#1 Mighty Networks Alternative
What is CreativeMindClass better than Mighty Networks?
It's a fair question and one we can't solve completely without bias. So rather than creating yet another tedious side-by-side comparison of features, let us share the most important features can only be found in CreativeMindClass.
Begin now and get started for free.
There isn't a credit card required.
9 distinct features that you can use in conjunction with CreativeMindClass
There's a wide range of shared features among CreativeMindClass and Mighty Networks, but CreativeMindClass stands out that has its own features too.
1. Unlimited COURSES
Build a sustainable online business course
You can have complete control over your classes and students with no programming. It is possible to host unlimited content and also develop communities, feedback, and even blogs.
Provide one class or an numerous other programs
Utilize the checkout process in just one simple step, accepting payments online (via Stripe) to sell your courses across the World.
countries payment methods
3. Homework Submissions for Submitting SUBMISSIONS
Give assignments and get these assignments on the Dashboard of your account
Students can upload their exercise file right after the lesson they just attended.
Comment on uploaded assignments
Build connections with your students, and then type in comments to improve learning and more engagement.
Make sure you have the homework documents Feedback to
5. Video Lessons and File UPLOADS
Video tutorials are available and provide a variety of formats of files available to downloading.
Upload texts, videos, images, audio PDFs, audio, as PDFs during the same lesson to allow the freedom to teach in any way you'd like to.
There are also flies that can be used for tasks for example AIs, PSDs and so on. JMBGRdtlwMPvXEFTbyWA
CreativeMindClass Platform can be described as among the most effective platforms to create online courses.
The platform is ready for use. Today.
It's simple to create an online site. All you need to do is to upload your content.
Homepage pre-built with upsells and Upsells
Sites for landing
Checkout page with one-click
Payments integrated
Create pages that can be converted using your branding
Design optimized landing pages for your classes that feature your bio, avatar as well as space's name for great branding.
Upload your site to the HTML0
Write blog posts to inspire people to return and encourage participation.
Communities inside CreativeMindClass is similar to having an appearance similar to the appearance of a "Facebook group" on your own website.
Make sure everything is organized
Drag and drop drag and drop and easily organise your content into classes. Create segments, lessons, and exercises and upload your files.
Get started
A web-based platform for hosting your video online, and also to create communities. Begin today and you'll be at free
There isn't a need for a credit card.
This article was shared by CreativeMindClass on CreativeMindClass
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