5 Examples of Sales Funnel Designs to Inspire You

Dec 1, 2022

Do you struggle to get emails from prospects so you can provide them with additional marketing material? Are you seeing customers you'd like to convert leave your cart but don't have the knowledge to follow-up? Are you finding your mailer impossible to manage and never end up getting back to your clients?

There's no need to worry It's common struggles for creators who don't have a background in sales. However, these issues can result in massive losses in sales. How do you turn the tide around is Proper sales funnels.

A sales funnel is a representation of all the stages your prospects undergo on their journey. It starts from when they first learn about the business until they buy your products or perform other actions they wish to take. A well-designed sales funnel can assist you convert significantly more prospects to customers.

Colin Longworth is the Founder of WooNinja.io and is an expert in building custom solutions and sales funnels. He's been an author for over 5 years and an Expert since. In this blog post, he discusses five high-converting sales funnels that you are able to use to increase the number of revenue for your business.

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What exactly are the sales funnels?

A funnel is the path that you want your customers to follow, to reach the desired goal or result.

The result could be the sale, a subscription, download, or just that you're decreasing the friction. It is important to move your customer from A to point B as quickly and as smoothly as possible. In the end, funnels can aid in improving your revenue to help you increase your revenue faster.

The battle against the myths about sales funnels

The term "sales funnel" can trigger fear and anxiety in many creators, but it doesn't have to. These are the five most common myths that Colin believes needs to be addressed prior to examining the details of funnels.

    Myth 1. Funnels cost money to design as well as operate and maintain.  

This isn't the case at all. Funnels can be implemented for free or for under $50. After they've been implemented, maintenance will take very little time because they run automatically!

    Myth 2: Funnels need complicated subscription software to work correctly.  

Expensive or complex software isn't necessary. It is possible to create great funnels using a simple software program that can be yours for free or for a small subscription fee.

    Myth 3: Without custom landing pages or games, my funnels won't work.  

There's no need to have very advanced custom landing pages in order for your funnels to function. Many of Colin's most effective conversion emails have only a brief paragraph. Some of his best landing pages are just one button and some simple words. So long as your content and timeframe of your communications are in line, the landing page is going to work!

    Myth 4: I need to employ someone to create my funnels.  

If you have access to Facebook or other software, it is possible to make your personal funnels. Colin will explain precisely how on this blog.

    Myth 5. Funnels require multiple steps and complex flow of users to work.  

It's not true. The complexity of a flow causes greater complexity and are often very challenging to resolve. An easier flow is well for the majority of business requirements.

Now that we've got the myths out of our way, we can start creating funnels.

Colin will introduce 5 sales funnels that are applicable and crucial to all businesses, but still run on autopilot. Colin will show how you can add them to your site.

The three platforms Colin utilizes in the example use are MailChimp, Typeform, and Zapier. These platforms are offered in the App Store.

5 sales funnel example

The initial step to send marketing content to your prospects is to collect their contact information. After they've accessed your website, they've shown some curiosity about your offerings and your services. You must take the necessary steps to convince them to become potential customers!

You've probably visited an online site and noticed an area that reads "Welcome! Sign up and get 15 percent off your first purchase." This is a great example of an Footer Opt-in. This funnel allows potential clients to sign up for your email list quickly and you can gather their information in order to send future marketing communications.

The implementation is straightforward and will take between 15 and 30 minutes. In the average, about 1-2 percent of visitors to your site are willing to opt in. If you can get their email, there's a great chance that you will nurture them until the point of purchasing the products you offer.

 Check out this video to watch Colin use the funnel step-by-step:  

 2. Contact us and follow-up

Each website should have an Contact Us page to make it easier for visitors to get in touch with the business. If you have a website, your customers may contact you with questions about the courses you offer or about pricing. If they are unable to contact you and their questions remain unanswered, the chances are they will leave and look for alternatives. Don't miss out on the sales!

A Contact Us follow-up funnel will enable you to contact students that make contact. It will be 15-30 minutes. In Colin's personal experience, 25% of those who visit these funnels take the next step, such as purchasing his items!

How this funnel works is that when a visitor comes to your website, and then fills in your Contact Us form, then Zapier will recognize this action and add the user to MailChimp. In MailChimp, you will configure an automation which will send a follow-up email with their queries.

