Be proud of your achievements: Danica Larsen Receives the Q3 2023 Springie Award -

Dec 24, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that Danica Larsen has been named the winner of the 2023 Quarter 3 Springie Award! Danica is a Manager of Customer Success that has always demonstrated the embodiment of the's essential values of Find a Way, Make Change to comprehend and act in a timely manner, demonstrating her passion in the work she performs as well as her constant dedication to her colleagues.

Danica's contribution to the company can be seen in her numerous contribution to the organization. Danica has never strayed beyond the scope of her duties by helping colleagues, and is willing to offer assistance and share her experience. Her desire to understand is what has helped build relationships with colleagues which has led to positive and more co-operative workplace. In the event of an issue, Danica has a drive to take action promptly, taking determination and identifying ways to ensure that she is able to complete her projects. The Vice Director of People & Culture, Louise Cherry Barber has had a opportunity (virtually) to speak with Danica about her award-winning work along with her experience in the office .

Danica's dedication to her work and commitment to our company's policies have enabled her to become an integral member of our staff. The positive energy she displays as well as her capacity to support, and solve problems, can make a significant contribution to the lives of her fellow employees and in the overall health of .

We're extremely pleased to include Danica on our team. We would like to congratulate her for the well-deserved honor. Danica's passion for perfection and her exemplification of our values are the source of inspiration for every one of us.

Read on for an abbreviated version of the conversation with Danica:

Louise Cherry Barber: Danica You are one of the Springie Award Winner for our third quarter of 2023! What is what is the significance behind you being selected to be given an award like the Springie Award here at ?

Danica LarsenIt is incredibly good and quite pleasant to realize that I have put a significant amount of myself -- my interesting character -- in my job. It was gratifying to realize that other people knew about this and was valued and acknowledged positively. This is not just due to having the amount that was something I'd be able to recognize, and as well other workplaces that I've worked in, but also due to my personal characteristics and things that I've accomplished that goes beyond the one digit. It was a pleasure to be acknowledged for who I am as an individual. It was truly touching.

Louise Cherry Barber: It's amazing and merited. A thing that I am interested in I'd love to speak with you to talk about your favorite experiences in relation to how you've received the news in particular what you've contributed to the program of benchmarking. This was well-respected by a few individuals. Can you give more information about this?

Danica LarsenYes I've put in an awful lot of work, which I'm extremely happy to have been recognized. I'm somewhat surprised to see that benchmarking has been among the aspects that has been highlighted because it's in the early days and there's a lot to be done. So, I'm glad everyone is taking an optimistic view of this. Since it's likely to bring tremendous value. I believe it's going provide many benefits not only to our organization, but also for our sellers and clients as well. And we'll help provide our clients with insights into how we can develop over time, and also what we're seeing will work for the future as an effective idea. The announcement in the first of what's known as the beta phase was thrilling, as it showed that others are seeing that value too.

Louise Cherry Barber: Recently, we updated our company values to: Be different by educating yourself and Act With Urgency. I'm curious about your thoughts on these values.

Danica Larsen Danica Larsen: The core of them is following what's right and being aware. It's about investigating, going in depth, making a decision quickly that is based on a well-informed decision. That's the way I am committed to this every single morning... Also taking into consideration the individuals who make up the Support Team as well as the Support Team which I'm talking about those who share the same belief as our clients and with our customers every single day. They're at the forefront of their field, seeking the best understanding and are able to execute swiftly as the best way to accomplish these things. For business reasons, no one can continue to work alongside us.

Louise Cherry Barber:What advice would you recommend to those on the other side? Would you like to follow your values that you've set? Are you able to offer suggestions on how to bring them into reality?

Danica Larsen It is my personal opinion that I only speak from my viewpoint. However, I believe that the primary thing is to become as knowledgeable as is possible. If you're working with a variety of account, including the corporate and the suppliers and all the people we're dealing with, knowing their needs as well as the real reason behind the necessity is the key to what we do as well as how we're expected to behave. That's "seeking understanding" and it's done without being attentive. The first thing I would suggest is: Listen to people.

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