Announcement: Updates to Digital Invoicing and Tax Exemptions for B2B Transactions in Japan -

Oct 5, 2023

When you're dealing with global sales, taxes are an essential part of your work. Many SaaS businesses, the ability to apply tax exemptions accurately across the globe is essential to accuracy when quoting as well as reporting on when taxes are due.

We're excited to announce our new improvements in our approach to tax exemptions with regard to electronic invoicing. We've also implemented changes to our approach to tax exemptions in Japan to comply with the new law that takes into effect on October 1st, 2023.

Image of the  checkout with an option to enter a tax exemption ID number.
Image of a  checkout that has an applied tax exempt number with a notification that the number has been applied.

Digital Invoicing Now Allows Tax Exemptions When Creating Quotes

This will not only simplify processes for those who needed to retroactively add the tax exemption to the invoice but also adds transparency regarding the price of prospects who receive an estimate. This can lead to an increase in the number of customers you can acquire.

Image of the  app with a quote creation page. Highlights on the fields for adding a zip/postal code that says

An example of the latest updates to's Digital Invoicing Quotes within the app.

This change also includes the requirement for zip or postal codes in both USA as well as Canada. We are now able to more accurately verify tax exemption numbers prior to the date that quotes are created. The changes are applicable to quotes that are created by the user in addition to quotes created by users' end-customers.

NOTE: If you would like to permit tax-free purchases to customers in the USA contact us to us at [email protected[email protected] .

Expanded Tax Assistance Exemptions on Orders From Japan

Tax Exemption

With the addition of improvements in Quotes, we've expanded the tax exempt feature to clients who have their products manufactured from Japan. Customers looking to expand their B2B choices with regard to this will be able to gain access to tax-free choices. B2B customers who input the correct JCT tax ID can get a tax rate of 0% rate. They can then declare taxes on their own in the reverse charge system of accounting.

Qualified Invoice System (QIS)

The latest Japanese invoicing system goes out October 1 2023!

What does this mean? Beginning on October 1, customers purchasing from non-registered QIS issuers will no longer have the ability to claim input JCT credits on any consumed tax. Credits can only be generated on purchases from authorized issuers such as . who have been officially registered as issuers with a qualifying status on or before October 1.

Get more details on Japan QIS here.

Braden Steel

Braden Steel Braden is the Senior Product Marketing Manager at . When he'sn't bringing brand new products to the market or writing novellas, he writes that focus on fantasy.

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