Blended Learning - Everything You Need to be aware of in 2024

Jan 2, 2024

Blended learning can be fantastic for teachers and students alike, helping you scale your teaching efforts while improving results in learning.

In this article this article, we'll show you what blended learning is including some instances, as well as various blended learning strategies you can incorporate into your own practices.


What is blended learning?

Blended learning is an approach of teaching that blends classes in person, with supplemental e-learning, whether it's through online discussions and extrasynchronous or Asynchronous classes, or any other tasks that are project-based. Blended learning combines all the benefits of traditional education-the passion and energy of live classes, with the flexibility and accessibility of online learning.

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Through its long history in the past, the phrase "Blended learning" is employed to refer to 1. Combining delivery media, 2. Combining instructional methods, and 3. mixing in-person and online instruction, but nowadays, we typically use this term to describe a mix of in-person and online instruction.1

Even in the traditional classroom the use of blended learning has become more of the norm than an only. A study conducted by UK universities showed that 69% of them planned to introduce blended learning. In addition, 82% said they are witnessing a rise in need for blended learning. Also, in 2021 (during the outbreak) 60% of all US college students took at least one online course. It is predicted that online education will reach $257.7 billion dollars in 2027.

Though we may associate the surge in online learning with the spread of AIDS, universities and colleges have been promoting the use of online learning over time, particularly supplementary education in online forums and project. The process has been made easier by the edtech tools and online learning software like Blackboard and Canvas.

Canvas by Instructure

Access to online learning has grown so popular that in 2023, the University of California decided to shut down a gap in its program. It had so many classes available from online providers that students could get an online degree for way less money (they introduced a residency requirement).

It's not just used for high school or the K-12 level. It can be used for any type of learning available, be it corporate training or launching an online business blended learning can be used to blend the most effective of live learning (the engagement, the topic flexibility, and the discussion) with the best on-line learning (the accessibility ).

    Blended learning can refer to:


  • Activity-level blending: When one learning activity is in place online and in-person.        
  • Blending at the course level: when a course includes in-person and online materials.        
  • Blending on the level of a program: It happens throughout a programme of study but not within specific courses or activities.        

1. See the chapter 1 discussion in Curtis J. Bonk and Charles R. Graham, The Handbook of Blended Learning: Global Perspectives, Local Designs (John Wiley & Sons, 2005).

Here are some blended learning figures


  • 83% of university students prefer online learning as easier ( Erudera ).      
  • Eighty-two percent of all college and university students would like at the very least a portion part of their studies to be conducted online (and 41% want entirely online) ( UNESCO ).      
  • A study of fresh college students in 2022 found that 27% preferred blended learning and 29% favored completely online. A shift down from the pandemic number, however still notable ( New America ).      
  • There are 2.79 million U.S. post-secondary students doing their degrees on the internet ( NCES ).      
  • In the years 2019 and 2020 the pandemic triggered post-secondary online learning to jump between 37 percent to 74% .      

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Blended learning systems

Blended learning is only possible due to the growth of blended learning platforms as well as the requirements of technology to teach at-scale online. Systems for blended learning are constantly changing and evolving and incorporating new features all the time.

Like, for instance Mighty Co-Host(tm) can create course outlines using AI. This technology will continue to evolve and adjusting blended learning in line with technology evolves.

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Blended learning and hybrid Learning: What's the distinction?

The terms "blended learning" as well as "hybrid learning" are frequently employed to refer to the same thing. However, sometimes "hybrid" means a mixture of in-person and remote learners in the same class (sort similar to how we describe an event that is a hybrid event)--while blended learning predominately describes a mixture of both in-person and online learning for each learner.

Advantages in blended learning

There are numerous benefits of online learning, and the best way to describe these is that it gives you the greatest of both worlds! Because both in-person and online learning can be beneficial and benefits, blended learning allows students to get the value of each approach and mitigate the negatives.

It's that balance that is the ideal balance for blended learning. As an example, online learning is often isolating. However, blended learning allows you to connect with your fellow students occasionally to make friends!

