Check out the newest Episode of the Podcast Pressing Matters for more details on our web developer's senior position. WordPress journey

Jul 1, 2023

We're amazed by WordPress as well as its WordPress community. The fact that we are a fully online retailer has allowed us to establish long-term relationships with the team who are behind Pressing Matters, a podcast specifically for WordPress entrepreneurs as well as designers.

The show is hosted by Jack McConnell and Iain Poulson, Pressing Matters focuses on speaking about the things that matter for members of the WordPress community. This includes recent product launches and plug-ins that work as well as security upgrades and various other. We love their approach of talking about these subjects with a casual style which is informative as well as easy to WordPress users of any level.

Take a look at our latest show in this episode. Jack and Iain talked to our Web Developer in Chief, Will Etling, about his WordPress experiences, what the user experience on WordPress is as it should be, his methods of deployment and development, and the process of creating custom blocks with ACF blocks. The program can be watched by clicking here.

The show can be viewed on the the Pressing Matters website at:

It's the 3rd installment of this series as the result of our partnership in collaboration with Pressing Matters. In the past few months talking about Pressing Matters on a variety of topics related to WordPress. Take a look at a couple of our previous episodes here:

Hannah Juley Hannah is an University of California Santa Barbara. Her background as a Marketing professional brought her to the role of Marketing Coordinator. Hannah is responsible for content as well as social media and the department's spending. When she's not at work, Hannah is usually on the beach playing volleyball, or looking through books.

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