A further benefit of this funnel is that it reduces support time as well as the manual work required to keep in touch with every student. The most efficient part of this funnel is FAQ follow-up. Colin recommends starting an FAQ section from day one when you start developing your website. If you were a brand beginner user. What do you want to know? Which questions do you think you would have?

 Check out Colin use this funnel in this video:

 3. Lead Onboarding/Abandonment

It's fairly common for prospects to sign-up but to not complete their purchase. The reason they abandon their cart could be the result of a distraction, an urgent task which has led them to your website, or concerns about their commitment. So how do you ensure they come back and purchase your course?

The solution is to build out an abandonment/lead onboarding funnel. Participants who have signed up but didn't purchase a course, will be encouraged to come back and complete the checkout process.

As with the previous funnel, an email will be immediately sent out to customers who never completed the purchase. Colin suggests sending them a brief reminder of the products that were left in the cart, or offering a slight discount to instantly boost your sales. This funnel is arguably the most crucial funnel among five described in this article.

Implementation can take anywhere from between 1 and 2 hours. when Colin utilized it for his own business it was able to achieve a 50 engagement rates and 13% of the people who engaged go on to complete the sale.

Watch the way Colin uses the funnel in this video:

 4. Student onboarding

The sales funnel doesn't end once your customers have purchased the products you sell, it is important to keep nurturing and build a strong relationship with them for subsequent purchases. A way to achieve this is to provide an effortless onboarding experience.

Some students might be brand unfamiliar with the platform, or to your courses and may require some assistance along the way. If onboarding for new students is smooth, they're more likely to come back for more courses and tell other people about the courses. If they experience a bad start, students might abandon the course and will be less likely to buy another.

The Student Onboarding funnel aims to create an onboarding process which is simple and helps your customers get started more quickly. Some common methods to help your students include send a course welcome email, and sequences of email that contain important information like how to log in to your site to access the dashboard and even ask questions in a discussion.

The procedure for implementation is identical to previous funnels which will require about two hours to construct. Colin saw up to 30% improvement in student retention for the company he runs.

Colin tends to educate students via groups or drip schedules. One of the easiest ways to make sure that your students are equipped with the tools they need for success is to send them a weekly email. Let them know what to expect in the week ahead and the best way to prepare. All of this, of course, can be automated and this is exactly the purpose of this funnel.

Another benefit of this funnel is that it can reduce the number of refunds. The majority of refunds come from people who have logged into their account but aren't sure where to begin and are overwhelmed. You can easily help onboard the customers you are helping and cut down on amount of refunds.

 In this video Colin will teach you how you can build an HTML0-based Student Onboarding Funnel:

 5. Request for automated review

The lives of online businesses are based on the reviews they get. The more favorable and highly rated a course has, the higher the likelihood that potential customers will perceive it to be credible. Therefore you want to make it easier for learners to leave a review and potentially give them a reward for their efforts.

The way this funnel operates is that when a person completes the course that the email with a course evaluation form will be sent automatically. After the course review has been completed then follow-up with an incentive for the actions, such as a credit towards their next purchase. Based on the score given by the users, you may be able to tag them as an advocate of your business.

The reason for the tag is to add them to a list within your email service. This particular group of customers are highly active and among is the ideal group to advertise to, receive feedback from and test programs.

The implementation process can take anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes, and 10percent of customers on average will be able to leave a feedback, according to Colin's own knowledge. The funnel can also be an opportunity that is not taken advantage of to market. If someone has completed a corporate finance class, they could be interested in taking your accounting course. If you've taught them your intro course, they could be interested in the advanced course that follows. Make sure you include a similar class to that your student has left an evaluation for.

 Find step-by-step instructions on how to build the funnel shown in this video:

Use TCommerce to simplify selling and manage payments

Colin's 5 sales funnels can help lead to higher conversion. In order to ensure that you're set up for success and can effectively manage the growth, TCommerce can support your requirements for payment.

Here are some essential characteristics of TCommerce:

  • Access robust, fully connected marketing tools made specifically for course designers like you.
  • Manage and accept payments from one convenient location with our integrated payment processor. Payments.
  • simplify bookkeeping with easy access to your Payouts orders, transactions, and Payouts reports.

Need more help with getting set up? Learn more about the Help Centre article.