A New America survey for blended education within community colleges revealed that the top reasons students liked blended learning was the possibility of setting an individualized schedule, the possibility to be a part of a group and a sense of a higher quality education, less commute time, and a motivation to leave the comfort of their homes.

Benefits of blended learning-associated with in-person learning


  • The flexibility of online learning allows learners learn from the comfort of their home as well as synchronous online learning that is able to be completed at the student's own convenience. This can make learning possible to those with commitments to keep in check (e.g. the parent who has a job currently ).    
  • Accessibility Learning through blended learning may be more suitable to different types of learning, allowing learners go at their own pace.      
  • Green: There is no need for classrooms (or heating/cooling or electricity). Online learning is sustainable and affordable.    
  • The ability to scale: Even blended learning provides the possibility of scaling. If, for instance, you were teaching 3 intro classes, you could group them to form a single discussion group.    
  • Easier than ever: Tech for online learning is always getting better and accessible.    

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The benefits of blended learning that are associated with a person-to-person experience


  • Energetic: If students struggle to pay attention online, live learning can help improve their attention span.      
  • Making connections: Students who meet in class can create significant friendships and networks.      
  • flexibility: In-class learning offers flexibility of another kind. The teacher can adapt the class discussion and the material they interact with the class.      

Blended learning example


  • A professor at college can add an obligatory virtual element to their curriculum, for example, engaging with students in a chat room and writing blog posts on the reading and working on an Asynchronous project for students.        
  • Walmart provides the The One Global Walmart Academy that offers live and virtual learning opportunities to its 2.3 million employees.      
  • Amazon has built classrooms inside their fulfillment centers to teach employees how to use skills, both relevant to the work they do in Amazon and those not. The centers offer upskilling opportunities to jobs that are in high demand.    
  • Numerous Executive MBA programs combine live and virtual training to help with the students' busy schedules-many have full-time jobs while they complete their MBAs.      
  • The U.S. Government's Federal Cyber Defense Skilling Academy helps to train federal workers through a combination of live and virtual training.      
  • HTML0 - The University of Phoenix is famous for its online courses, however students can also take in-person classes. It's an online degree that is blended.      

Blended E-learning

A different option for blended learning, and that's blended e-learning. Instead of mixing in-person with virtual learning, blended education incorporates components of Asynchronous andsynchronous learning in a virtual platform.

For instance it's possible to have an online course made possible via virtual Live chats, events and discussion forums in real-time. Or, you could teach a class live through a livestreaming function, but the recording is later accessible, as is an asynchronous discussion board.

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Similar to blended learning, blended e-learning brings a lot of benefits of an in-person classroom to online learning. It is possible to benefit from the enthusiasm of live-streamed sessions as well as the discussion and conversations that happen live, and your ability to respond to students' questions.

The difference is, the entire thing happens on a virtual platform. It gives you all the access and all the flexibility together.

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Blended Learning strategies

1. Consider a classroom that is flipped.

A common method of blended learning is known as a flipped classroom. In this model, students take part in lectures or readings at home, and then classroom time can focus on discussion or participation.

This can be tough to succeed within K-12 education however, it's possible (younger students often require parental support). The approach is employed often in higher education, and has a lot in common with the "tutorial" method of teaching that has existed for many centuries (it's the basis of the Oxbridge model). ).

2. Let the learning objectives guide

Blending learning should be guided by the factors that help you to get to your learning objectives most effectively. Although it may sound obvious, but you can use every advantage of live and online learning to meet various learning goals. A classroom that is flippable is an excellent example.

Big Purpose- New Image

3. Make sure you choose the right technology

The technology you select for facilitating blended learning is going to determine the effectiveness of the program. Obviously, whatever attributes you're searching for in a blended learning platform need to be robust and functional. The features should work well and make it easy for students to utilize and use.

Here are some tips:


  • Avoid complicated tech stacks. Look for options that allow you to incorporate the blended learning features you want while not mixing up and matching software-which creates more complications.      
  • Make contact with IT. If your school has an internal IT department check if they have current options.      
  • Think about interoperability-if you need to made sure that the blended learning technology you use is compatible with the existing learning and management tools.        

