A LinkedIn expert shows us how you can break the rules to improve B2B marketing

Jan 14, 2024

4 B2B-specific marketing tips to outdo your competition

Haley suggests these ideas could make a big improvement in your marketing and earnings.

1. The rule 95-5

The field of branding, the 95-5 rule applies to 95% of market category buyers who don't have the time to make a purchase in addition to the 5 percent of people who want to purchase. The reason for this is that advertising typically reaches those who don't want to purchase today. To increase the interest in their goods marketers should make use of advertisements for their brand to attract buyers that don't exist today, to ensure that when they eventually do become available, they see you as an established brand that will meet their requirements.

"The most successful ads never go away. They remain. They stay in our brains for a long period of time and make memories that hold the power to influence our lives for years to come." Haley Pierce, Marketing Engagement Lead Haley Pierce, Marketing Engagement Lead B2B Institute at LinkedIn

2. Alertness to the changing environment

The way people recall brands is through brands more than others based on their circumstances in while looking for something new. In order to be remembered, your brand should be linked by association to key buying situations.
  It is important to take care when taking a look at situations. Make sure to connect your brand with as many relevant buying situations as is possible. This is not just to do with how people perceive your company, but how they imagine it.

"People remember great ads. However, the fascinating fact is that memories don't occur in isolation from situations because memories are intrinsically dependent on context." Haley Pierce, Marketing Engagement Lead at The B2B Institute at LinkedIn

3. The delusion of the product

Most B2B ads that we come across are attribute-based, and focus solely on emphasizing successful outcomes. This is referred to as product delusion, but it's not always successful. The best product may not be just one with the best features. The best product is the one that the buyer already knows.
  That's why marketing for brands is so important -- because the familiarity of a brand is a major selling point. Therefore, having a distinctive and memorable brand is half the battle.

"Because B2B buyers are risk uninterested, they prefer to go for the brand they are comfortable and trust with." Jann Martin Schwartz, Founder and Director of the B2B Institute at LinkedIn

4. Reach maximalism

It's much more effective to communicate with 1 million people in one go rather than reaching 500,000 simultaneously. If you're an B2B business, this strategy can be even more efficient as excessive advertisements can impact the impact of the advertisement.
  It is suggested to use the maximumist approach to marketing and be focused in reaching as broad a range of category potential buyers as you can.

Overturn rules of B2B rules to drive sales

Haley believes that facing the B2B marketing norm can help to improve the strategy for marketing to implement, and boost sales.
  The most important thing to keep in mind is to advertise your business to potential purchaser who is still to decide. So, when they're ready, it will be your company that they'd like to purchase from.

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