.

A consistent stream of quality content was instrumental in helping Rachel Lynes from The Sing Space increase her following by 50 times in just a few months.

"I hosted a weekly free 30 minute singing class for 8 months on our Facebook group. Some thought I was insane, but I grew the number of people who attended from 300 to 5,000 over 12 months. The no-cost singing classes into the world's first top-quality vocal Gym(tm) which offers an online program that relies upon subscriptions."

When Rachel changed from free tools into her award-winning voice coaching services, she saw a massive audience who already knew the significance of her job.

In the end: Consistently sharing your passion creates trust and stronger relationships between you and your fans.

Consistency is an algorithm that is friendly

In this case, Instagram content is evaluated using a number of parameters, like the amount of engagement a post receives (likes as well as comment) and how often viewers are engaged with your content, in addition to the amount of time since the content was uploaded, and also your actions in the app. In addition, YouTube ranks videos according to which ones receive the highest engagement terms searched for and the relevancy of a post's title description, as well as the content.

If you frequently post videos on your channel of preference, viewers are in a position to know more about you as well as your actions. The addition of new content offers viewers new avenues to discover you, and gives existing fans additional reasons to come to your channel. Additionally, you'll be able to access an immense library of data that your followers can like, comment on, and tweet, leading to increased engagement and a greater popularity of your site.

"The first thirty days when the program began, there was an overwhelming amount of people taking part," they explain. "People thought, 'Wow!' awesome, how you're doing it every day. I'd like to know how far you can go.' We were able to get the YouTube algorithm working for us since we had been posting quite a lot, and that helped us take the correct direction."

"We made it the daily routine for them. It was easy to get them up, have their morning coffee, then go to the television and go to the television and watch Tiny Shiny Home."

They are now releasing short clips each day, and longer documentary films every year. Their YouTube channel has witnessed an increase of 99K users , and one video had the milestone of 3 million hits.

Lissa Prudencio from Wealth for Women of Color noticed the opposite trend when she began to join TikTok. "I committed to posting at least 3 times each day on TikTok over the course of one month. This then transformed into several months. Then I saw a jump in traffic."

Social platforms are not able to just reward or penalize you for your posting schedule, what they pay attention to and note of can be improved by consistency.

If you're not seeing your goals of growth, consider increasing your frequency of posting. For the Longneckers posting video every week allowed them to perfect their skills and establish a reputation, but posting daily content took their channels to the next level. It's not a huge amount of time, but only a couple of minutes, then a regular post regularly could help increase the effectiveness of your algorithm. Your advantage.

Four ways to stay congru with your work

Are you looking to be more trustworthy in your firm? Here are some tips to help you deliver time after time and even during times of pressure.

Batching of content

batching is when you're working in similar ways, so you don't have shift between different activities every now and then. A lot of creators -as I'm throwing my hands up here -think that performing similar tasks during a period of time minimizes distractions and helps focus.

For instance, looking at an original YouTube video concept or writing a script recording, and creating thumbnails require various skills in order to be successful as well as the switching of these activities could reduce productivity . With a batching technique, one could take several hours looking for inspiration to create video for a variety of future tasks. Then, you'd spending creating video scripts, etc.

Em Connors utilizes content batching to limit excessive saturation. Em Connors uses Canva to create several weeks of Instagram content in advance in order to avoid being having to come up with fresh ideas in a hurry. It also allows Em to ensure that her image is consistent in look and feel.

If you're looking to try the art of batching content, take small steps. Make time for one or two hours to:

Posts on social media can be made.

Outline future blog posts

Search YouTube for videos that you can use to study

You can get plenty accomplished by sticking to the exact same objective within a short period of time.

The repurposing of content

Repurposing content means using work you've previously published to different channels or platforms.

Imagine that you've put together a huge blog article. There are a few ways you can repurpose an existing post:

Develop an Instagram and Facebook posts that promote each one of your primary areas.

Make use of the article as a script to an episode in a YouTube or podcast.

You can include a section of the content in order to create an electronic email.

Create shorts, reels, and TikTok videos based upon the fundamental ideas.

ideas for content repurposing

By using what you have, you'll assure that you're sending the same message across all platforms, and it will make it easier for you to work faster since it's not a complete start.

Veronica Green uses blog posts for making emails and videos, which means she doesn't have to invent a brand novel concept every time she interacts with her readers. YouTube videos can be transformed into images, quotes or social media carousels and short clips to create months of content with no extra effort.

If you want to try this out, begin with more material. Blog posts, longer newsletters by email, as well as YouTube videos can be great. Pull out your favorite videos and quotes to serve as a base for tweets to come and carousels. as well as captions.


Dara Sierra from Be Seen Consulting says, "[I wish I knewhow vital it was to schedule posts in chunks. Posting daily can be overwhelming and in the end, you may miss posting at the set timing. Scheduling has been helpful to in many ways!"

Scheduling tools let you disperse your content over many days to ensure that the content you publish is consistently no matter what's happening all over the globe.

Expectations realistically

In order to create consistently, it's crucial to define realistic goals. That means establishing a publication time frame that you are comfortable with as well as choosing the type of medium you like.

As for Khe Hy, as well as Veronica Green, sending an electronic newsletter every week is a great way to build relations with their readers. The Longneckers as well as Em Connor's daily publication was the most effective method.

The schedule you receive may differ dependent on which channel you're using also. The occupational Therapist Maria Lindbergh declares, "I've picked avenues that make me happy by writing two blog and newsletter entries each month. I also post daily on Instagram and posting every week on YouTube."

There aren't any set-in-stone rules for how frequently you write however you must try to select a schedule that is well-suited to your needs in order to stick with it long-term.

Selecting the right platform or channel is important.

There is no need to restrict yourself to digital platforms, also.

Designer of paper flowers Kritchaya TwitchsriGranati says "I committed to attend one networking event a week for a year and take a look at where it will lead me. I was surprised to me that I connected with other entrepreneurs and shared ideaswith them, and certain of them becoming customers and even friends. I'm now at a higher stage of making new friends make contact with me, introduce myself and discuss my company and has led me to open many possibilities I'd not even imagined existed."

Pressure to join a platform you're not enjoying is a consistency breaker. Choose instead to stick with items that are natural and satisfying for you.

It is possible to try it for by yourself

It can help determine whether you are passionate enough about something that you're willing to commit yourself to it. It can also increase the engagement of your followers as well as increase confidence in those who follow you. This is by you demonstrating your credibility in their online lives.

If you want to be more consistent, think about batching and repurposing your existing work. Plan content ahead so that you don't have to fret whenever events occur. Select a suitable schedule, and select the platform that is a source of motivation for you.

Let's look at a short experiment that you could try to see the effects of consistency on your own.

Pick a channel you'd want to expand and then establish a goal for posting and a certain time period. Example:

I'll be posting on Instagram daily for the next 30 days.

I will send me an email to my list of mailing addresses every Monday , for the next two months.

I'll upload new YouTube video every Wednesday and Tuesday for five weeks.

Make a note of the engagement and numbers before you begin to review for them at the conclusion. What have you learned? It is possible that you will be surprised by the things you've discovered.

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