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4. Make the online count

One of the fastest methods for blended learning to go wrong is to put all the emphasis on live sessions, while making online participation mandatory. The online component of blended learning should not feel like an add-on or an afterthought. Be sure to make it count, and give real learning goals to participation online.

In particular, an optional discussion space is an ideal recipe for low participation. You can try incorporating 10 discussion reflections and 10 responses to others' reflections into your curriculum (e.g. worth 1% each for 20% of your final grade). If you put skin in the blended learning game it increases the chance that it will work well.

5. Don't replicate the traditional classroom online

Blended learning provides a endless array of possibilities for learning. Replicating the activities of a classroom in a virtual setting can seem like a waste of time.

For example, a lecture is fine.


  • But what about having students and teachers watch the same documentary while chatting virtually?        
  • or applying a concept to popular films?        
  • Or trying an online video game which matches the theme of your courses?        
  • Or building their own blog or website?        
  • or sharing on social media regarding the topics of your course?        

The sky's the limit. So be innovative when it comes to using the internet to create formats.

6. Do not create synchronous and Asynchronous the division

It's common to believe that classes should be synchronous and online should be non-synchronous, however it's not true. Online activities can be synchronous, through the utilization of live videos, chats or other. In-person interactions don't always have to be concurrent.

If you're trying decide whether to go with the synchronous and synchronous options for your leadership This chart will assist you in determining the kinds of learners each serves best:


If Yes...

If No...

Are your students self-directed and self-directed?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronous

Does your material ever change?

Try Synchronous

Try Asynchronous

Do students require live assistance and feedback?

Try Synchronous

Try Asynchronous

Do you have students who aren't able in joining through an online session due to their the way they learn or their lifestyle?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronous

Do the students have to work on ideas in groups, participate in discussions, or even work?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronizing

7. Orient the students

Instead of slapping students in blended learning classes instead, hold a class in the classroom (even at the computer lab, when you're able to access) to help them get started in the online aspect of your class. Make use of this time to show them how to log on for the platform that allows blended learning, how to utilize different tools, and perhaps even do an assignment together.

Familiarity with the platform increases the chances of students getting maximum benefit from the platform. Technical issues are among major obstacle for blended learning.

8. Read your data

Since blended learning comes on software platforms, you get an opportunity to interact with the data. The data you collect can provide an insight into the things that are working and not in your implementation of blended learning.

Make sure to check the information frequently.

Mighty Insights - analytics

9. Connect to a group of practice

Adapting blended learning of any form can be challenging for the first time. Find communities of practice in which you can share and learn from others who are using blended learning well.

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Blended platforms for learning


is a community and course platform which is equipped with powerful tools to host discussions, livestreaming or running live events as well as synchronous and asynchronous classes.

Deliver Online Courses - Livewell

A blended learning platform, it is a shining light in the field of brand-related and corporate learning, with possibilities for branding apps by using Mighty Pro. And for those running an online course or training business, it gives you everything you need for monetization-building packages, managing checkouts, and charging in 135 different currencies.

2. Moodle


Moodle can be described as an educational learning management system that comes with an array of choices for content along with a great set of engagement features for collaboration in learning, such as discussions forums, collaborations and messaging.

3. Canvas By Instructure

Canvas can be used as an educational center, which includes a robust LMS, effective engagement tools, solid mobile apps (better then Moodle) as well as Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) integration alongside an institution's system of IT.

4. Blackboard Learn

One of the more common institutions LMS options that has lots of assignments and grading features as well as a number of good collaboration tools (like the discussion board and live meeting features). It is simple to use for both administrators and students.


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Blended learning is an uphill task if it's your first time. But if done well, it can create fantastic learning opportunities and help you expand the quality of your teaching. I hope that this guide will get you excited about trying blended learning, and you are prepared to bring your online teaching to life!

If you want to experiment with Mighty's blended learning platform, test it for free for 14 days with no credit card is required.